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Olney Reporting that Reynolds Deal is Done


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Good. That's a pretty fair deal. For me Mickolio is just one of a million guys who could be a good reliever if he ever figured out the mechanical/command/control issues that always plague him.

Now I just have to work on stifling the overwhelming gag reflex that comes with trying to root for any player with UVA roots. So far it's only really worked with Ben Olsen.

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As much as I like David in our bullpen, sending him and inconsistent Mickolio for Reynolds is a good deal for the Orioles. Both Hernandez and Mickolio really didn't have the stuff for Camden Yards since both are flyball pitchers, so it will be interesting to see how they perform in Arizona where the ball carries well.

Either way, I'm glad to get Reynolds in the fold and although he had an off year last year, I think he's truly the young, power-hititng kind of guys who can thrive in Camden Yards.

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Good. That's a pretty fair deal. For me Mickolio is just one of a million guys who could be a good reliever if he ever figured out the mechanical/command/control issues that always plague him.

Now I just have to work on stifling the overwhelming gag reflex that comes with trying to root for any player with UVA roots. So far it's only really worked with Ben Olsen.

I'll be the first to say... Wahoowa! Now let's see if we can get Miclat up to the majors at some point.

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Good. That's a pretty fair deal. For me Mickolio is just one of a million guys who could be a good reliever if he ever figured out the mechanical/command/control issues that always plague him.

Now I just have to work on stifling the overwhelming gag reflex that comes with trying to root for any player with UVA roots. So far it's only really worked with Ben Olsen.

Any preliminary guesses as to what Reynold's stat line will look like next season? How does Chase Field treat right handed hitters versus Oriole Park?

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This is a good example of buying the bats.

For those of you that always look to the Cubs when it comes to AM, remember AM was President of the Cubs when they traded for another third baseman who was young, powerful, and people doubted - Aramis Ramirez.

That trade worked out pretty well.

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I like the deal. While I hate to lose David Hernandez, anytime you can trade for a 27 year old power hitter, in or entering their prime years, plays a position of need and is signed to a reasonable contract, you make that trade. Reynolds has his flaws, I give you that. But this is the kind of deal the Orioles can, and should always look to make. This isn't Garrett Atkins. This is a move that fans can, and should get beyond.

I approve.:thumbsup1:

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It really isn't bassackwards at all. There are more ways to get a bat than through FA.

I am not being critical at all. I think it's reasonably creative (for AM), and I think it makes a lot of sense.

I actually was going to use the term "backdoor" but I knew that would cause problems.

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