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Bryce Harper may be draft eligible in 2010

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I just read in an aritcle that Bryce Harper, high school phenom may drop out of HS this year and enroll in a GED program so he can join a junior college next year and be draft eligible for 2010 where he will be the consensus #1 overall pick, just as Strasburg is this year. I really wish we somehow could get this guy, but for the 1st time this upcoming year, we may not even be in the top 10 picks. Have any of you guys ever heard of such a thing though? Dropping out of HS to join a JuCo so the player can be drafted sooner?


The craziest of all this isnt that he may drop out to join JuCo to be drafted, the craziest part is where it says that he is right now as good as Griffey Jr. and A-Rod were when they were drafted out of HS at 18, but Harper is only 16...

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I read the article in Sports Illustrated yesterday on Bryce Harper. Sounds like an amazing baseball player who has never faced adversity in his "career" even playing against kids a lot older than him. You have to remember that Scott Boras will be representing him and is already looking to get a huge bonus for the kid. He was quoted in the article saying one of his dreams was to play in Yankees Stadium and wear the pinstripes. For that reason alone I hope he gets drafted by the Pirates.:rofl:

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I read the article in Sports Illustrated yesterday on Bryce Harper. Sounds like an amazing baseball player who has never faced adversity in his "career" even playing against kids a lot older than him. You have to remember that Scott Boras will be representing him and is already looking to get a huge bonus for the kid. He was quoted in the article saying one of his dreams was to play in Yankees Stadium and wear the pinstripes. For that reason alone I hope he gets drafted by the Pirates.:rofl:

haha that would be awesome! The Yankees wont get their paws on him until like 2016 or something unless whoever drafts him trades him........

If I read that correctly, he has hit the longest homerun at the DBacks park......yet hes a sophomore in HS......ridiculous!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From MLBTR...

Bryce Harper Enrolls In Junior College

By Mike Axisa [June 14 at 11:56am CST]

According to Matt Youmans of The Las Vegas Review-Journal, 16-yr old phenom Bryce Harper has enrolled at the College of Southern Nevada, and plans to attend classes this August. He will also get his GED this fall. Because CSN is a two-year institution, the move allows Harper to be eligible for the 2010 draft rather than waiting for 2011, when he would graduate high school.

Harper was introduced to the masses in a SI feature last month, and at the moment is the odds on favorite to go first overall in either the 2010 or 2011 drafts.

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Wouldnt it be amazing if we ended up drafting this kid #1 overall next year if we continue to slump....No matter what it looks as though we will be getting a pretty high draft pick for next year in what looks to be a stronger draft.....

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I have a feeling that if the Nats sign Strasburg, we may see Harper fall to #2. I've seen him listed as a catcher, but have read that he can pretty much play anywhere. And at such a young age with his athleticism, imagine if he learned to play a solid SS or 3B?

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