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Knott DFA'd?


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Bad idea to DFA Knott, but he's been lousy this year and doesn't deserve the same level of scrutiny that the FO's handling of Cust received. The guy was hitting near the Mendoza line most of the year in the MINORS, has only 13 bombs for a so-called power hitter... but this Santos guy, at age 31, doesn't offer much promise at all.

False. He had an .807 OPS. His slugging percentage was higher in AAA than most of our "stars" here in Baltimore. His 13 bombs in AAA came in only 288 at-bats. He was on the AAA-Baltimore train several times. When he was with Baltimore he hardly played and thus needed to get his timing down upon his return to AAA. How many Orioles have had 13 bombs in 288 ABs here. Heck our leading HR hitter has 17. He WOULD help this team if given regular at-bats.

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False. He had an .807 OPS. His slugging percentage was higher in AAA than most of our "stars" here in Baltimore. His 13 bombs in AAA came in only 288 at-bats. He was on the AAA-Baltimore train several times. When he was with Baltimore he hardly played and thus needed to get his timing down upon his return to AAA. How many Orioles have had 13 bombs in 288 ABs here. Heck our leading HR hitter has 17. He WOULD help this team if given regular at-bats.

I didn't mean to insinuate he shouldn't have been given a chance, but I think his potential impact is greatly overstated. That's all. But I certainly agree that a move like this is typical of the Orioles and so far I'm very, very disappoined in McPhail's judgement.

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I didn't mean to insinuate he shouldn't have been given a chance, but I think his potential impact is greatly overstated. That's all. But I certainly agree that a move like this is typical of the Orioles and so far I'm very, very disappoined in McPhail's judgement.

Yeah, I know. I don't think he is a savior either. But in this lost September he should be given a chance. If he sucks, discard him in the off-season. Torress and Stern and for that matter Majewski all should have gone before him.

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Oliver Perez & Aramis Ramirez are two that come to mind. They were acquired via trade, but they were basically given away unless you think Xavier Nady and Jose Hernandez are fair value for them.

I'll say it again: There's not a lot of former Pirates out there producing. This helps make my point.

Aramis Ramirez was already a great player when he left the team. Oliver Perez was highly touted as well.

Tike Redman, JR House and Victor Santos? Come on..

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I know we are in extremely frustrating times these days, but the "logic" of these arguments some days can make you nuts...

Here is all you need to know...

1. PAUL BAKO is still on the 40 man, as the 35 yr old FOURTH catcher.

2. Knott was hurt in April and May. I don't know how many of you have ever had real back pain, but I have, and you ain't swinging a bat or golf club too well...

3. Knott's back problems through the first couple months would have hurt him anywhere...beyond that, the Orioles screwed the pooch.

April .164/.656

May .184/.690

June .268/.850

July .319/.897

Aug .274/.832

Sept .375/1.319

And #4. PAUL BAKO is still on the 40 man, as the 35 yr old FOURTH catcher.

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You know what I mean ;) ... and a 16% caught stealing....

Yeah, but that's because the pitchers do such a terrible job of holding runners or getting the ball to the plate in a timely fashion. Unless it's JR House behind the plate. Then it's because House just has a bad arm and slow release.

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False. He had an .807 OPS. His slugging percentage was higher in AAA than most of our "stars" here in Baltimore. His 13 bombs in AAA came in only 288 at-bats. He was on the AAA-Baltimore train several times. When he was with Baltimore he hardly played and thus needed to get his timing down upon his return to AAA. How many Orioles have had 13 bombs in 288 ABs here. Heck our leading HR hitter has 17. He WOULD help this team if given regular at-bats.

And what would our "stars" slugging percentage be if they were facing the same AAA pitching Knott is. So Knott's 13 bombs equal 13 bombs at the major league level?

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I know we are in extremely frustrating times these days, but the "logic" of these arguments some days can make you nuts...

Here is all you need to know...

1. PAUL BAKO is still on the 40 man, as the 35 yr old FOURTH catcher.

2. Knott was hurt in April and May. I don't know how many of you have ever had real back pain, but I have, and you ain't swinging a bat or golf club too well...

3. Knott's back problems through the first couple months would have hurt him anywhere...beyond that, the Orioles screwed the pooch.

April .164/.656

May .184/.690

June .268/.850

July .319/.897

Aug .274/.832

Sept .375/1.319

And #4. PAUL BAKO is still on the 40 man, as the 35 yr old FOURTH catcher.

If Paul Bako is back here next year I will personally give you $500 to give to a charity of your choice. Paul Bako isn't blocking anyone from being here who the team thinks should be here. A months worth of games isn't going to make House or Knott a better player-they are who they are. Bako has started 1 game in 2 weeks.

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If Paul Bako is back here next year I will personally give you $500 to give to a charity of your choice. Paul Bako isn't blocking anyone from being here who the team thinks should be here. A months worth of games isn't going to make House or Knott a better player-they are who they are. Bako has started 1 game in 2 weeks.

You are arguning MY POINT! WHY is he here??? Why is he here now?

2 questions for you to answer:

1. Should Bako be on the 40 man over Knott?

2. Should Bako be on the 40 man over Jimenez?

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If Paul Bako is back here next year I will personally give you $500 to give to a charity of your choice. Paul Bako isn't blocking anyone from being here who the team thinks should be here. A months worth of games isn't going to make House or Knott a better player-they are who they are. Bako has started 1 game in 2 weeks.

Dude - I'd be careful with making any bets regarding a team with such poor management. They knew what they were getting when they brought him in in the first place, what makes you think they might cut ties in the off-season?? Bako didn't exactly 'disappoint' from an expectations standpoint..

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And what would our "stars" slugging percentage be if they were facing the same AAA pitching Knott is. So Knott's 13 bombs equal 13 bombs at the major league level?

After Nick Markakis the O's outfielders have hit eight homers (Patterson), five (Payton), six (Gibbons), and no one else has more than two. I'd be willing to bet that if you'd put Gibbons, Patterson, Payton, Bynum, and Tike Redman in Norfolk's pitcher's haven and gave them 288 at bats not a one of them would have hit 13 homers.

In fact, ol' Tike had 296 at bats in Norfolk this year and knocked a grand total of two balls out of the park. That's one fewer than Sebastien Boucher had at the Tides game I saw a few weeks ago.

No one is saying Jon Knott is a savior. We're just saying that he's a better hitter than any Oriole outfielder who hasn't played on the Greek Olympic baseball team.

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