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It's time to start thinking about matching up with OAK/DET in a 5/7 gm series


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I knew I would get some responses like this. My response:

Dan and Buck are undoubtedly thinking about this sort of thing, so why can't we? It's the responsible thing to do when you're trying to win a championship. Not a division. A championship.

I am assuming the purpose of this all is a call to action for Dan?

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What moves would you like to see the organization make to ready itself for this postseason? Should they go all in? Should they sit back and roll with what they already have and see how their luck is in the "crap shoot" as Billy Beane call it?

It is a crap shoot. It also favors the Philadelphia Four Aces plan. Billy did his best to attempt that. The Orioles are where they are because the have grown up a few players. Whether it was once we drafted or acquired pre-arbitration. We have assumed much of the old Athletics model. To say the only goal is a championship is to step on a bus that I don't care for the destination, because it certainly only assures bad times ahead, not good times now.

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I'm more concerned if MG and Ublado can actually pitch well against a aging Yankees team. Still plenty of games to be played for me to start thinking 2014 AL east champs.

Not sure if the O's make any major moves but I'm sure DD will always look at various ways to help the team without jeopardizing too much of the future.

I think being ahead at the All Star break causes some to want to win the Trade deadline, much the way others want to win the off season. It is a very thin line that the front office is walking and there are 29 other guys trying to throw road blocks out there.

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I didn't bother reading the entire OP or any of the subsequent responses, because I can imagine how that went.

However, if (and that's a definite if) we win the division, the only way that we'll ever line-up with those two teams revolves around Gausman and Bundy pitching to their potential and taking the mound to start a game in the ALDS. Like em, love em or hate em, there is no certainty from our current quintet.

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Once Machado spazzed out on Donaldson and then threw the bat I knew we'd be facing the A's in the postseason. It just makes to much sense to the sporting universe to not make that each team's destiny.

Since then, Jones has somewhat lauded the A's approach to playing - saying that they may not have a bunch of guys with name recognition, but they play the game with swagger. He probably said the "grind" too.

If this does come to fruition, there is gonna be some serious fireworks when we pitch to the inside of the batter's box/plate.

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Oh man we're printing the playoff tickets.

Everyone here so overreacts to short term play. When we weren't playing well in May lots of people said we just weren't good enough to contend...some even said we should be sellers!

The pitching wasn't performing in May and most said we needed to add another arm or two (I remember posts saying that "just Samardzija" wouldn't be enough. Then we had that stretch of quality starts without much offense and the problem was that the pitching is good enough but we don't have the bats

Now we are playing well so its time to assume the division is ours and it for the playoffs.

It's like everyone assume that the most recent 20 or so games project to how we are going to play all year.

Fortunately I think Buck and DD aren't so shortsighted and see the bigger picture

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One thing to think about is rest.

I remember Game 153 last year, 18 innings Friday night leading off the 4-game series at Tampa when the season ended. Our core players had been grinding all year long to stay on the edges of the race. Never have I seen good players like so tired and ineffective as that night. I remember watching with a sense that we'd never score because no one's swing had any juice. I believe exhaustion had at least a little to do with Machado stumbling on the bag a few days later.

We may have an opportunity to manage that a little better this season. Machado's rehab's and Davis's oblique already banked some useful long term rest for a couple key players. Cruz has mostly DH'd so should be good.

But Jones and Markakis are 91/91, and Hardy has played just about 100% except for that one week. I believe no player's talent is really maximized by having them play literally every day, and Cal's legacy is one that's not helpful in our org. Even Mike Trout has had four games off this year. I love Buck, but when I hear him praise tough guys "posting up", I worry about disadvantage vs. a club like Oakland whose roster is nicely balanced.

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There is no difference between assembling a championship team and assembling the best team you can within your given constraints. The way to best increase your odds is to build the best team in baseball. But wasn't that the goal all along?

Exactly. Therefore, why the backlash to the OP?

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I am assuming the purpose of this all is a call to action for Dan?

Not at all. The purpose of all this is for you to respond to this question:

What would you, Weams, do to improve this team's chances of winning the AL?

Perhaps there isn't anything and you feel the O's should just go with what they have. Perhaps you think they need to go all in and acquire an ace. Maybe there's a C you think they should target who won't cost too much and will improve the team.

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I didn't bother reading the entire OP or any of the subsequent responses, because I can imagine how that went.

However, if (and that's a definite if) we win the division, the only way that we'll ever line-up with those two teams revolves around Gausman and Bundy pitching to their potential and taking the mound to start a game in the ALDS. Like em, love em or hate em, there is no certainty from our current quintet.

On any given day Ubaldo could be a world beater, he could out pitch anyone. Tillman compares favorably to many of the number twos we might face. Gausman is the key. I do not expect Bundy to be a piece of our puzzle.
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