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After Two Weeks of Pie...


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The only thing positive I see out of Pie is speed. And that is probably the least important skill set in baseball.

The fact that you see nothing redeeming or positive about Felix Pie has been made abundantly clear at this point. I'll be willing to agree with you if its July and he's doing the same things wrong. Until then, I'll leave it to you to get all worked up about it.

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That holds water only if you think that Pie and Markakis are the same. I don't think they're remotely comparable. Completely different approaches, skills. Everyone changes at different rates. Guys with much different balance in their tool/skill/ability sets certainly don't develop at the same rates.

No, no. I was thinking of someone much older.

Just say it man. It was me. I just love this Pie discussion as he is a living breathing proof that you beloved stats don't predict much of anything. He is a terrible major league player, despite all the stuff you love to preach that stats predict outcomes! Your eyes tell the tale in this case quite easily!

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Montanez is filler. He's nothing better than a 4th OF.

Why do you believe this? Didn't Luis Montanez win the triple crown in AA last year, batting .335, slugging .601, OBP .385, with 26 HR and 97 RBI in just 116 games and 451 AB? When they called him up to the O's, in his 112 AB, he hit .295 and slugged .445, not a bad major league debut. This year, at AAA, after 9 games he's hitting .447 and slugging .523, and OBP .523. It seems to me this guy has learned to hit.


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Why do you believe this? Didn't Luis Montanez win the triple crown in AA last year, batting .335, slugging .601, OBP .385, with 26 HR and 97 RBI in just 116 games and 451 AB? When they called him up to the O's, in his 112 AB, he hit .295 and slugged .445, not a bad major league debut. This year, at AAA, after 9 games he's hitting .447 and slugging .523, and OBP .523. It seems to me this guy has learned to hit.


Are you serious? He is 27, there is no way he could be more than a 4th OFer.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Are you serious? He is 27, there is no way he could be more than a 4th OFer.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Because Montanez is 27, you can't see him as a starter in the major leagues, despite his winning the triple crown at AA, raking the AAA pitching so far, and doing well in his major league debut? That's silly. Melvin Mora made his major league debut at age 27, and didn't really begin to hit well until he was 31. Some players develop later than others.


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LOL....The craziness continues.

Good to see you are still the same old JTrea.

You need to take your mancrush goggles off and actually look at what Pie is doing out there. He has looked horrible in the field all season even if we are only 13 games in. He also didn't look good in ST.

IIRC you were willing to let Pie last the whole season as long as he put up around a .700 OPS with stellar defense.

What if his defense and his hitting continue to be poor like they are now?

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Let me ask another question:

What exactly is the worst that can happen if this team DFA's Pie and Reimold is called up to take his place?

Can Reimold actually do worse at the plate and in the field than Pie is doing now? Will Pie actually outhit Reimold over the next 5 years?

I just don't see what we are losing here. We took a chance, and it failed. We tried Luis Hernandez at SS and that didn't work so we ended that experiment. Olson for Pie is a wash at this point.

Even if we lose Pie on waivers, we won't miss him.

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You need to take your mancrush goggles off and actually look at what Pie is doing out there. He has looked horrible in the field all season even if we are only 13 games in. He also didn't look good in ST.

IIRC you were willing to let Pie last the whole season as long as he put up around a .700 OPS with stellar defense.

What if his defense and his hitting continue to be poor like they are now?

First of all, I am not you...I understand that it takes time...I have more knowledge than you and a better understanding of how things need to work..I understand better where this team is and what they should be doing.

I also know that changing positions takes time...and that when you drastically change a players swing, it takes time.

You don't seem to get these things.

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I think he honestly peaked in 2007. Since 2007 even at the AAA level he hasn't been that great. Some prospects fizzle out, Larry Bigbie for example.

The point is, while Pie has been declining, Reimold and Montanez have been getting better, and Pie should not be blocking players that are earning their chance. Pie has less of a future with the Orioles than Reimold and Montanez IMO, even though they are both older. And this season should be about determining the future. Reimold and Montanez need to be up on this team getting ABs. Their future is now.

Okay, but do you really beleive that in three week stime is enough time? With Freel maybe going on the DL maybe Montanez can come up.

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What exactly is the worst that can happen if this team DFA's Pie and Reimold is called up to take his place?
Whats the worst that can happen if we keep Pie?

And we could lose Pie for nothing..you may think that is nothing but of course, you are wrong.

I just don't see what we are losing here. We took a chance, and it failed. We tried Luis Hernandez at SS and that didn't work so we ended that experiment. Olson for Pie is a wash at this point.

Comparing LH and Pie just shows your total lack of knowledge and total lack of understanding...That is everything in a nutshell..Just a horrendous argument on every level possible.

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First of all, I am not you...I understand that it takes time...I have more knowledge than you and a better understanding of how things need to work..I understand better where this team is and what they should be doing.

I also know that changing positions takes time...and that when you drastically change a players swing, it takes time.

You don't seem to get these things.

What would it take for you to pull the plug on Felix Pie? How bad does he have to be?

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