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Don't ask me why, but I'm developing a dislike of Oakland


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I'm not sure I can explain it, but I am developing a dislike of the A's. Maybe it's because I'm sick of hearing about what a great GM Billy Beane is, or because I'm still annoyed that Duquette got no votes for Executive of the Year in 2012 (which went to Beane) and that Bob Melvin beat out Buck for Manager of the Year that year. Or maybe I'm just sick of seeing their acquisitions work out, like Josh Donaldson and Jed Lowrie and Brandon Moss and Scott Kazmir. Maybe it's because they play in a weak division and get to play so many more games against bad teams than we do.

I don't know what it is, but I find myself rooting against them, even though they're a small market team who by all rights I should like.

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I'm not sure I can explain it, but I am developing a dislike of the A's. Maybe it's because I'm sick of hearing about what a great GM Billy Beane is, or because I'm still annoyed that Duquette got no votes for Executive of the Year in 2012 (which went to Beane) and that Bob Melvin beat out Buck for Manager of the Year that year. Or maybe I'm just sick of seeing their acquisitions work out, like Josh Donaldson and Jed Lowrie and Brandon Moss and Scott Kazmir. Maybe it's because they play in a weak division and get to play so many more games against bad teams than we do.

I don't know what it is, but I find myself rooting against them, even though they're a small market team who by all rights I should like.

I've felt that way for a while. Even though I usually root for small market teams I always find myself preferring LA or Texas over Oakland.

I think their stadium is the starting point. I hate watching the O's play in that dreadful place so I think that distaste carries over to my overall perception of them.

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Yeah, I couldn't disagree more. And that comes from someone who lives in L.A. an who's Dad is a diehard Angels fan but I just find increasingly difficult to pull for them. I liked Moreno when he first became owner because he started lowering prices around the ballpark but as the team as increased spending on FA those prices went back up. Mainly on tickets. And they decimated a once strong farm system. Texas is another big spending team that exemplifies what is wrong with baseball.

Oakland has done it right and much of the credit goes to Beane. So, he won an award. I find him and Dan cut much from the same cloth and I hope we can put together a track record of success like they have with a better record in the PS. The votes for Executive of the Year is a subjective award and I would think you'd be upset with the writers who didn't give Dan a vote, not Billy Beane, he has nothing to do with the voting process.

Also, the people in that city have nothing else to live for in my view. It's Oakland. Don't you have enough teams with endless supplies of money in our own division to dislike?

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I've felt that way for a while. Even though I usually root for small market teams I always find myself preferring LA or Texas over Oakland.

I think their stadium is the starting point. I hate watching the O's play in that dreadful place so I think that distaste carries over to my overall perception of them.





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Oakland is the West Coasts' Baltimore.

I think they're a lot closer to the West Coasts' Rays.

I'll say this -- if the Orioles don't win the World Series this year, it'd be nice to see Oakland do it, not because I'm rooting for them but because we can finally put that story behind us.

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I think O's fans hope to at some point be the A's, from the standpoint of "respect" and success. I know I would love to be cheering for the team that everyone else is pulling for as the "lovable underdog".

For what it's worth, if Duquette keeps the Orioles in contention for a span of four or five years he'll be looked at very fondly by the national folks -- no different than the A's or the Rays. It just takes some track record; here's hoping!

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I think they're a lot closer to the West Coasts' Rays.

I'll say this -- if the Orioles don't win the World Series this year, it'd be nice to see Oakland do it, not because I'm rooting for them but because we can finally put that story behind us.

I think Beane would settle for getting past game five of the divisional series!

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When I was a little kid, I remember getting this baseball card from the 1972 World Series:



The A's then proceeded to beat the Orioles in back-to-back A.L.C.S.'s in 1973 and 1974 en route to 3 straight world championships, and 5 straight division titles ...... although, the Orioles had previously swept the Athletics 3 games to 0 in the 1971 A.L.C.S.

No, I don't hate the Athletics.

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I'm on the other end. I'll take the scrappy A's over the LA Angels of Orange County or whatever they are along with the other NL West teams. Also they're on the radio here and Fosse and Korach are pretty good.

I'm on the Frobby end of it. I think the East teams are all higher on my hatred list. I think the As come right after the D/C team for me.

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Maybe it's because they owned us more than any other team, percentage wise. O's record vs. A.L. teams 2000-14.

OAK	39	77	0.336NYY	92	162	0.362CLE	39	57	0.406BOS	107	150	0.416TOR	108	149	0.420LAA	52	71	0.423TEX	54	69	0.439CHW	50	57	0.467TBR	128	127	0.502MIN	50	49	0.505DET	53	51	0.510SEA	65	60	0.520KCR	64	42	0.604HOU	10	5	0.667TOT	911	1126	0.447
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