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I really don't understand the argument...


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I believe he thinks it doesnt matter the Orioles arent winning anything because of the starting pitching. The rotation will wear down & then colapse like last year.... If they were going to call up Wieters after 9 games they shouldnt have sent him to the minors at all.

So you don't buy the service time argument?

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Actually, they would stink a hell of a lot worse if not for Zaun and his veteran game calling. Maybe you need to think about that! A rookie calling a game would be a disaster with this cruddy staff. I hate to even imagine it!:eek:


Well, at some point this year, you're going to SEE it. So get yourself prepared while you can.

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OK so we can agree to disagree. I dont see the rush! I think Zaun is doing fine with the staff. That fact that other than Guthrie our rotation is already self destructing. I see no reason to recall Wieters when he's hitting .200.

As of tonight, his average is at .261.

Small sample size and all, but a 2-5 night brings it from .222 to .261. All he needs is a big weekend and he could be batting .350 for when he is called up on Tuesday.

Would he be ready then, in five days?

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Actually, they would stink a hell of a lot worse if not for Zaun and his veteran game calling. Maybe you need to think about that! A rookie calling a game would be a disaster with this cruddy staff. I hate to even imagine it!:eek:

What have you seen from Zaun that indicates that he calls a game better than Matt Wieters?

Calling a game well is not a formula. It comes from experience working with the pitching staff.

There's only one way to get that experience.

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As of tonight, his average is at .261.

Small sample size and all, but a 2-5 night brings it from .222 to .261. All he needs is a big weekend and he could be batting .350 for when he is called up on Tuesday.

Would he be ready then, in five days?

I wouldnt call him up Tuesday ... But thats just my opinion. I'd be surprised if AM does either.

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I believe he thinks it doesnt matter the Orioles arent winning anything because of the starting pitching. The rotation will wear down & then colapse like last year.... If they were going to call up Wieters after 9 games they shouldnt have sent him to the minors at all.

That is a stupid thing to say.

He was sent down for contractual issues and everyone knows it.

Besides, Zaun is decent, but I would rather have him as our back-up instead of Moeller.

Then we could have someone calling a good game every game.

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Wieters is being held down for two reasons IMO. HE really does have things to work on in terms of his defense as a catcher; game calling and familiarity with the pitchers he wil be handling iin the near future, and the main reason, his super two status. Bergeson needed to work on a change to use against LH bats. In the ideal world they should stay down until they have made enough progress with these things that they will not hinder their success at the ML level. In Bergeson 's case the problem with Simon may speed up his time table.

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Depth, depth, depth.

If you bring up the young guys right now then who comes up when things go wrong? Injuries and setbacks are inevitable. Right now, when they occur we have these great young players ready to step up. In the past, we had Luis Hernandez and Chris Waters. Now we have Weiters, Bergesen, Reimold, et. al.

This is a good thing.

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Depth, depth, depth.

If you bring up the young guys right now then who comes up when things go wrong? Injuries and setbacks are inevitable. Right now, when they occur we have these great young players ready to step up. In the past, we had Luis Hernandez and Chris Waters. Now we have Weiters, Bergesen, Reimold, et. al.

This is a good thing.

Besides Wieters, we still have depth behind Bergesen and Reimold if they were to be called up, which is also an important factor.

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Depth, depth, depth.

If you bring up the young guys right now then who comes up when things go wrong? Injuries and setbacks are inevitable. Right now, when they occur we have these great young players ready to step up. In the past, we had Luis Hernandez and Chris Waters. Now we have Weiters, Bergesen, Reimold, et. al.

This is a good thing.

Wait, what?

What good is depth if you DON'T bring it up when it's needed?

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The last time I checked McPhail is getting paid to make these decisions. If he wanted Wieters in the majors he'd be here already.

I think life experience should have at least taught you that not everyone who is paid to do something is necessarily always making the right decision every time.

There are no real implications here, you are not compromising anything except the betterment of the ballclub. This team needs to break out of culture of losing, of tepidation and timid decisions.

Matt Wieters is the best C we have for all intents and purposes, and it makes no difference to his development, so he should be up here. We should put our best team forward if it doesn't hurt us.

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The arguments against brining up Wieters sound really dumb right now, in all due respect. Him learning how to call a game can only get better in one way, experience. Like some one posted above, there is no formula its all experience. Calling a game vs AAA has to be different then in MLB so he can only learn when he is up here. Also, when DT jokingly told him to learn the tendencies of every batter in the MLB, he came back the next week or whatever and told him he did. This kid is ready, bring him up now.

The argument that he is not hitting is dumb too. Do you not believe he can hit AAA pitching or MLB pitching? Is that a true concern? Do you not think he will hit better then Zaun's lifetime .250 average, .343 OBP, ane .728 OPS? He will shatter those numbers his first season.

Wieters is ready and should be called up on Tuesday. Anything else is a mistake IMO.

Bringing up a pitcher is different then Wieters. A pitcher needs to know how to manage his pitch count and throw strikes to be effective in the MLB. Cabrera had the tools to be a stud pitcher but he never got the time to learn how to harness it and throw strikes.

BB threw 33 walks in 168 IP last year (Split between Fred and BOW). That gives him 1.7 per 9. His WHIP was 1.155. These numbers indicate he is ready.

Bring them up!

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