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ESPN's Ravech: Teixeira has "enormous attraction to the Orioles" Close to signing


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Scott Boras never ceases to amaze me. Fact is, the team that lands Tex will not have reports leaked like this; they will most likely not have reports of a signing being "close" until it is official. Boras is great at misdirecting the media and creating mass chaos at media outlets trying to get a grip on his negotiations. <b>The thing that confuses me, however, is why/how the hell does the Central Maine Sports Blog have ties to the Nationals organization?</b> :confused:

They used to be the Expos. And Montreal is not very far from central Maine.

Go O's!

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Yep..What if we aren't willing to give an opt out(if they are looking for it)....Does that kill the deal?

Depends on when it takes effect. Probably after 3 or 4 years, I'd go for it. But I would really hold out until the last minute on this one. No brainer on the no trade clause.

Seems like this would be more important to Boras than Tex though.

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Cause there the Maine source for your sporting needs... of course :laughlol:

Touche. I set my self up, I suppose. I like the picture of Tex holding up a Don Mattingly baseball card, haha. Really fitting to an article that states the race for his services are down to the Red Sox and Nationals. Also, the writer supposedly didn't even know that top 15 picks were protected and went as far thinking that the Nats would lose 2 first rounders.... that would be quite the hit to a franchise about to experience back to back 100 loss seasons....

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Um the Nationals probably have a better system then us.

I would argue that. They may have a better system top to bottom because our system is not very deep. The Orioles top 5 prospects are the best in the MLB. BA claimed so. They said they would not trade the O's top 5 for any other in baseball.

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My point being that we have one hole at 1b, and we will have one at dh after Huff is gone. Tex is still a hometown hero that will rejuvenate the franchise. If we had Anderson, it would make sense to have him at dh and Tex at 1b.

We have Scott as a decent DH and we need SP, it doesn't make sense to spend $200 mm + for one more player.

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