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Ongoing lineup thread for 2013


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Damn are there any RH pitchers left in the AL?

I do like this lineup better than last nights, or the one that had Roberts batting 5th the other day. Yikes.

I have a ton of respect for Buck, I really do. But batting Roberts 5th the other day was definitely one of the WTF moments you have with him once in awhile. I just assume that sometimes Buck just goes with a hunch and let's it ride.

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I have a ton of respect for Buck, I really do. But batting Roberts 5th the other day was definitely one of the WTF moments you have with him once in awhile. I just assume that sometimes Buck just goes with a hunch and let's it ride.

He seams to be in a similar boat with Davy Johnson and the Nationals, trying to figure out whats parts to move to spark the offensive and which to leave alone and hope it rights itself.

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Damn are there any RH pitchers left in the AL?

I do like this lineup better than last nights, or the one that had Roberts batting 5th the other day. Yikes.

We piled on the lefties when we faced NY last week (brought up Britton and gave MacFarland a spot start) for the same reason. The Yankees are struggling vs lefties too.

If opposing teams know you struggle with lefties, they'll do whatever they can to throw them at you.

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Damn are there any RH pitchers left in the AL?

I do like this lineup better than last nights, or the one that had Roberts batting 5th the other day. Yikes.


Markakis .612 OPS

Machado .744

Jones .747

Davis .857

Hardy .721

McLouth .820

Wieters .709

Roberts .563

Reimold .676


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I have a ton of respect for Buck, I really do. But batting Roberts 5th the other day was definitely one of the WTF moments you have with him once in awhile. I just assume that sometimes Buck just goes with a hunch and let's it ride.

Not only batting 5th, but also as the DH. Is Roberts really the best option in the organization for a right handed DH?

Personally, if Roberts is going to be on the roster, I think Casilla needs to be moved.

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Not only batting 5th, but also as the DH. Is Roberts really the best option in the organization for a right handed DH?

Personally, if Roberts is going to be on the roster, I think Casilla needs to be moved.

Casilla is very valuable.

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Why start Roberts over Casilla? Roberts is the slower, a worse hitter and a worse fielder than both Flaherty and Casilla, yet he plays every single day. Besides that homerun, he hasn't hit the ball with any authority once.

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Markakis .612 OPS

Machado .744

Jones .747

Davis .857

Hardy .721

McLouth .820

Wieters .709

Roberts .563

Reimold .676


Rangers lineup tonight isn't so hot itself (splits v.s. LHP)

Kinsler .707

Profar .583

Cruz .817

A. Beltre .916

Pierzynski .669

Andrus .541

Murphy .580

Chirinos .182

Martin .505

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Besides the lineups, this is another big start for Zach Britton, IMO. With Chen due to be called up to start tomorrow, it seems to be a foregone conclusion that Britton will be sent down. If Britton can pitch into the seventh again, effectively, it'll surely keep him on Buck and DD's speed dial. Once (if) he goes down, it now appears that he'll have Wada to contend with for the next call-up should another starter be needed due to injury or ineffectiveness (Hammel).

A horrible start by Britton assures a demotion (maybe :)) and may even automatically move Wada up in the pecking order.

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Not only batting 5th, but also as the DH. Is Roberts really the best option in the organization for a right handed DH?

Personally, if Roberts is going to be on the roster, I think Casilla needs to be moved.

I don't think they should trade the second baseman that has had the most success this season.

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