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Evolving strategy re: free agent pitchers


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Wow, welcome!   A lot of good stuff to digest and discuss there.

Yep, a lot of us are alarmed because there were so many things that pointed to the team probably spending to bring in some quality major league pitching this year.   (When I say spend i mean either money or trading assets, and while the door is pretty much shut on the spending part, it is not YET shut on the trading part, though we hear very few rumors of any trade talks.

But the hitter heavy drafts, the specific claim that the wall would help us attract pitchers, the expectation that we would raise our payroll significantly, the fact that our major league team had more need for starting pitching than for relievers or position players at most positions -- ALL pointed to an expectation that we would spend to bring in quality pitching this year.   And so far we have done nothing but swap Lyles for Gibson, basically a lateral move at best.

It is a huge concern, IMO.   Elias bought a lot of good will with the fan base last year just because he put together an 83 win team that no on expected.   But that good will is dissipating rapidly when we see an offseason that, SO FAR, is very similar to the ones we have had in years when we had no illusions of contending.

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You put in dissertation form why I don't let this off season - or any under current ownership - get to me - too much. Been down this road too many times before. I just hope that the end result this year is not that we lose Elias & Co. If, what is going on is because the "rug" has been pulled out from under past promises to the operational team, we could be really experiencing a dark cold winter of discontent - on all fronts. Thanks for sharing and keep posting. Insight off valid experience is priceless.

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Some really outstanding thoughts ad insights in your first post. Welcome and sorry for the delay in getting you approved.

There is little doubt Elias has changed the culture within the organization and that old school was mostly discarded for new school ways and thoughts.

I think we all see what he's done to help facilitate that change in how the organization is viewed across baseball, at least from a baseball operations standpoint.

He's at a crossroads though and going into uncharted areas when it comes to taking that team from "on the cusp" to becoming a true contender going into a season. 

His start through the free agency portion has been less than stellar which can be read in the other threads. Elias has to show he and his staff can identify major league talent that's affordable within his budget, but also what make sense with the talent that is major, or nearly major league ready.

While Elias has shown the ability to move players up to AAA pretty quickly, outside of the superstar prospects, he has shown much faith in the players he brought up through the system and went with old school guys like Odor, Chirinos and Aguilar when it was clear to most everyone else they were no longer major league quality players over young players like Stowers, Vavra and probably a handful of better backup catcher options through the season.

It's going to be interesting to see how Elias continues to operate and whether he has some aces up his sleeve trade wise, but for now, the early results of when to identify that your team is a contender and how to augment that has been a fail for him.

Saying that, he's still got time to learn and improve, but no one should give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows what he's doing at this stage because he's never done this before. 

Some guys are great at rebuilding systems and others can take that next step and augment that talent by identifying and acquiring impact players that make the team a true contender.

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6 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

I think the wall and other efforts to make Baltimore more attractive are part of a long term strategy. I wouldnt expect it to pay off overnight. For what it's worth, those were the exact factors Gibson stated when they announced his signing so it is arguably working, albeit slowly.

To the best of my knowledge, the O's offer to Gibson was also the best one on the table (factoring in Canadian taxes), so hard to say if any other factors really mattered, or if that was just Gibson being polite at the press conference. If Gibson level pitchers looking to salvage something after a bad year are the only type the wall really attracts, then I'm not calling that a win.

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3 minutes ago, deward said:

To the best of my knowledge, the O's offer to Gibson was also the best one on the table (factoring in Canadian taxes), so hard to say if any other factors really mattered, or if that was just Gibson being polite at the press conference. If Gibson level pitchers looking to salvage something after a bad year are the only type the wall really attracts, then I'm not calling that a win.

As I said, it's a long term plan. Obviously it has not been fully successful yet. 

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1 hour ago, deward said:

To the best of my knowledge, the O's offer to Gibson was also the best one on the table (factoring in Canadian taxes), so hard to say if any other factors really mattered

Canadians pay more taxes than we do?  I guess that makes sense - 9 months of snow removal must cost a lot, eh?

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