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Manny Machado expected to have surgery on knee within a week.


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Don't go talking trash about the guys that saved us from Ballfour!

Unless there is bone sticking out you are always going to try rest and rehab first.

This! People ragging on our docs. Who have no more than you or I internet med knowledge. But always ready to PLACE BLAME on the Orioles docs.

I hate to use the word... but it's pretty PATHETIC!

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This! People ragging on our docs. Who have no more than you or I internet med knowledge. But always ready to PLACE BLAME on the Orioles docs.

I hate to use the word... but it's pretty PATHETIC!

Why is it pathetic? The doctor's initial diagnosis (and prognosis) for several of the recent severe injuries to major and minor league talent and the subsequent diagnosis leave a lot to be desired.

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Do you think DD disagrees with the decision? Could this be agent driven? I dunno. How can he be so active and need surgery now? Gah

I give weight to the player over the GM in these things.

I think the Yanks are being moronic having Tanaka even throw a bullpen when they are at ~3% to make the playoffs.

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Okay, you weren't paying attention to the numerous times I mentioned that I didn't want to trade Machado for Beltre, but threw it out there as an alternative for the crowd that was willing to give up Bundy++ for Beltre.

Point is! We're not willing to give up MM OR Bundy! We're still GOOD this year! Why give up the future???

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This thread is moving too fast to even have a freaking discussion.

That's true.

But in a sense, that's not necessarily a bad thing, because that is a residual effect of the fact that the Orioles are a contending team.

I suspect that if something like this had happened about 4 or 5 years ago, it would still get lots of posts, because the player in question is an excellent player ....... but probably not as many as this one is getting now, because of the fact that the team is ALSO positioned to win the division, and possibly make it to the World Series.

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I give weight to the player over the GM in these things.

I think the Yanks are being moronic having Tanaka even throw a bullpen when they are at ~3% to make the playoffs.

Well don't they need to know at some point whether healing the ligament will work like wainwright (I think) or if they should put him under the knife regardless? But I see your point.

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Well don't they need to know at some point whether healing the ligament will work like wainwright (I think) or if they should put him under the knife regardless? But I see your point.

I wonder what the numbers are on rehabbing ligaments vs surgery. I'd bet 80 to 90 percent still have to have surgery regardless.

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Well don't they need to know at some point whether healing the ligament will work like wainwright (I think) or if they should put him under the knife regardless? But I see your point.

I would be going at a slower pace. They had him throwing splits already.

Of course they have great doctors so I guess they know better then I do at my desk.

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