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Why I like Nick Markakis - BB


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How does Nick feel playing with Brob?

If you remember, in the Mitchell Report Bigbie implicated Roberts. There was a fair amount of sentiment that the evidence against Roberts was flimsy and he may well have gotten the shaft. Roberts probably could have plausibly denied and moved on but he stepped up an admitted it.

Now, for the hard part. Anyone that looks at Brian especially now vs when he was coming back from injuries last year can see he is noticeably jacked. I know the guy is famous for staying in shape, but you can't help but wonder.

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Guest rochester
I don't really agree about Nick's arm. It's still very strong and deadly accurate. I realize his assists are down from a few years ago, but I rarely see him fail to make a strong, accurate throw, so for me this is a case of runners being smarter about when to test him.

Nick is noticeably slower, and I think that may just be a case of wear and tear.

Power is a bit of a mystery, as he showed decent power in 2012 when he wasn't on the DL.

I really appreciate Nick's straightforward comments about PED's.

Frobby - I am not one to try and assume one's posts but knowing the history, IMO, calmunderfire may have been wondering if PEDs are the reason for the drop off in production. Juts my 2cents and apologize if incorrect but I digress...

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If you remember, in the Mitchell Report Bigbie implicated Roberts. There was a fair amount of sentiment that the evidence against Roberts was flimsy and he may well have gotten the shaft. Roberts probably could have plausibly denied and moved on but he stepped up an admitted it.

Now, for the hard part. Anyone that looks at Brian especially now vs when he was coming back from injuries last year can see he is noticeably jacked. I know the guy is famous for staying in shape, but you can't help but wonder.

I see your point, but i really don't wonder at all. BRob like you said could have gotten away with it most likely, but did the right thing and fessed up to it, unlike the guys today are even doing. BRob admitted that when he came back last year that he wasn't fully recovered from his concussion symptoms, which in turn would make sense to why he wasn't fully back in shape. This offseason was the first time he said he actually felt normal again. He got back to his regular workout routine and wam bam he is jacked, just like he always was before the injuries.

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No ifs, ands or buts about it, Markakis told The Baltimore Sun. These guys are big boys; they can make decisions. If I go out there and rob a convenience store, I know the consequences that are coming with it. We are all adults here.

These guys that are doing performance-enhancing drugs are taking away from a lot of other people that are doing it the right way. They are taking opportunities away and they are basically stealing, Markakis said. Stealing money away from owners because they are basically purchasing damaged products. It's not a good situation all the way around. And all of us that have done it the right way, we are going to suffer and have to answer questions about this for a while now. I think that puts us in bad situations that we don't deserve to be in.

I agree the penalties should be stiffer, a lot stiffer!

edit, I clicked on it from Yahoo, didn't realize it was actually from CSN.

We all understand that it's wrong, and against the rules, and all of that. But people rob conveinence stores all the time. For hundreds or even thousands of years everyone has known that robbing stores is wrong, and if you get caught you're going to be punished and your life is going to suck.

But you know what, there are enough people who don't grasp that or whose life already sucks so much that almost no amount of punishment is going to dissuade them. There are always going to be people who are hungry or angry or depressed or whatever and go out and rob the 7-11. Just as there will always be people for whom PEDs just might be the difference between making $2k a month for six months a year in AA and a six-year career making $500k per as a utility player in the bigs. And that could be the difference between your family back in the DR eating or not.

So do what you can to control it, but as long as the difference between being pretty good and Major League good is $millions you're not going to stop it.

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Frobby - I am not one to try and assume one's posts but knowing the history, IMO, calmunderfire may have been wondering if PEDs are the reason for the drop off in production. Juts my 2cents and apologize if incorrect but I digress...

It occurred to me that this is what he might be implying. It seems doubtful to me that a former user would be as vocal as Markakis was in this article. It's not like Nick goes out of his way to be quoted in the press most of the time.

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It occurred to me that this is what he might be implying. It seems doubtful to me that a former user would be as vocal as Markakis was in this article. It's not like Nick goes out of his way to be quoted in the press most of the time.

I don't think Nick used, but I believe the proper response to this could be something along the lines of Ex. Palmeiro, Rafael.

As for Nick as a player... I get frustrated at times at the way his pop has nearly disappeared completely, but he's a solid all-around player and an important part of the club. Is he the same guy he was when they gave him the big contract? No. But that happens.

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@Dmy53: Hey Antonio Bastardo, remember when we competed for a job in 2011. Thx alot. #ahole



Dan Meyer obviously felt like he was personally affected by others using PED's.

Those with lifetime 5.50 ERA's shouldn't cast stones... Sounds a lot more like a guy trying to cast himself into the situation unnecessarily because, well... he flamed out and doesn't have anything else going on.

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I wonder how Nick's relationship is with BRob

BRob used PED's to garner a large contract, and then gave zero value for that contract.

No, BRob's use of PED's came out in 2007. He signed his contract in the spring of 2009. Here's Brian's statement about his use of steroids in 2003:

"I would like to address the allegations that were made against me in the Mitchell Report. I will begin by saying that I have worked very hard to develop a good reputation both on and off the field. I have always taken pride in being a man of integrity and values. I know that by being a professional athlete, I am held to a very high standard. I never have and never will take that for granted. However, I am also human and I have made mistakes.

"In 2003, when I took one shot of steroids, I immediately realized that this was not what I stood for or anything that I wanted to continue doing. I never used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing drugs prior to or since that single incident. I can honestly say before God, myself, my family and all of my fans that steroids or any performance-enhancing drugs have never had any effect on what I have worked so hard to accomplish in the game of baseball. I am very sorry and I deeply regret ever making that terrible decision. My only hope and prayer is that the Orioles, my family, friends and fans that have supported me so faithfully will forgive me."


Many athletes have lied about their "one time" use of steroids, so it's impossible to tell if BRob was telling the truth; you can choose to believe him, or disbelieve him. But, the evidence was known before BRob signed his current contract, and the injuries he has suffered since then don't seem to be in any way related to use of steroids.

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If you remember, in the Mitchell Report Bigbie implicated Roberts. There was a fair amount of sentiment that the evidence against Roberts was flimsy and he may well have gotten the shaft. Roberts probably could have plausibly denied and moved on but he stepped up an admitted it.

Now, for the hard part. Anyone that looks at Brian especially now vs when he was coming back from injuries last year can see he is noticeably jacked. I know the + Reply to ThreadPage 2 of 2First12 Results 16 to 29 of 29

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Yesterday 10:59 PM #16 O-The-Memories

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Originally Posted by RZNJ

ARod has gotten caught in the same lie multiple times, and then continues to use PED's. I think there's a difference.

I did the same thing, just with a substance that wasn't performance enhancing in any way. Could it be that A-Rod is addicted to the results of PED use regarding how his physical image looks to the world? Vain people can care much more about physical appearance than what's being projected from the inside.

If A-Rod would take responsibility I think he would be forgiven by the majority of true baseball fans. Then hopefully he'll find out why he felt the need to keep lying.

So yes, it's different, but people are inherently flawed.

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Yesterday 11:01 PM #17 RZNJ

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Originally Posted by CA-ORIOLE

They were using the threat of the lifetime ban as the mechanism to make him cut the deal. What they will actually pursue if ARod fights is another question. If the pursued ban is as simple as steroid use, I agree with you and would have a hard time seeing how they could justify anything more than a 50 game suspension, unless they have some sort of logic about breaking them down into separate incidents. That strategy sounds like a loser (for MLB) to me.

He did not cut a deal so it ooks like a pretty empty threat if they don't follow through with it, AND reports are that they are not.

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Yesterday 11:03 PM #18 RZNJ

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Originally Posted by O-The-Memories

I did the same thing, just with a substance that wasn't performance enhancing in any way. Could it be that A-Rod is addicted to the results of PED use regarding how his physical image looks to the world? Vain people can care much more about physical appearance than what's being projected from the inside.

If A-Rod would take responsibility I think he would be forgiven by the majority of true baseball fans. Then hopefully he'll find out why he felt the need to keep lying.

So yes, it's different, but people are inherently flawed.

At this point, I wouldn't believe a word ARod said about anything.

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Yesterday 11:07 PM #19 O-The-Memories

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Originally Posted by RZNJ

At this point, I wouldn't believe a word ARod said about anything.

So if the guy makes a heartfelt confession of everything he has done, and retires from the game, letting the Yankees off the hook for the salary, gives all of his money to charity, and becomes a monk, would that change anything?

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Yesterday 11:07 PM #20 CA-ORIOLE

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Originally Posted by RZNJ

Looks like a pretty empty threat if they don't follow through with it, AND reports are that they are not.

We'll see soon enough I guess, but there's nothing to say they couldn't pursue something more than a 50 game suspension and less than a lifetime ban using the general clause. If ARod has called them (though it appears MLB was the one that shut down talks), it's just a matter of MLB weighing what they think will stick or not.

Last edited by CA-ORIOLE; Yesterday at 11:13 PM.

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Yesterday 11:11 PM #21 RZNJ

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Originally Posted by O-The-Memories

So if the guy makes a heartfelt confession of everything he has done, and retires from the game, letting the Yankees off the hook for the salary, gives all of his money to charity, and becomes a monk, would that change anything?

Yeah, ask me again when all of that happens.

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Yesterday 11:12 PM #22 TonySoprano

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Yesterday 11:49 PM #23 allquixotic

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Originally Posted by O-The-Memories

So if the guy makes a heartfelt confession of everything he has done, and retires from the game, letting the Yankees off the hook for the salary, gives all of his money to charity, and becomes a monk, would that change anything?

He won't do that. He'll appeal until his options are exhausted, then quietly take a 50 game ban, and come back and continue juicing. He might even hit for power with the juice helping him out.

There are many difference between a typical lie and A-Roid's case.

A-Roid is supposed to be a role model to a generation of athletes. He's a public figure. You and I are not. At best we're role models to any of our offspring, but not millions of people.

A-Roid is making enough money in 10 years to pay for the life earnings of several hundred middle class families, or many thousands of poor people. If society is going to devote such a colossal amount of resources to a single person, doesn't it make sense to make sure that this person is someone who represents the virtuous ideals of our society? Last I checked, lying isn't one of those, and can get you into extremely serious trouble if you lie to a judge (purjury). Obviously the founding fathers hated lying a LOT to have written that into the judicial system.

What we're doing by giving him this money is to say to our citizens, "if you lie and cheat, as long as you get away with it, you will be rewarded". This is a worrisome moral bankruptcy that I cannot fathom how anyone would support. Unless you are so cynical and so far gone as to think that everyone always lies and cheats anyway so there's no value in trying to be virtuous. And if that is how you feel, you may as well give up watching sports, because there is no meaning to competitive activities if one side has an unfair advantage over another; the sport ceases to be a sport and is instead more like Reality TV.

I would be thrilled if he donated his earnings and became a monk, but I doubt anything close to that will happen.

Sent from my Motorola RAZR Maxx HD with Tapatalk 4

Last edited by allquixotic; Yesterday at 11:53 PM.

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Today 12:10 AM #24 crissfan172

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Let him play. The only thing he'll embarrass is himself.

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Today 12:21 AM #25 Roy Firestone

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Baseball's strategy though embarrassing short term is to LET Arod play and appeal.This will show to ANY arbitrator or court that it isnt some kind

of vendetta or a desire to get out of a contract, only the transgression.They feel they have an airtight case and once Arod exhausts the process

they will rule in MLBs favor.Still, strategy or not, it will be a humiliating day for the game, and Arod will actually(if its possible) look WORSE to the

fan than before. He may make Pete Rose look "classy".

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Today 01:05 AM #26 notyourbuddy

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Did I just see Danny Valencia's name in the Biogenisis suspension list?

Is that news or is everyone already aware of that?

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Today 01:14 AM #27 playbaltimorecom

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Originally Posted by notyourbuddy

Did I just see Danny Valencia's name in the Biogenisis suspension list?

Is that news or is everyone already aware of that?

Speculation about Valencia, but where do you see his actual name reported?

If we lose Valencia, oh well. Probably why he got called up today randomly.


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Today 02:00 AM #28 notyourbuddy

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MLB Network just put up a list with his name on it like an hour ago when talking about A'Rod and Biogenesis suspensions coming Monday.

Guess it was possible they were just using an outdated list that included earlier speculation and they didn't know any better.

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Today 05:42 AM #29 russ snyder

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Originally Posted by Roy Firestone

Baseball's strategy though embarrassing short term is to LET Arod play and appeal.This will show to ANY arbitrator or court that it isnt some kind

of vendetta or a desire to get out of a contract, only the transgression.They feel they have an airtight case and once Arod exhausts the process

they will rule in MLBs favor.Still, strategy or not, it will be a humiliating day for the game, and Arod will actually(if its possible) look WORSE to the

fan than before. He may make Pete Rose look "classy".

I don't think that it's a strategy on MLB's part to let ARod play through the appeal process. It's his right to play while the process plays out. I really don't think that getting the Yankees off the hook for this contact is a major part of MLB's negotiations with ARod. I'd bet that they'd rather he'd take the deal like Braun did and have him serve the suspension.

I'm not surprised that ARod is making this move. It's obviously all about him and he's playing the role of the victim right now. Personally, I think that Arod playing through his appeal is much more humiliating to him than the game of baseball. MLB has no choice but to let the process play out.

The only way that he's make Pete Rose look classy is if he signed up for a reality show to film him fighting the impending suspension.

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guy is famous for staying in shape, but you can't help but wonder.

Yes you can. I don't assume someone is guilty just because they look like

Mr. Atlas. Is not right assume guilt by appearance. IMO

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Question here.... many on here have said that Mclouth will most likely not be re-signed - I guess the thinking is he will command 7-8Mil this offseason. When comparing Nate and Nick side by side, there are some differences but both have very similar numbers in BA/OBP doubles, HR's..... Nate has many more steals, Nick has more RBI(although he is hitting third most of the year while Nate hits first)- Nick has the better defense. Would any other team trade for Markakis at his salary? What I am getting at, is if you have to keep either Nick or Nate, Nate is much cheaper. Is it possible to trade Nick and keep Mclouth? That money we would save, could go to upcoming contracts that are going to be pretty large. This team still does not have a true TOR starter(maybe Tillman?). IF the Orioles are going to be competitive with a $100 mil budget or slightly less, saving roughly $8mil would be huge.

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    • Cool, nice work there.   So? Are we owed a large market? Does DC not deserve their own team? Should the fans of Baltimore just become Redskins fans and not tried to get their own team when the Colts left?  (sorry to bring up football again but come on, that fits). I laid it all out a couple months ago, MLB has more teams bringing home the hunk of metal than other sports since 2000.  The competitive balance is fine.  It's harder?  Yea?  OK it's harder.
    • The Cowboys have an owner with deep pockets. I agree 100% … There is some cap manipulation that happens. At the end of the day they have a $255 million limit they are required to operate under. The Dodgers, Yankees, Red Sox, etc can decide each year how much they want to add to the luxury tax fund as opposed to not being able to fit a potential move under the cap. Here are the 2024 payrolls for the NFL and MLB   https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2024/04/03/mlb-team-payrolls-2024-highest-lowest-mets/73139425007/ Highest $305 million vs $60 million  https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/cap/_/year/2024/sort/cap_maximum_space Highest $259.5 million vs $217 million these numbers will likely get tighter once they make additions before the trade deadline.  If you can’t see the difference I’m just wasting my time. The biggest driving force in MLB beyond the ability of some to spend lavishly is the tv markets. The club controls so much of their tv revenue that it’s an unfair game. The moved that created the Orioles didn’t have much of an effect on the Senators tv market which was likely nonexistent then. Plus MLB is allowing contract manipulation like Othani’s contract. Instead of $700 divided by length 10 years, Somehow he only counts as like $46 million which is laughable. Plus they are paying $85 million in luxury tax fees in 2024.    The Orioles were a large market team when the Expos moved to DC. They could afford to spend with the Yankees, Red Sox , and Blue Jays. Could the Orioles afford to pay $85 million in luxury tax fees? Could the Yankees? I know the answer to both.  What grounds ? Who cares ? The impact was astronomical …It made it very difficult to compete in the AL East without tank a thon! It split their tv market in half. Obviously MLB papered over that long enough to get an agreement done.    They turned a large market team into 2 small/mid market teams. The Orioles and Nationals payrolls combined place them only 11th in baseball. Obviously they could afford to spend more. But it’s doubtful either will ever be top 10 for more than a season  or two as they try to hang onto a window.     
    • Thanks for the detailed explanation of all of the issues.  Sounds like a mess.
    • Yeah the amenities are pretty outdated at the yard and they seem to do nothing year over year to improve them. The touchscreens have been banged on to death to the point they barely function, so you can't accurately fill out your order at the kiosks, and they don't have a way for the people behind the counter to ring you up at many of the food places. The sound is low to non-existent in certain sections of the club level, like around 218. Seems like there should be speakers that reach there but they might have been damaged by rain, etc. and they are too lazy to fix them. If you go to a game that's even slightly busy, you will wait forever to get into the bathroom, and the sink will be an absolute mess with no soap or paper towels. It's even worse on the club level where they have one sink that's right by the door. Nearby businesses don't care, either. The Hilton parking garage reeks of decay, pot and human waste. They don't turn on the air circulation fans, even if cars are waiting for an hour and a half to exit from P3, filling up the air with carbon monoxide. They only let you enter the stadium with one 20 oz bottle of water. It's so expensive to buy a drink or water in the stadium, but with all the salty food, 20 oz of water isn't enough, especially on a hot day. Vegetarian food options are poor to none, other than things like chips, fries, hot pretzels and the occasional pizza. Vida Taco is better, but at an inconvenient location for many seats. The doors on the club level are not accessible. They're anti-accessible. Big, heavy doors you have to go through to get to/from the escalators, and big, heavy doors to get to your seats, none of them automatic (or even with the option to be automatic with a button press). Makes it hard to carry food out to your seats even if not handicapped. The furniture in the lounges on the club level seem designed to allow as few people as possible to sit down. Not great when we have so many rain delays during the season. Should put more, smaller chairs in and allow more of the club level ticket holders to have a seat while waiting for thunderstorms to pass. They keep a lot of the entrance/exit gates closed except for playoff/sellout games, which means people have to slowly "mooooo" all the way down Eutaw St to get to parking. They are too cheap to staff all the gates, so they make people exit by the warehouse, even though it would be a lot more convenient for many fans to open all the gates. Taking Light Rail would be super convenient, except that if there's at least 20k fans in attendance, it's common to have to wait 90-120 minutes to be able to board a non-full train heading toward Glen Burnie. A few trains might come by, but they are already full, or fill up fast when folks walk up to the Convention Center stop to pre-empt the folks trying to board at Camden Station. None of the garages in the area are set up to require pre-payment on entry (reservation, or give them your card / digital payment at the entrance till). If they were, emptying out the garage would be very quick, as they wouldn't need to ticket anyone on the way out: if you can't get in without paying, you can always just leave without having to stop and scan your phone or put a ticket in the machine. They shut down the Sports Legends Museum at Camden Station in 2015 because the Maryland Stadium Authority was too greedy. That place was a fun distraction if you were in the area when a game wasn't about to start, like if you show up super early on Opening Day or a playoff day. Superbook's restaurant on Eutaw is a huge downgrade from Dempsey's in terms of menu and service quality. Dempsey's used to be well-staffed, you could reserve a table online, and they had all kinds of great selection for every diet. Superbook seems like just another bar serving the same swill that the rest of the park serves, with extremely minimal and low-quality food. For that matter, most of the food at the stadium is very low quality these days. A lot of things we used to love are made to a lower standard now if they are served at all. These are gripes about the stadium and the area that haven't changed my entire adult life. Going to an O's game requires one to tolerate many small inconveniences and several major inconveniences, any number of which could easily be fixed by the relevant authorities if they gave a damn about the people who pay to come see the team play. You would think a mid-market team would be able to afford to invest in the fan experience. You would think the city and partnering organizations like garages, the Stadium Authority and MTA would at least try to do their part to make the experience enjoyable and free of kinks. You would think they would put some thought into handling the "growing pains" of the fanbase due to recent renewed interest after the dark years. Instead, all we get is the same indifference and the same annoyances year in and year out. The whole area is overdue for a revamp. Not sure if $600 mil will get it done, but at least it's a start. Hopefully they can start to patch up some of the many holes in the fan experience. If you're not going to invest in Burnes, at least make it so paying customers have an easier, more enjoyable time getting to/from the stadium and having some food while we're there.
    • Elias has only been in rebuild mode with the O's so there's not much to speculate on there.  Houston, where he spent his formative years, doesn't seem to like to be on the hook for more than a couple of big long-term contracts at any given time.  I can see that as being Elias' choice as well, albeit with a lower overall cost - Houston runs a big payroll.  But it's all guesswork.  I really don't know. If Elias takes the 2025 payroll to $150 million it will creep up to $200 million or so by 2028 just from keeping the core together.  That's where I start to wonder about sustainability due to market size, economic forces, etc., etc., etc... If it were up to me, I would add a couple of free agents this offseason even if the contracts were longer than ideal and be conservative about extensions elsewhere until the prospects establish themselves a little better.  I think there's a competitive opportunity that the team is already into that's worth exploiting. I think ownership is very happy to have Elias on board and they're not inclined to force him to do anything.  I also think Rubenstein's demonstrated business prowess is great enough to assume that he has had plenty enough time to come to a mutual understanding with Elias as to goals.
    • We need a RH O’hearn…in addition to Westburg. At least 3 batters that will push up the pitch count and cause damage in the top 5 of the lineup.
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