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Teixeira watch part IX....The final stages?

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I'll be disappointed if we don't get Tex and I'll be mad at the team if Tex signs a reasonable deal with another team that we easily could have matched. It just seems very rash to give up completely based on not signing one play, especially when the team is finally make some good decisions in other areas.

You'll have no reason to be disappointed since the numbers in play have already passed "reasonable". ;)

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I'd rather a good chunk of that money go towards extending Markakis. In the short term we can definately afford it, but unless the payroll is going to skyrocket we're going to have some really tough decisions based soley on finances if our players develop. If they don't even w/Teix we aint gonna win.

Why can't we do both? Teixeira is going to take up a substantial percentage of the payroll that's true but he is worth it. IMO the key to the risk we're taking on Tex is the development of guys like Weiters, Arieta, Jones, Reimold et al. If they produce at the levels anticipated, we will be paying rock bottom rates for highly productive players for 4-6 years. What will it matter if we're "overspending on Teixeira if we under spending on all these others?

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Come on, man... don't give rep to a guy that says he's "giving up" on the team. That's not a fan. I can't stand Orioles "fans" who say that kind of stuff. No matter what, you stick with your team. That's being a true fan - doesn't mean you can't be ticked off at what your team does or doesn't do. But there you are, along for the ride no matter what. Anything less and you're a fairweather fan, IMO.

Thank god we have you around here to define fandom :rolleyes:

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I agree, my only issue with signing Teix is that unless the payroll is raised significantly to absorb the inflated contract he seems ready to get that the opportunity costs will be too great and will prevent us from doing what may necessary later on. Combined with the fact that when it comes to adding talent, 1b should be and is one of the easier positions to fill. As good as Teix is, it does make it tough to compete when other teams are able to get 85-90% of the production at 1b for about 1/3 - 1/4 of the price that Teix is going to get giving them resoruces to spread around to other positions of need.

This is true IF we don't develop players from our minor leagues. My point is that we're finally in a position to effectively spend on a player like Teixeira because we do have low cost options coming into play in upper levels of the minors. We don't have to spend big to replace Huff if Snyder can be a solid ML designated hitter. We have multiple options to replace Mora at 3B with Waring, Snyder, Rowell, Kolodny and Henson all making progress in the minors. If Snyder's not ready to hit a the ML level after this season, then Reimold should be ready to play LF and Scott/Freel can move to DH.

Developing low cost options in the minors allows us to acquire Teix without making it impossible to add another key part later. But, if these prospects don't pan out, it could be a problem.

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Why can't we do both? Teixeira is going to take up a substantial percentage of the payroll that's true but he is worth it. IMO the key to the risk we're taking on Tex is the development of guys like Weiters, Arieta, Jones, Reimold et al. If they produce at the levels anticipated, we will be paying rock bottom rates for highly productive players for 4-6 years. What will it matter if we're "overspending on Teixeira if we under spending on all these others?

It's fine if the total payroll is highe enough. We're at a huge disadvantage compared to our division mates and need to get the best bang for the buck as possible. Say it's 4 years from now and our players have developed and we have a strong core. Wieters, Jones, Arietta, and Markakis are going to be making a lot of money either through an extension or hefty arbitration figures... Can we handle all of that and Teix and have the resources to go out and add a FA or two who might be the final pieces? If the payroll has been jacked up to support it, great, we have no major issues. I'm just skeptical that we will be able to go high enough. It just seems unlikely that we can do that even if we increase attendance.

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I hope what Belkast reported during the Winter Meetings is true. That is, Tex has told Boras to give the O's the final chance to beat any offer.

Since it's PA that's calling the shots, I believe that bodes well for us.

I like this scenario the best. I give no creedence to what the ESPN's of the world say. The bottom line is they have no real idea what is going or what the numbers are. I just don't but it.

Tex's own words are playing for the Orioles would be "a dream come true." Those are the man's words. Not the words of an unnamed source who is supposedly close to the negotiations.

Anyway, it is my understanding that PA has had a man-crush on Tex since he was in high school, so PA calling the shots on this one might actually be a good thing.

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I like this scenario the best. I give no creedence to what the ESPN's of the world say. The bottom line is they have no real idea what is going or what the numbers are. I just don't but it.

Whether you are for or against backing up the Brinks truck for Teix, all of us should be thrilled with the way the negotiations have been handled. It really is wonderful to have a competent media approach instead of broadcasting our every move like we did in the Vlad negotiations.

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Dear Peter,

If you are serious about your 7/150 bid, then you are willing to throw between $42M and $63M down a rat hole just to have Tex on the team when it is ready to contend. So maybe you a willing to go a little farther.

Since pitching is the thing that is going to turn this team into a contender and the young starters are going to need a couple of years in the majors before they are good enough to get you past the AL East contenders, that means your 7/150M offer on the table says you are willing to paid for Tex while the starters develop. That is quite a commitment.

So now the Red Sox owner has made it clear that he is not going past 8 years. And he is not going to $25M per year. So his top bid looks to be in $180's. Meanwhile, the Angels may have to overpay to get Tex to go west, just like the Yankees had to do you get Sabathia come east. That means they have to go to $200M. I don't see that happening. They seem like they don't even want to go to $180M much less higher.

So, Peter, here is the logic. If you are willing to throw away $40M to $60M to have Tex on the team when the pitchers aren't ready to contend, why be afraid to paying Tex when he is 36 and 37? That is what years 8 and 9 are. He might not be at peak form but you have already agreed to pay for Tex under much worse conditions.

If you go 9 years at $22M per year that's $198M. That is enough where Boston and the Angels may not be willing to match it. The Nationals may but that is chance worth taking.

So I guess the question really is - Peter, was the 7/150 a serious offer? If it was then years 8 and 9 are worth offering. Its much less risky then paying a guy $21M a year when odds are the team will not contend.

Just thought I would ask.


Diehard O's Fan

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Whether you are for or against backing up the Brinks truck for Teix, all of us should be thrilled with the way the negotiations have been handled. It really is wonderful to have a competent media approach instead of broadcasting our every move like we did in the Vlad negotiations.

Agree 100%. The fact that there have been no leaks is very impressive.

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Whether you are for or against backing up the Brinks truck for Teix, all of us should be thrilled with the way the negotiations have been handled. It really is wonderful to have a competent media approach instead of broadcasting our every move like we did in the Vlad negotiations.

While I understand what you are saying, negotiations don't thrill me. Results do.

Whether that means we sign Tex or not, I think the jury is still out until/if we get some feedback on how the negotiations were handled.

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