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Lugo Traded to O's


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I don't want people to think I'm a monster. And I don't want to hijack this thread so this is the LAST I say on it...

If someone is found Guilty of an offense, that follows them for the rest of their life. Shouldn't a Not Guilty verdict have the same legal weight?


Exactly. Look at OJ.:rolleyestf::rolleyestf::rolleyestf:
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I definitely don't condone domestic violence, or any kind of violence, but yes, that kind of stuff gets made up all the time, and sometimes innocent people suffer as a result.

Oh come on. It is one of the most under reported crimes around and a lot of victims (not just women, by the way) "recant" for many reasons including fear of retribution and because of long term denigration by the abuser, believing that they deserve it or caused the attack(s). Some other reasons are for the children (wrong-headed I know) or just not knowing how to stop the abuse or how to get out of the abusive situation. The most dangerous time for someone is when they try to leave and that is when innocent people get killed. As to your and apparently Stotle's point that there are incidents where people make-up crimes - sure there are. But, there are many more incidents that are not reported, and the tragic consequences have horrible repercussions throughout our Society.

Lugo's wife by the accounts, didn't speak English (at least poorly) and most likely, was isolated from her family, friends etal (another big controlling mechanism that abusers employ). Lugo also had all the financial control as well. Just because someone is found legally not guilty, does not mean that person did not commit the act. Some comments that I have read, appear to me, the "blame the victim" mantra - and this is just not right.

I have no idea if Lugo "straightened up" or not. The odds don't favor this, since most abusers continue to abuse and many times the victims don't report the abuse and cover for the abuser for years and even decades. Children of abusers often grow up to be abusers themselves - thus perpetuating a vicious cycle.

That said, sure, if he hasn't done this again or other types of abuse, then, that is great and I would like to believe that this is the case. I also believe in second chances, however, I think that the burden is on the abuser to show that they have reformed. And, it wasn't like he was a real young man (I believe he was 28 yrs old) and actions do and should have consequences.

One of the consequences for Lugo is that people like me, have doubts about his character. I have seen first hand what mental and physical abuse does to victims and their families and believe me it isn't pretty. I haven't seen any remorse or apology from Lugo for this incident. Perhaps I missed it and if anyone has any evidence of this, than I would be happy to "recant" my disdain for this trade.

Whatever, I stand by my opinion that this trade should never have been made for this reason alone, especially since the Orioles have placed so much emphasis on character.

Finally, I hate how the Orioles state the reason why Moeller lost out as back-up catcher (a stand up guy by all accounts) was that the Orioles needed the better arm behind the plate (you know for the few starts that Wieters won't be catching) while trading for Lugo who is beyond horrible defensively at SS and 2B. Pretty hypocritical to me. BTW, to be clear, I am not saying anything bad about Tatum - it is the Orioles management that I am excoriating. Also, my post is not an indictment against you or Stotle. I just can't take the

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Just because she said she exaggerated it doesn't mean she did. Domestic violence isn't just physical, it's psychological. And even if she did exaggerate at first, he did assault her and she did have to go hospital to have her injuries taken care of.

I'm willing to overlook a lot of things about professional athletes. I don't think they should be role models. But people who assault other people that aren't physically capable of defending themselves is something I have a lot of trouble with.

We agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!


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I don't want people to think I'm a monster. And I don't want to hijack this thread so this is the LAST I say on it...

If someone is found Guilty of an offense, that follows them for the rest of their life. Shouldn't a Not Guilty verdict have the same legal weight?


Not always.

Have you ever been a crime victim?

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Grade: B

This was a good move. With Brian Roberts having back issues its nice to have another option in case he has a set back. Lugo hit .280/.352/.405 over 257 at bats with 13 doubles, 5 triples, 3 HR, and 21 RBI last year with the Red Sox and Cardinals. Hes a definite upgrade over Robert Andino, who I’m assuming is the odd man out after this trade. Lugo can also play all over the field although hes not very good defensively, at least hes versatile. Another good thing is we only have to pay him the league minimum. The Red Sox are on the hook for the rest of his $9 million contract. Losing Aubrey doesn’t hurt us much. He had barely been able to play at spring training this year due to a groin injury. We have Brandon Snyder, Rhyne Hughes, and Brandon Waring coming up through the minors so he would have a tough time making the team anyway. Chad Moeller asked for his release after Craig Tatum won the backup catcher job. I have a feeling he could be back on a minor league deal if he can’t find a job elsewhere.


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I am pretty sure that Andy MacPhail doesn't care about off the field issues too much.

Remember that MacPhail signed Miguel Tejada this offseason, who had been a steroid user and then lied to Congress about it. Tejada had previously lied about his age. Tejada's probation got extended recently because he didn't fulfill his community service as a result of his conviction in the required time period.

MacPhail resigned Brian Roberts, who was in the Mitchell Report and admitted taking steroids. This in addition to signing Lugo.

Over the last 15 or so years, the Orioles have had their fair share of problems with players. The list of problem players includes notables like Roberto Alomar, Rafael Palmeiro, Scott Erickson, Todd Williams, David Segui, Larry Bigbie, Sidney Ponson, Sammy Sosa, Jay Gibbons, and Gregg Zaun, among with Roberts, Tejada, and now Lugo.

All things considered, I wished both MacPhail and the previous GMs would have stayed away from many of these players with questionable characters. I hope that the organization will give us much better things in the next few years both on the field and off the field.

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If Lugo is so horrible with the glove, it makes you wonder if Moore or Turner could have done just as well had they been given a chance to play SS in ML games.

I'm pretty sure Moore could have a beat a -44.0 UZR/150 despite his inexperience at the position, ditto for Turner.

And offensively I think both could have produced what Lugo will.

Still Lugo is an upgrade over Andino, albeit a slight one.

Andino should have had to compete for that roster spot from the start of ST however.

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If Lugo is so horrible with the glove, it makes you wonder if Moore or Turner could have done just as well had they been given a chance to play SS in ML games.

I'm pretty sure Moore could have a beat a -44.0 UZR/150 despite his inexperience at the position, ditto for Turner.

And offensively I think both could have produced what Lugo will.

Still Lugo is an upgrade over Andino, albeit a slight one.

Andino should have had to compete for that roster spot from the start of ST however.

And I'm pretty sure that Lugo's true talent isn't anything like as bad as a -44 UZR/150. Not unless he's had a recent unreported limb amputation.

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I don't want people to think I'm a monster. And I don't want to hijack this thread so this is the LAST I say on it...

If someone is found Guilty of an offense, that follows them for the rest of their life. Shouldn't a Not Guilty verdict have the same legal weight?


I was mugged a few years ago in Philly. I IDed the guy at a police station 2 hours after it happened. He was found Not Guilty at trial. Doesn't change what happened that day...my bruises weren't self inflicted.

Our legal system is not a character judge. Not Guilty does not equal Good Character.

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