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Adam Jones wins Gold Glove


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I do have my answer. However, for the sake of fairness I would love to hear why people are complaining about an Oriole winning an award?

This makes no sense.


So, we should tell you why we think that it's important that the GG go to people who are deserving, so that you can disregard those points and chalk it up to an as-yet-unspoken allegation of community racism?

My answer? Awards are great, but they only have value if they're meritocratic. If they're arbitrary, or handed-out along the lines of some kind of favoritism, or whatever, then they really don't say much. If someone wins a scratch-and-win, I don't say, "Congrats, you've earned it." And if someone gets a job from his father, I don't say, "Well done."

Of course, even corrupted, the awards retain their financial value, as bargaining chips, which makes them a kind of false currency, as well. But that's a minor quibble.

I'd prefer that awards be given to the folks who've earned them. Which means that, on the O's this year, the only person who should have been in the discussion was Izturis. (Pie was great, but he's not a full-time player.)

I'm happy for Adam, personally. But if he doesn't solve the problem of playing too shallow and/or going back on balls, then the Orioles are going to have to either move him, or suffer runs given up. This is the greatest O's defensive CF on Jones this year:

Question: What are your thoughts on Adam Jones?: "He's got to play hitters better. Too many balls are being hit over his head. If a ball is hit and it stays in the park, it needs to be caught."

So, my guess would be, asked about the GG and Adam Jones, Paul Blair, like the rest of us, would say: congratulations, Adam. But you have a lot to work on.

Do you think Blair would say the criticisms are suddenly invalid? A Gold Glove doesn't save us runs. And thus Jones still has a ton of improving to do.

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I can't believe all the friggin whining here. People here whined when Sherrill was selected to the All Star team last year, and yet he was a major contributor to the AL victory. AJ was selected this year, deserving or not, and had a very good at bat and an important sac fly. Now, somehow, a bunch of people voted for him the Gold Glove, deserving or not. Was it just a pity award for the team with the third worse record in the AL?

IMO, O's fans should be happy when any of their players get an award or doing something positive.

My only hope/and or concern, is that as an All Star and a Gold Glover at such a young age, that it doesn't go to his head and he still works on improving his game and becomes a team leader. He can be a great role model for those coming up. This team needs some players to be recognized as good and not just a team that fills the division for the Yanks and Sox.

So, congrats to him and the O's for getting him in the first place.

Honestly, the only people whining in this thread are people who post things like this.

Some of us calmly presented a pretty black and white (Ooooh, how nefarious!) argument for why Adam Jones was not even close to deserving this award, but shrugged it off saying, "meh, the award is kind of a joke anyway."

Then come the masses screaming WHY IS EVERYONE COMPLAINING AND WHINING :drek:

Hey, can we just be happy that an Oriole finally received some kind of universal recognition for even existing? Seriously, between the lack of coverage on ESPN, the fact that our entire team is full of underrated guys who produce quietly, and the laziness with which national reporters and sportswriters cover our beloved team (that is to say, without doing a shred of homework), I think it speaks volumes that someone is finally getting recognized.

Yes, Jones' defense took a nosedive in '09. Yes, it probably should have been Markakis. But there's plenty of time for our guys to earn awards and if we can get one for one of our guys before they've even really earned it, then I'll freakin' take it because god knows some of the O's players deserve a hell of a lot more credit than they usually get.

I say just be happy and believe me, if this "report" is true, Jones isn't the first guy to get a gold glove without truly earning it. We should see this as just due recognition to the rebuilding effort in Baltimore, and nothing more.

Uhh what? Is there some unwritten rule that if the award isn't mistakenly given to one Oriole it should be mistakenly given to another?

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So, we should tell you why we think that it's important that the GG go to people who are deserving, so that you can disregard those points and chalk it up to an as-yet-unspoken allegation of community racism?

My answer? Awards are great, but they only have value if they're meritocratic. If they're arbitrary, or handed-out along the lines of some kind of favoritism, or whatever, then they really don't say much. If someone wins a scratch-and-win, I don't say, "Congrats, you've earned it." And if someone gets a job from his father, I don't say, "Well done."

Of course, even corrupted, the awards retain their financial value, as bargaining chips, which makes them a kind of false currency, as well. But that's a minor quibble.

I'd prefer that awards be given to the folks who've earned them. Which means that, on the O's this year, the only person who should have been in the discussion was Izturis. (Pie was great, but he's not a full-time player.)

I'm happy for Adam, personally. But if he doesn't solve the problem of playing too shallow and/or going back on balls, then the Orioles are going to have to either move him, or suffer runs given up. This is the greatest O's defensive CF on Jones this year:

So, my guess would be, asked about the GG and Adam Jones, Paul Blair, like the rest of us, would say: congratulations, Adam. But you have a lot to work on.

Do you think Blair would say the criticisms are suddenly invalid? A Gold Glove doesn't save us runs. And thus Jones still has a ton of improving to do.

Gold Glove awards are a joke anyway. They were before Jones and they will be after him. The award really is only used as a way to measure the respect the league managers and players have for a given player. I am sure there were years that players got the award on reputation like they do with the All Star game. We can sit her and debate the merits of the award, the All Star Game, and various league MVP awards, but what's the point?

It is funny how we can be so easily swayed by Jones fielding ability by comparing him to Felix Pie. You can look at numbers tied to just catching a baseball all you want, but they do not tell the whole story. It got to a point where people just stopped running on Markakis and Jones and that says something.

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Honestly, the only people whining in this thread are people who post things like this.

Some of us calmly presented a pretty black and white (Ooooh, how nefarious!) argument for why Adam Jones was not even close to deserving this award, but shrugged it off saying, "meh, the award is kind of a joke anyway."

Then come the masses screaming WHY IS EVERYONE COMPLAINING AND WHINING :drek:

Uhh what? Is there some unwritten rule that if the award isn't mistakenly given to one Oriole it should be mistakenly given to another?

People that live in a black and white world are seldom happy. So, "calmly" critique all you want in this very grey world. You will always have plenty to whine about, I mean critique about calmly.

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People that live in a black and white world are seldom happy. So, "calmly" critique all you want in this very grey world. You will always have plenty to whine about, I mean critique about calmly.

No one here is living in a black and white world. That doesn't mean that the issue of whether Jones deserves/d a Gold Glove isn't black and white.

For instance, is it not black and white that Albert Pujols is a better hitter than Cesar Izturis? Of course. Even among 1B, it's clear (black and white) that Pujols is better than Aubrey Huff.

Your *****ing and mewling is pretty remarkable, when all anyone did was objectively assess what Jones still needs to do to be an elite defender.

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