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I really don't understand the argument...


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A couple weeks--even months--couldn't possibly make a lick of difference on a player's develoment. If Bergesen and Wieters (contractual issues aside) are ready to play here in May and June, they are ready to play here now.

We're not talking Rowell or Erbe here, these guys are ready--we all know it, and they couldn't be worse than Simon/Zaun.

Is there really an argument for keeing them down now? They make us better now, they're not being rushed...I mean, you get to see the young guys play and almost assuredly will see better on-field results. It's have your cake and eat it too.

Just call them up.

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Totally agree...It is a poor argument IMO.

What is BB going to learn in 8 more MiL starts that he can't learn here?

If you are going to keep him down, then keep him down through 15-20 starts..Something that is actually significant..Otherwise, bring him up.

As for Wieters...Well, he needs to be up now.

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I agree to be honest. If someone disagrees I'd be glad to know why.

Only thing I could possibly understand is Wieters ability to call a game

Wieters is off to a slow start at AAA. I'd let him get success there 1st. What's the rush???? Zaun is doing good with the staff. We will win or lose with our sp's this year not Wieters.

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Wieters is off to a slow start at AAA. I'd let him get success there 1st. What's the rush???? Zaun is doing good with the staff. We will win or lose with our sp's this year not Wieters.

This Wieters is off to a slow start stuff is bs...Does he have to have a 1100 OPS to be called up?

He should be here...Outside of the super 2 stuff, there is no reason to leave him down there anymore..If you want to delay it a few days and have him open in Baltimore, fine..Not a big deal but whatever.

But outside of that, he needs to be here...He has been hitting better the last few games anyway, including hitting a homer tonight.

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Wieters is off to a slow start at AAA. I'd let him get success there 1st. What's the rush???? Zaun is doing good with the staff. We will win or lose with our sp's this year not Wieters.

It's not rushing that's the point...he's already heating up. Why should we keep him down a few weeks just to make his numbers look fancy? Posterity?

He's perfectly ready now and he helps us win. I'm looking for an above .500 season...if you're content just to wait til 2011 that's your perogative...I still have tangible W/L goals I want to acheive this season and having Wieters/Bergesen up here will better our chances of achievieng them and there is virtually zero probability of negatively effecting their develoment.

It's time. It's not rushing.

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This Wieters is off to a slow start stuff is bs...Does he have to have a 1100 OPS to be called up?

He should be here...Outside of the super 2 stuff, there is no reason to leave him down there anymore..If you want to delay it a few days and have him open in Baltimore, fine..Not a big deal but whatever.

But outside of that, he needs to be here...He has been hitting better the last few games anyway, including hitting a homer tonight.

OK so we can agree to disagree. I dont see the rush! I think Zaun is doing fine with the staff. That fact that other than Guthrie our rotation is already self destructing. I see no reason to recall Wieters when he's hitting .200.

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Well geez! If they are ready now and a few months don't make any difference then maybe we should have called them up last July. And if they were ready last July and a few months don't make any difference then maybe they should have started last season in the majors. And if they were ready last season on opening day, then maybe we should have called them up the September before. And if they were ready the September before ............................:confused::eek::laughlol:

Funny you say this because Bergesen was ready last August and likely so was Wieters.

There isn't much difference in calling him them up now vs. doing it last August as far as their readiness goes. Bergesen didn't suddenly improve due to ST and the two starts he's had at AAA.

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It's not rushing that's the point...he's already heating up. Why should we keep him down a few weeks just to make his numbers look fancy? Posterity?

He's perfectly ready now and he helps us win. I'm looking for an above .500 season...if you're content just to wait til 2011 that's your perogative...I still have tangible W/L goals I want to acheive this season and having Wieters/Bergesen up here will better our chances of achievieng them and there is virtually zero probability of negatively effecting their develoment.

It's time. It's not rushing.

Can he pitch???? Our lineup could be as good as the Rangers...Sadly our pitching is worse. Just wait until ou rotation wears out the pen. Wieters doesnt improve the rotation. So really lets be honest. Are we blaming Zaun???

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OK so we can agree to disagree. I dont see the rush! I think Zaun is doing fine with the staff. That fact that other than Guthrie our rotation is already self destructing. I see no reason to recall Wieters when he's hitting .200.

Good thing that Wieters isn't hitting 200 then!

And who cares if Zaun is doing a good job with the staff? He can still do good with them...in the place he belongs..the bench.

Wieters will learn more from Zaun than anything he will do in AAA.

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Can he pitch???? Our lineup could be as good as the Rangers...Sadly our pitching is worse. Just wait until ou rotation wears out the pen. Wieters doesnt improve the rotation. So really lets be honest. Are we blaming Zaun???

Wieters is better than Zaun and its not close..Better players make you a better team...Better teams tend to win more games.

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Funny you say this because Bergesen was ready last August and likely so was Wieters.

There isn't much difference in calling him them up now vs. doing it last August as far as their readiness goes. Bergesen didn't suddenly improve due to ST and the two starts he's had at AAA.

Yep....You gain the service time..Other than that, you really didn't gain much at all.

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Can he pitch???? Our lineup could be as good as the Rangers...Sadly our pitching is worse. Just wait until ou rotation wears out the pen. Wieters doesnt improve the rotation. So really lets be honest. Are we blaming Zaun???

Wieters improves the offense which helps the pitching and he also has a better arm than Zaun so the running game of opposing teams is neutralized more.

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Yep....You gain the service time..Other than that, you really didn't gain much at all.

And gaining service time for a pitcher is pretty useless considering you'll probably get their best years within the time you have them under control anyway. By the time they hit FA, you'll want to get rid of them for a younger, less expensive replacement.

Wieters, there was reason to keep him where he was. But Bergesen could have been pitching for the team instead of what they threw out there at the end of the season.

MacPhail's got to get rid of this "everybody has to go to AAA" mantra. We've just wasted two starts on Brad Bergesen's arm for nothing and burned out our bullpen in the process. When guys are ready, they need to be promoted.

Bergesen was more than ready in ST.

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Wieters is better than Zaun and its not close..Better players make you a better team...Better teams tend to win more games.

You seem to be making a really lame argument here far worse than any of yours I have ever seen in all reality! Zaun versus Wieters isn't going to do much, if anything to realistically improve this team this season. Zaun cannot hit like Wieters but his game calling is going to offset that. Granted, it won't hurt Wieters to start getting some experience but to say that he's going to have much of an impact when the starting pitching is at best 2/5's of an average major league quality staff is just beyond ludicrous!:eek:

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