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how embarrasing!!

The Azman

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I do trust he will make the right decisions and get rid of DT and all the coaching staff at the end of the year.

I have admitted many times on this board that I am not as smart as most of you regarding baseball, much less to think I am smarter then AM.

But I do know something about teamwork and leadership. And I think we just dont have it.

Are you in the locker room, are you watching practices? Do you have any real knowledge about this?

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Mickolio and Johnson would be moot points in regards to the discussion of bad bullpen management of the 6th inning. Please re-read your and my post.

As for my last statement in my post, you still don't use 7 guys to pitch 3.2 innings, period. You definitely don't need to use 4 pitchers to get through 7 innings, when your starter goes 5.1 with only 86 pitches thrown.

If you watched the whole game you'd know why there were 7 guys used to pitch 3.2 innings. You can argue Berken should have stayed but he's run into trouble in the 6th before and Hendrickson and Mickolio did their jobs in the 6th inning. There is nothing wrong with going to Hendrickson when he did, especially now that we have 2 extra arms in the pen. He was trying to salvage a game and his two most reliable arms of late, Mickolio and JJ, blew up. If Mickolio and JJ aren't horrible nobody says a peep about tonight's BP usage.

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30 games under .500 soon and you continue to make excuses for them?

How am I making excuses for them? There is no excuse. We can argue about them needing to be 20 gmaes under 500 - oooo big whoop.

Would being a 75 win team as opposed to a 65 win team make you feel that much better?

And you never answered my question. You are basing assumptions about this team's psyche and makeup with no inside knowledge or any real facts.

you're just a (justifiably so) angry fan looking for a quick scapegoat and easy fix. We have tried that for the better part of a decade - we need to take a LONG view in this situation.

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I do trust he will make the right decisions and get rid of DT and all the coaching staff at the end of the year.

I have admitted many times on this board that I am not as smart as most of you regarding baseball, much less to think I am smarter then AM.

But I do know something about teamwork and leadership. And I think we just dont have it.

How can you make this statement without actually being part of the team yourself?

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Your Phillies-fan pal is confusing a big-name slugger with having very talented players.

When the Orioles were good all the time, the reason was not that they always had a big-name slugger, it's because they had a very good team. Lots of teams have big-name sluggers, that doesn't mean they have any rings.

It remains to be seen whether Jones or Markakis are those impact players who will lead this team to the next level. I would agree with that Phils fan, we need that bona fide middle-of-the-order home run threat. It will help a good part of the order to get better pitches to hit. Adam Jones won't continue to try to hit 5 run homers by swinging at pitches 10 feet out of the strike zone. How we obtain that slugger is the big question though.

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Why was the 6th not an issue, because no runs were scored. There can be much more damage to a team even if no runs were scored. I have read the game track. You still don't use 7 bullpen arms to go 3.2 IP.

You seem surprisingly knee-jerk about this particular issue. Doesn't seem like your normal self. Saying "you don't use 7 guys to go 3.2 IP" is no more-or-less sensible than saying "you don't use 3 guys to get 3 measly outs in the 9th while giving up 7 runs in that one inning". The only reason it was 7 arms is because it took 3 guys to get 3 outs in the 9th. The fact that you word it the way you do makes it sound like you're twisting things to make it sound different than it really was.

You realize that DT's got a 15-man pitching staff to use, don't you? And you do realize that it was a high-leverage situation, don't you? Not saying that the decisions DT made were un-arguable. Of course they are arguable. But you're acting like there is no valid point of view here, and I don't see how you can jump all over it like that. He had the arms, it was a high-leverage situation, and he used arms to deal with it. The problem wasn't the 6th, the problem was that Mickolio couldn't get anybody out in the 7th and JJ couldn't get anybody out in the 9th.

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Those things mean nothing when the results are this bad.

When have you ever seen our team bow down to the East like this year? This has NEVER happened.

Coincidence? No way. No leadership.

So it has nothing to do with the fact that these teams have been built through a lot of money, massive free agent signings and these offenses have almost no holes whatsoever.

What part of fantasyland do you reside in? Because I am looking for a house.

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So it has nothing to do with the fact that these teams have been built through a lot of money, massive free agent signings and these offenses have almost no holes whatsoever.

What part of fantasyland do you reside in? Because I am looking for a house.

Wow. Has that not been the case in the last 10 years? Why were we able to compete head to head during those times?

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If you watched the whole game you'd know why there was 7 guys used to pitch 3.2 innings. You can argue Berken should have stayed but he's run into trouble in the 6th before and Hendrickson and Mickolio did their jobs in the 6th inning. There is nothing wrong with going to Hendrickson when he did, especially now that we have 2 extra arms in the pen. He was trying to salvage a game and his two most reliable arms of late, Mickolio and JJ, blew up. If Mickolio and JJ aren't horrible nobody says a peep about tonight's BP usage.

I read the full story on here and plenty of other places. Johnson didn't record an out, take him out of the picture. Say Mickolio doesn't even start the 7th. There are still 6 pitchers used to go 3.2 IP. Sure, if Mickolio pitches better in the 7th, that may change things, but I would doubt it, since he went to his other lefty. And since you are speaking of big "if's", then if Guthrie had pitched better for the whole year, then he might be up for the Cy Young.

There are many more places for bad bullpen management, if there are more arms out there:

1) Hendrickson can go more than 0.1 IP

2) Sarfate is just back off the DL, no need to have him go back to back games yet, especially with additional people in the pen.

Bad choices at the wrong time is the manager's fault. Yes, the guys in the bullpen have to perform. However, it is the manager's job to put them in the best possible situation in order for them to succeed. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

I would have to look it up, but how many times has Berken given up two HR's to one guy in the same game? I would think it would be very low, if not zero, so just because Hinske is coming up again, doesn't mean anything. Which means he could have stayed in longer. Even if you go to Hendrickson, he could have gone an inning +.

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Do you not see the results?

So if you're a teacher and you have a kid failing constantly he isn't trying?

You don;t see him study at home until midnight. You don't know he goes to tutors outside of your watchful gaze.

He just keeps failing your test - and seeing how in your mind bad results = not trying, the kid is a lazy failure?

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