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Pie in the Face?


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I didn't see this happen, but on the ESPN board someone is ranting about Jones giving Samuel a pie in the face after yesterday's win. I have to say I agree with the rant. Yes, I understand it was Samuel's first major league win, but lets act like a big league club, shall we? We are STILL 24 games under .500 just two months into the season. We are an embarrassment on the field. The Kansas City's of the MLB look at US as a break in the schedule. This team can win EVERY game for the next THREE weeks and STILL be under .500. And yet after every win we feel the need to pie someone in the face? Its just ridiculous and it needs to stop.

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I didn't hear about the pie in the face. I think that's over the line for the team's manager. It's one thing to do it to a rookie player, and another to do it to the guy in charge of running the team. I know it's all in good fun and lord knows this team needs to blow off some tension, but let's not treat one win like it's the friggin' World Series.

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Yes this is terrible. We certainly don't want the team to take any joy in an extra inning win. We certainly don't want any bonding or team unity with the new manager. I would prefer the team take a more monastic approach to the game be more amish as it were.

Yes this is totally something to be upset about.

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On the list of things that bother me about this team, this particular one doesn't even rank. I really, really don't see the harm in a team that's been playing tight all season try to loosen things up a little bit. I don't think that because we're so far under .500, they should act like they work at a morgue.

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Jones never got him but tried.

Listen this clubhouse has been so tight that you could jam coal up its collective, yet metaphoical, butt and get a diamond that has supernatuaral properties that may bring the end of the world.

So please forgive them for trying to relax.

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Holy crap!!! Are you guys serious?!?!

#1...it never happened. Samuel's cat-like reflexes enabled him to avoid it. It was actually really funny to have witnessed.

I'm as disgusted with the losing as much as anyone else. Even yesterday's win was miserable.

But man alive...it's still a freaking game. Let them have a little fun with it without bashing them for it! I heard more guys in the O's clubhouse yesterday breathing sighs of relief than I care to recount.

I enjoyed seeing some smiles in the clubhouse, hearing music playing for a change. Don't we all know what it's like to relish in a decent day at the office after a week or two of misery? Do you think maybe w can we give the Orioles that?

As far as Samuel is concerned...he has a unique relationship with a lot of the players. It was his first win as an MLB manager. His players were happy for him.

This is a non-issue and I'm disappointed that, with everything else that's wrong with this team, anyone would criticize the O's for this. If you read any more into than it was an attempt to congratulate Samuel in a fun way (and a team tradition over the last 3 years), then you're WAY off your rocker.

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I know it's all in good fun and lord knows this team needs to blow off some tension, but let's not treat one win like it's the friggin' World Series.

LOL...they didn't treat it like it was the World Series. No one was spraying champagne or hootin-n-hollerin' in the clubhouse. There was so much relief at snapping the losing streak and exhaustion from it taking 11 innings that it just barely felt like a win. It was a shaving cream pie for Samuel, a guy who apparently has a great relationship with his players to the degree that every single one of them I spoke to expressed their happiness for Juan.

This is absolutely much ado about nothing.

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LOL...they didn't treat it like it was the World Series. No one was spraying champagne or hootin-n-hollerin' in the clubhouse. There was so much relief at snapping the losing streak and exhaustion from it taking 11 innings that it just barely felt like a win. It was a shaving cream pie for Samuel, a guy who apparently has a great relationship with his players to the degree that every single one of them I spoke to expressed their happiness for Juan.

This is absolutely much ado about nothing.

Fine, Scottie. I'm not in favor of it, but I agree it is not a big deal. Just go out and get a win streak going so we can have a real reason to renew our interest in this team. Stretches of terrible baseball interrupted by stretches of .500 baseball doesn't get anything other than a terrible result.

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LOL...they didn't treat it like it was the World Series. No one was spraying champagne or hootin-n-hollerin' in the clubhouse. There was so much relief at snapping the losing streak and exhaustion from it taking 11 innings that it just barely felt like a win. It was a shaving cream pie for Samuel, a guy who apparently has a great relationship with his players to the degree that every single one of them I spoke to expressed their happiness for Juan.

This is absolutely much ado about nothing.

Scottie I think you are wrong. After this sobering experience it should be nothing but deep meditation and soulful reflection. Adam Jones needs to think long and hard about himself and how his season is going, all of these guys do!

They are getting paid millions of dollars and playing terribly how dare they show "joy" or "happiness". These guys should walk around all day like they chew on steel and crap rusty nails. I, for one, could not be more offended at this outright display of "tom-foolery" (as the youth tend to label it).

I'm starting a facebook group.

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Sad thing is, you're joking about this but it's actually true.

The pie in the face thing is pretty played out, IMO.

Please dude. You don't think these guys feel awful? You don't think this is wearing on them? This was something done in private, in the clubhouse.

I guess we should institute daily floggings until morale improves.

Not getting a basehit - that's a paddlin'

Not moving the runner over - that's a paddlin'

Striking out with a man on third - that's a paddlin'

Failing to hit with RISP - that's a paddlin'

Being Garrett Atkins - that's a paddlin'

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