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My O's glass is half empty again.


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A few weeks ago my outlook was relatively high. I was actually thinking that the O's were shaping up and things could be different this year.

Silly me.

Now, don't get me wrong. I've always said that the pitching is what'll make this team a winner or a loser, and so far in ST, the SP looks pretty good -- especially the trifecta of Bedard, Loewen and Cabrera.

But the offense is struggling to score a run a game, and the sounbytes coming from Sam Perlozzo and the rest of the front office have got me puzzled.

Reggie Sanders? Josh Fogg? WTF???

The flexability thing that Perlozzo is currently in love with troubles me. Does that mean we're going to see a bench consisting of Paul Bako, Brandon Fahey, Freddie Bynum and Ruddy Yan? Probably not, but the O's still seem to be oblivious to the fact that this team desperately needs a decent bench and couldn't hit its way out of a wet paper bag against LHP.

Then I hear that Trachsel will probably be given most or all of the season to prove that he can still pitch to an ERA below 5.50 because he's been paid $3 million and he's a "Professional Veteran Presence" or a PVP.

It seems like, for the life of them, the O's just can't help themselves from balancing out the good they've done over the offseason with boneheaded moves.

Overhaul the bullpen? No problem. Sign Paul Bako to a MLB contract.

Sign Aubrey Huff? No problem. Re-sign Kevin Millar.

Kris Benson goes down and Hayden Penn is primed and ready? No problem. Sign Steve Trachsel to a $3 million dollar MLB deal and then talk about trading for Josh Fogg.

Sign Jay Payton to hit LHP? No problem. He's going to play against LHP and RHP.

Sign good prospects in DuBois, House and Knott? No problem. Leave Josh Phelps unprotected in the Rule 5 draft to protect Paul Bako.

And so on and so on.

So if you see me wallowing around these boards over the next 2 weeks, at least you'll know where it's coming from. My old signature is back and I'm ready to dish out criticism as I see fit.

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I dont know why you waste your time here to just whine or that people bother to patronize you and think they will get you to stop crying. I could understand if you were just trying to make a point once in a while, but every post you make is just Debbie Downer at it again. Get some new material. :rolleyes:

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I dont know why you waste your time here to just whine or that people bother to patronize you and think they will get you to stop crying. I could understand if you were just trying to make a point once in a while, but every post you make is just Debbie Downer at it again. Get some new material. :rolleyes:

Is he wrong?

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There are problems for sure, but his act is tired, and some may say just like the O's front office. However, typing on the computer every day about every rumor and poor mistake that has been made is just another wasted topic.

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It's just spring training. You have to take the good with the bad and lately we've had more of the bad.

Our offense will be fine

Good point. It is only spring training. But that's not what is really getting to me. It's the realization that this team is still saying and doing stupid things when they should be learning from their mistakes.

However, I can't buy into the whole "Our offense will be fine thing." We were below mediocre last year and without utilizing our roster the way it should be utilized, ie platoons, we'll likely be about the same this year as well.

So if by fine, you mean mediocre and scoring about 770 runs, then yeah, I guess our offense will be fine.

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There are problems for sure, but his act is tired, and some may say just like the O's front office. However, typing on the computer every day about every rumor and poor mistake that has been made is just another wasted topic.

You went through the trouble to create an account and post your first 2 posts on me and my "tired act?"

Wow. I'm flattered.

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There are problems for sure, but his act is tired, and some may say just like the O's front office. However, typing on the computer every day about every rumor and poor mistake that has been made is just another wasted topic.

I believe there is an "ignore" feature through which you can ignore his posts. You could also rely on self-restraint. I do kind of find it amusing that it says you've been a member since July 2005, and after all that time, you finally make your first post, going after NMS.

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There are problems for sure, but his act is tired, and some may say just like the O's front office. However, typing on the computer every day about every rumor and poor mistake that has been made is just another wasted topic.

Oh, well I'm glad you're here to tell us whats wrong with the board.

Know what? If you don't like it, don't read it.

Any other changes you'd like to make? ;)

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There are definately problems, but I refuse to believe that our bench configuration is going to determine if we win 72 games or 90. I like to hope that my expectations for our current team are realistic. I dont think we are close to contending for the WC this year, I would be completely ok if we dont have a .500 record and Markakis blooms into a bonafide superstar, and Loewen and DCab put it all together.

I'm tired of the losing seasons as much as anyone, but if we can see some marked improvement from several players then I will be much more confident that this team will turn the corner in the next year or two.

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Sean, I'm as optimistic as the next guy, but I tend to agree with what you say.

This team has been in the middle of rebuilding for the last 5 or 6 years and they just can't do it right. Instead of getting younger, we continue to bring in guys who are mediocre (Huff/Payton/Millar) who fill holes, but don't fill them well.

If Sammy is stuck on versatility, then he should have told the FO not to sign Huff and and re-sign Millar while we still had Gibbons under contract. These guys best position is DH....and they aren't even very good at that.

I said this in another thread, but I can't believe that we continue to NOT have quality sticks in LF and 1B. I believe Drungo said that these positions are easily filled...and I tend to agree with him...but what the heck is our FO doing? They continue signing the Millars and Paytons instead of going out and really addressing the problem or being aggressive and going after a young player. Now we go out and get Dubois, Knott, and House and none of those guys appear like they are going to make the team. Heck...I'd even go for a viable platoon in LF, and we can't even seem to get that right.

I'm truly hoping that Bedard, Loewen, and Cabrera are truly ready to anchor this team. To me, the whole destiny of this team rides on their arms. I feel confident that the bullpen will be fine. It will hit some bumps along the way, but it will be a strength to the team.

So...I guess I'm saying I'm with you Sean. I hope that they prove me wrong as well, but I see another 4th place finish and about 75 wins.

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NMS, I have had an account long before many of your whining rants. I finally decided to show my affinity for your tireless babble. Thanks Poo for the heads up on the ignore, I never did anything more than read the site until today, looks like I have learned how to do two things.

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I don't think this is complaining for the sake of being negative. I really had some hopes for this team two months ago. They really did make up for a so-so free agent season with the signing of a bunch of really great role players. The bench and depth was looking better than it had in many years, with the opportunity to really address some weaknesses with situational bench play.

But instead they've relegated most or all these strengths to deep depth, stashed away at Norfolk. Benson got hurt, turning a roughly average chunk of 160 innings into a rapidly deteriorating Steve Trachsel. What we'd hoped was a competition for the 2nd catcher spot looks like it'll be handed to Paul Bako, who's coming off a .490 OPS. And most of the talk from Perlozzo is uninspiring, at best.

I thought this team could win 85 games if a reasonable number of things broke right and they set up the roster optimally. Now I have difficulty seeing them getting to .500 without the big three pitchers really stepping up.

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