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We're waiting on ARod


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So lets wait and see, and make Bedard our last trading option.

We could but I see no reason to let it drag out that much.

The Orioles should have already come up with a take it or leave it type offer for him.

Why let it drag out?

Besides, you will get more for Bedard than anyone else...So, once you trade him, you then can see what holes you left to fill.

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How long do you think it will be till we have another Erik Bedard?

Who knows....Maybe Loewen is that guy.

Maybe we get Kershaw in the Bedard trade and he becomes Bedard.

But it doesn't matter all that much...We aren't doing anything with Bedard and we have so many holes.

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How long do you think it will be till we have another Erik Bedard?

Maybe another 6 years. We were saying the same thing about Mike Mussina. Don't think he would have helped out that much if we gave him the cash.

Again probably should have dealt him to Cleveland as was tossed around back then.

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Clayton Kershaw could be just as good or better in two years...

That is a very important word. Bedard is my favorite Oriole and I want him to stay here more than anyone, but I would trade him once I hear 5/80 contract. I think 4/56 would be the most I could give him.

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Who knows....Maybe Loewen is that guy.

Maybe we get Kershaw in the Bedard trade and he becomes Bedard.

But it doesn't matter all that much...We aren't doing anything with Bedard and we have so many holes.

It so insane. Im on both sides of the fence. It isnt fun because if an offer isnt put forth this offseason, than its going to be hard to appraoch him with another in the future, if he stays.

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It so insane. Im on both sides of the fence. It isnt fun because if an offer isnt put forth this offseason, than its going to be hard to appraoch him with another in the future, if he stays.

I really don't see how you can keep him without giving him an extension this offseason.

I know we could trade him at the deadline but that is just too risky.

Extension or new uni...Those should be his only 2 outcomes this offseason.

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It so insane. Im on both sides of the fence. It isnt fun because if an offer isnt put forth this offseason, than its going to be hard to appraoch him with another in the future, if he stays.

We failed last year-for whatever reason to sign him, if we fail again this Novemeber we have to trade him now. If the whole league knows we failed twice what leverage do we have next year?

I'd love to have an ace in my pocket for the 4-5 years just can't imagine its gets done.

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Phew we are back to ARODGATE...I thought $350million was for the Yanks?

Why would he come down from that number with a team other than the Yankees at this point in the poker game? Answer - he wouldn't because it would be a sign of weakness. The teams know the number already and who they're dealing with, so I refuse to believe those that choose to get into the game aren't naive enough to think that Boras will have a different revelation at these meetings.

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Why would he come down from that number with a team other than the Yankees at this point in the poker game? Answer - he wouldn't because it would be a sign of weakness. The teams know the number already and who they're dealing with, so I refuse to believe those that choose to get into the game aren't naive enough to think that Boras will have a different revelation at these meetings.

AROD wanted out of NY unless they were really willing to overpay.

That was probably a "if you want to keep me a Yankee, pay me this" type thing.

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