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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/matttomic">@matttomic</a> I found the offer sheet presented to the Jays! <a href="http://t.co/NaE2Hqqdzi">pic.twitter.com/NaE2Hqqdzi</a></p>— Michael Gallant (@mike_gallant80) <a href="
">January 22, 2015</a></blockquote>

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That's just uncalled for! WE are the criminals here?

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What kind of business?

Seems like they want top executive talent.

They sign free agents.

They make trades

They develop players.

What am I missing here!?

It's not what you're missing, it's what they're missing -- any playoff appearances in the last 21 years.

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Because the dual-GM worked so well before? I don't think so. Brady majored in Ecnomics at a top 50 university so I don't doubt he has the smarts for the job. But I really know nothing about his leadership skills.

I didn't know that. :scratchchinhmm:

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So now it seems that the Orioles are taking advantage of the situation to extort the Blue Jays...threatening to file tampering charges if they don't give us what we want. This could end up being quite ugly.

Extort? Screw that. We should demand whatever compensation we feel is adequate to compensate us for the loss of our GM and the crappy, disruptive way in which this has been handled. If the Jays don't want to give that compensation, we deny them permission to talk to Duquette and we file tampering charges if we feel it's justified and can actually yield some remedy.

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I didn't know that. :scratchchinhmm:

Join Date

Sep 2014


Woodbridge, ON

What's worse....

The Jays choosing to give up Hoffman for DD...


The Jays being forced to give up Hoffman for DD because Ed Rogers tampered and the alternative could be even worse for the organization if charges are filed...

I don't know. What do you guys think?

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Extort? Screw that. We should demand whatever compensation we feel is adequate to compensate us for the loss of our GM and the crappy, disruptive way in which this has been handled. If the Jays don't want to give that compensation, we deny them permission to talk to Duquette and we file tampering charges if we feel it's justified and can actually yield some remedy.

Thank you.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/matttomic">@matttomic</a> I found the offer sheet presented to the Jays! <a href="http://t.co/NaE2Hqqdzi">pic.twitter.com/NaE2Hqqdzi</a></p>— Michael Gallant (@mike_gallant80) <a href="
">January 22, 2015</a></blockquote>

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That's just uncalled for! WE are the criminals here?

Well there was a precedent set prior to the trade deadline last season.


Seems legit.

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Extort? Screw that. We should demand whatever compensation we feel is adequate to compensate us for the loss of our GM and the crappy, disruptive way in which this has been handled. If the Jays don't want to give that compensation, we deny them permission to talk to Duquette and we file tampering charges if we feel it's justified and can actually yield some remedy.

Glad to have you in the front lines here.

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