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Anyone else cheering for the O's to lose?


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And as a reporter for a Baltimore sports team, I would think you would be more familiar with the fickle nature of typical Baltimore sports fans. They support winners without a doubt but when things do south they can turn quite easily. Of course in the midst of a decade of losing I'm quite surprised that full scale riots haven't occurred yet....

I don't think it's true that Baltimore fans are especially fickle. I think that's not true. I think it's true around here, but "here" does not equal Baltimore...

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I don't think it's true that Baltimore fans are especially fickle. I think that's not true. I think it's true around here, but "here" does not equal Baltimore...

The city has lost multiple franchises in the past from different venues of sports. It took over a decade to get a NFL franchise to return to the city. It will never again host an NBA franchise. The town is one of the so-called "hot beds" for lacrosse yet lost its MLL franchise to DC. These are not the characteristics of "die hard" fans..........

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Hey, I understand that people may be less interested in coming to games or less interested in following the team as the losses pile up. But to actively root against your team for a draft pick? To see your team suffer one of the most brutally painful weeks in the history of the franchise, and to be HAPPY about it? It's absurd and inexcusable.

But its so much more then the past week that is getting to the fans. What about the decade of losing, the constant signing of declining and aging players, the inability to properly develop players, the revolving door at the managerial position, the disregard for the team's past glories? I could go on and on, but the point remains that at this current state of the franchise the team cannot expect anything more then BOO's at the current product.

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The city has lost multiple franchises in the past from different venues of sports. It took over a decade to get a NFL franchise to return to the city. It will never again host an NBA franchise. The town is one of the so-called "hot beds" for lacrosse yet lost its MLL franchise to DC. These are not the characteristics of "die hard" fans..........

You can't possibly hold the Colts leaving against Baltimore fans, and the MLL Bayhawks were promoted horribly.

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You can't possibly hold the Colts leaving against Baltimore fans, and the MLL Bayhawks were promoted horribly.

Do I blame the Colts leaving solely on the fans, no. Were they a part of them leaving, probably. I don't have first hand knowledge of the situation given that I was a few weeks shy of my 4th birthday, but attendance was down and the Colts were one of the worst teams in the league. That correlation fits my theory of the fickle nature of Baltimore sports fans. Does this mean that all Baltimore fans fit that theory, no but do most, most likely. As for the Bayhawks, I'm only a novice Lax fan and I knew plenty about them so they weren't promoted that horribly........

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Do I blame the Colts leaving solely on the fans, no. Were they a part of them leaving, probably. I don't have first hand knowledge of the situation ...but attendance was down and the Colts were one of the worst teams in the league. That correlation fits my theory of the fickle nature of Baltimore sports fans.

Man, that's nuts....

After 17 years of straight sellouts, the only direction attendance could move was down. As for the rest of it, spend about 15 minutes doing some google homework before you make claims that are entirely ridiculous. "The Colts moved due to fickle fans." I cannot believe that anybody even thought those words, must less actually said them...

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Man, that's nuts....

After 17 years of straight sellouts, the only direction attendance could move was down. As for the rest of it, spend about 15 minutes doing some google homework before you make claims that are entirely ridiculous. "The Colts moved due to fickle fans." I cannot believe that anybody even thought those words, must less actually said them...

Did you actually read my posts? Did I say that the fans made the Colts leave? The answer is NO! I merely stated that dwindling attendance played a factor. Was it as big of a factor as the inability to get a new stadium or the tremendous offer made by the city of Indianapolis, NO!. Don't pick and choose portions of posts as the theme of them.......

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Did you actually read my posts? Did I say that the fans made the Colts leave? The answer is NO! I merely stated that dwindling attendance played a factor. Was it as big of a factor as the inability to get a new stadium or the tremendous offer made by the city of Indianapolis, NO!. Don't pick and choose portions of posts as the theme of them.......

Yeah, I did read your posts, and you said that the lesson you took from the Colts was that losing the Colts is compatible with your fickle-fan theory... which is absolutely nuts. Not only is it wrong to attribute *anything* about the Baltimore Colts to fickle fans, it's hard to be more wrong about anything than that. Therefore, I suggested that you take a few minutes and educate yourself. Evidently, you'd rather argue and defend yourself instead. If those are your priorities, that's OK by me...

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Did you actually read my posts? Did I say that the fans made the Colts leave? The answer is NO! I merely stated that dwindling attendance played a factor. Was it as big of a factor as the inability to get a new stadium or the tremendous offer made by the city of Indianapolis, NO!. Don't pick and choose portions of posts as the theme of them.......

Dude, the biggest factor of the Colts leaving was Robert Irsay being a giant, giant d-bag. The fans never abandoned the Colts, they got pissed at him. And you also can't blame the Baltimore fans for the decade without getting a team, because that was all JKC and Taglibue.

As for the Bayhawks, it was marketed to lacrosse fans only. They had to build a fan base somehow, and getting lacrosse fans to go to lacrosse games wasn't that hard. It was the other people they failed miserably on. By the by, I worked every single game the Bayhawks played at Unitas.

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Yeah, I did read your posts, and you said that the lesson you took from the Colts was that losing the Colts is compatible with your fickle-fan theory... which is absolutely nuts. Not only is it wrong to attribute *anything* about the Baltimore Colts to fickle fans, it's hard to be more wrong about anything than that. Therefore, I suggested that you take a few minutes and educate yourself. Evidently, you'd rather argue and defend yourself instead. If those are your priorities, that's OK by me...

As someone born and raised in Baltimore sir, I am fully aware of the situation. All you are doing is making this about the Colts, which they are only a portion of the equation. You fail to try and argue against the Bullets leaving, or the Bayhawks, the Skipjacks, the CFL team, etc, etc....

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As someone born and raised in Baltimore sir, I am fully aware of the situation. All you are doing is making this about the Colts, which they are only a portion of the equation. You fail to try and argue against the Bullets leaving, or the Bayhawks, the Skipjacks, the CFL team, etc, etc....

Wait a second, don't bring the Stallions in to this. The owner of the Stallions left for no other reason than we got the Ravens. He made that perfectly clear. It was a pragmatic, and correct, decision, and there was absolutely no ill will there.

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I don't think it's true that Baltimore fans are especially fickle. I think that's not true. I think it's true around here, but "here" does not equal Baltimore...
Maybe you can then explain the steady decline in attendance which preceded the Nats arrival by seven years?
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Dude, the biggest factor of the Colts leaving was Robert Irsay being a giant, giant d-bag. The fans never abandoned the Colts, they got pissed at him. And you also can't blame the Baltimore fans for the decade without getting a team, because that was all JKC and Taglibue.

As for the Bayhawks, it was marketed to lacrosse fans only. They had to build a fan base somehow, and getting lacrosse fans to go to lacrosse games wasn't that hard. It was the other people they failed miserably on. By the by, I worked every single game the Bayhawks played at Unitas.

I didn't mean to say that Colts' fans abandoned supporting the team, I was pointing out the dwindling attendance which corresponded with the continued losing of the team. Yes I realize that Irsay was a dbag and a huge part of the problem. But I also realize that as a business man he had to do what was right in terms of profitability and moving to Indy allowed him to do that. Its similar to the model of the Brooklyn Dodgers moving to Los Angeles. Robert O'Malley had to do what was right from a business standpoint. Did it demoralize a city, yes but did it make the franchise more profitable, yes.

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Trax has an option for next year...If we decline that option, i don't think we can get a pick for him.

Actually we still could. However we would have to offer him arbitration which he would surely accept, thus making him under contract for next season. In arbitration he likely would get about the same money as his option anyway. So effectively you are correct.

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