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Phillies fan ran onto the field, got tasered by police


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I'm glad he tazed the little punk. He had no business being on the field, and when he ran from the officer, he was subject to a greater amount of non-deadly force. End of story.

Maybe other punks of the world will take notice and stay off the ****** field.

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I'm glad he tazed the little punk. He had no business being on the field, and when he ran from the officer, he was subject to a greater amount of non-deadly force. End of story.

Maybe other punks of the world will take notice and stay off the ****** field.

Unlikely, considering that another Phillies fan ran onto the field the very next day.

Maybe we just shouldn't have sports teams in Philadelphia. :D

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Unlikely, considering that another Phillies fan ran onto the field the very next day.

Maybe we just shouldn't have sports teams in Philadelphia. :D

Philadelphia fans should be tazed as a general rule, I guess.

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We had an interesting incident out here yesterday. Seems the police tracked down a carjacking suspect and he led them on a chase along a nearby river bank, thought he'd swim away, realized that wasn't gonna happen (idiot), got out of the water and pretended to pull a weapon on the cop standing in front of him. The officer quickly deployed his taser and was then able to take him into custody. Coincidentally, a local news crew happened to be right there to shoot a story that was completely unrelated and got it all on video. I'll let everyone judge for themselves whether the officer was in the right...but I have a hard time imagining anyone would be so self-righteous as to think the cop should have stood there and waited until he was 100% certain whether or not it was a gun that this ass was pulling out before firing the taser. And btw, it was a gun he had on him.

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