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Teixeira Watch: Part VII- Owner Says Sox Are Out


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I am starting to get that bad feeling I got the night reports were coming out about Vlad and they at first said the Mets, then they said he has agreed with a team and nobody knew who and the Orioles came out and said if he has agreed it wasn't with us. That was a tough night and I'm getting that same feeling unfortunately.

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What Belkast means is that Teixeira is going to be at the Ravens game this weekend and look for an announcement at halftime... :clap3:

What a second, that was last weekend.

If he does it this weekend, I seriously doubt he'll announce he signed with the Nats during the last game ever played at Texas Stadium. ;)

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Well,well, Belkast's last message would suggest a happy ending for you all...but I should point out that it has been learned that the Sox contingent is STILL in Texas.

Maybe they are going to the Ravens/Cowboys game too??? Maybe Theo will challenge MacPhail to a fight at the game...winner takes Tex? :eek:

By the way IF the Orioles sign Tex, I expect your Ravens will then lose so my Patriots can get the second wildcard spot? C'mon let's be FAIR!

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What Belkast means is that Teixeira is going to be at the Ravens game this weekend and look for an announcement at halftime... :clap3:

What a second, that was last weekend.

If he does it this weekend, I seriously doubt he'll announce he signed with the Nats during the last game ever played at Texas Stadium. ;)

How about Eagles/Redskins?

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Not at all, the Redskins have been in DC since what 1936? Comparing the Nats fan base to the Redskins fan base is like comparing an apple to an orange.

Yeah, but by your logic there's is still nobody from DC that lives there, so why would they like a team regardless of how long they've been around?

I'm not saying the Nats and Skins are comparable, I'm just arguing against saying that Nats will never have a good fan base because nobody that lives in DC is from the area.

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