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Nestor & Flanny speak on rally

ex-man O

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You've missed the point entirely.

I'm a true Oriole fan. PA has hurt the team I love FAR more than I will going to a rally.

You're a lemming if you disagree.

I don't think I've missed the point at all. You are upset with how Angelos has run the team, and how he has hurt this historic franchise.

However, by walking out against Angelos you are hurting the team just like Angelos. You are not only turning your back on Angelos but you will be turning it on your team.

To me that's just not a real fan. I'm as upset about Angelos reign over this franchise as the next guy, but if I wanted to protest Angelos it wouldn't envolve a protest at a team event.

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OK, I'll accept that they are protesting the owner, but they are protesting the owner for failing to put a team on the field that can win. Therefore, they are telling the players, "sorry, you---most of you---are not good enough to be playing for a winning Orioles team. We will only be satisfied when most of you are replaced by people who can win." And you say the players should not think the protest is aimed at them?

Excellent point.

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Let me try to explain why I am in favor of this protest.

First, let me say that, as a DC-area resident, I have never heard or seen Nestor Aparcio. I don't know the first thing about him except what I read on here. I am going to assume that he is an egotistical, self-centered, publicity-seeking jerk who is doing htis for his own self-promoting reasons.

With that said, I don't care. The fans need to send Peter Angelos a message that business as usual won't be tolerated. Aparently, the fact that attendance has been dwindling year after year hasn't sent him that message. So maybe some public humiliation of him will.

Will it work? I don't know. But I don't see how it can possibly hurt. When the O's are in a bidding war over some free agent and a deal reaches his desk, won't he be more inclined to say yes, knowing that the fans won't put up with another winter of minor tinkering?

And I don't think the protest will demoralize the team. The fans want the team to get better, and the protest shows that.

I'm looking forward to watching the news tonight.

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Steve Kline - Cardinal fans are better than Oriole fans

Peter Angelos - Red Sox Fans are better than Oriole fans

erb8472- Cubs fans are better than Oriole fans.

Anyone else? Anyone?

The DRays have the heckler.

Let's be fair in those fan assessments though. The Cardinals, Sox, and Red Sox are all three very historic teams with rich fan bases.

I think part of the hit that has occurred with the Orioles fans staying loyal is honestly the return of football to Baltimore.

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OK, I'll accept that they are protesting the owner, but they are protesting the owner for failing to put a team on the field that can win. Therefore, they are telling the players, "sorry, you---most of you---are not good enough to be playing for a winning Orioles team. We will only be satisfied when most of you are replaced by people who can win." And you say the players should not think the protest is aimed at them?

If those players you are referring to can't gather that information from the sports page MLB standings, then they deserve what they get anyway.

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Hey Wedge! Not trying to bust your balls or insult you, but is Mike Flanagan close to PA and part of management? Do you think he's been down in the clubhouse asking each player how they feel about this protest? And even if he is asking them, as PA's right hand man, how many players do you expect to say something positve about the protest?

No doubt, if Flannigan wanted to capture any respect in this area, he would at least admit to his and managements failings to provide the ingredients that produces a good product.

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Hey Wedge! Not trying to bust your balls or insult you, but is Mike Flanagan close to PA and part of management? Do you think he's been down in the clubhouse asking each player how they feel about this protest? And even if he is asking them, as PA's right hand man, how many players do you expect to say something positve about the protest?

But see, now you're making assumptions that can't be backed up. Yes, he's close to ownership. But he's also the GM (if not in name), and we know he talks to players, too. That's what we KNOW. Let's deal with what we know right now, not with what we think we can guess is going on.

But in that vein of what we think we can guess is going on, the way Flanagan said what he said, how they wouldn't say anything about it, it sounds like some of the players probably told him in the condition of anonymity their feelings.

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A lemming? If we disagree? You realize that's a complete oxymoronical statement, right?

You're right. Poor choice of words on my part.

But I'm just sick of the argument that being an Orioles fan HAS to mean following whatever the front office does.

9 years of losing and arrogence from Pete is enough. I just can't take it anymore. It drives me nuts (and again I apologize for the name calling) that I care more about this team and its fortunes than the owner. Most of us here fall into that category.

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I don't see why everyone has such a problem with this protest. Those that DO have a problem don't need to go. It's that simple. The fact that it's received so much attention here by people who don't want to see it happen is amazing.

I don’t think many of the people are against a protest.

I for one am against a protest that involves the team. By sitting in the stands watching an hour of the game and then leaving they are giving the view whether intended or not that they are walking on the team.

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I don't see why everyone has such a problem with this protest. Those that DO have a problem don't need to go. It's that simple. The fact that it's received so much attention here by people who don't want to see it happen is amazing.

My only problem with it is that it's a collossal waste of time. We've experienced first hand the immense ego and hubris of Peter Angelos, and this will not make a dent. Now that it's possibly going to screw with how the team feels about their fan base, their support, well, I don't like the prospect of this. Especially when we want players to come here next year. FA's might balk even MORE now.

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What's good for the goose is good for the gander! I think that's an Edmund Burke quote. :D

Did you not notice where, before plunging in to that theory, I pointed out I was well aware of the fact it's an assumption? You didn't have to go all "boldy quoty" on me, as if you're a vanquishing victor.

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I'm sorry, I believe the protest is a bad idea. I disagree with how Angelos has run the team. I don't think he has done a good job historically. However, I think he finally IS doing the right thing by placing importance on drafting well and then bringing those players through the system. We are finally seeing the fruits of 9 losing seasons. There will be promise next year in Bedard, Loewen, Penn (after yesterdays start), Cabrera, Markakis, Ray, Britton, Hoey?, and Olson?. I'm sorry, but we are finally getting to a place where it might be conceivable that we contend and fans are protesting now. I think the right time to protest was three years ago when we had no direction. Now, we have direction. Now, we have hope. Keep hope alive.

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