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Drum beat a little louder for Cubs deal


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Nobody is avoiding the question. You just haven't gotten the answer you want to hear. It's a pretty neat trick and I'm sure you have some convinced.

BECAUSE HENDRY IS PROBABLY TALKING TO NEARLY EVERY GM IN THE GAME ABOUT RIGHT NOW. I thought I'd use caps for that since you did. Apparently points are made stronger, or more true, if caps are used instead. Good to know.

I think the number of people who feel the deal will get done is evenly split. So, I ask you, why do many people feel the deal will not get done? That's right. They're all wrong and have no clue. You're the only person who has a clue. Got it.

I'd say "answer those questions" but I couldn't care less what you have to say.

Here's what we really do know:

The teams have been talking for several months. No deal has been reached. Obviously there is still an issue or, you know, the two teams would have come to an agreement.

I'm not saying this is the case because I don't know, but in the past Angelos has gotten in the way of trading Brian Roberts so it's just plain silly to ignore that possibility. I'm sure you'll do so anyway so you can protect your beloved general manager.

It's also silly to sit here and say that Angelos is the problem when nobody knows. And who cares if he is the problem? It doesn't matter one bit if the problem is Angelos, Hendry, MacPhail or God. The results are the same.

Mostly, it's just ridiculous to sit here and talk about this for four months as if you have any clue what is going on. The ESPN message boards pass along more accurate information than this site does. If you want to believe the words of a few around here who clearly have no clue what is going on, so be it. I just ask that you not sit here and act as though you know anything when you obviously don't.

Acting as though you know something doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look ignorant and I must say, if that has been your goal all along, well done.

Once I got beyond your arrogance, and looked at your post only, I saw nothing but holes and contradictions. The part in bold is so ridiculous. Read it again and see what water that rationale holds. It doesn't hold any. You can't mount the high point of view that the number of people who feel one way validates that opinion, when you just wrote in the first half of the sentence that the sentiments are evenly split. That means that the other half is just as likely right, which is where you put SportsGuy. Furthermore, it's just opinions, or vaguely informed predictions on both sides.

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There is no logical answer why these negotiations are still going on, whether it's AM being ridiculous or Hendry, someone should have walked away by now. Or the trade should have been made by now.
The logical and only answer is that they still feel the deal is getting done and the negotiations haven't been as bad as the Chicago media is saying...Thus the clueless remark.

Cubs fans are getting their information the same places that the O's fans are getting theirs.

No you aren't...if that were the case, you would know PA hasn't vetoed anything.
Here's my thinking with PGA, a leopard doesn't change his spots

Well, no offense but you shouldn't think..PA has already changed his spots this offseason so you are completely wrong. You mine as well say the world is flat.

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The reports were not that PGA wouldn't trade Roberts, they were just that he wasn't happy with what the O's were getting back in return. So if PGA was telling AM that he could trade Roberts but only if he got a king's ransom back for him, then no, AM would not take him off the block, he'd leave him on and hope to get such a ransom regardless of whether or not AM thought it was a fair price.

If a team is going to overpay, then why not. IMHO I think that's more likely what's going on.

He probably wasn't happy...Because HIS GM wasn't happy with it...Is that really that difficult to comprehend?

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Nobody is avoiding the question. You just haven't gotten the answer you want to hear. It's a pretty neat trick and I'm sure you have some convinced.

He didn't answer the question at the time I asked him that...if he did, show me the answer and I will tell you why you are wrong.

LOL...So, he is still talking about BRob...PA has nixed every trade and the negotiations are going poorly but he is still spending a lot of time on this because he talks to all GMs? What a joke.
I thought I'd use caps for that since you did. Apparently points are made stronger, or more true, if caps are used instead. Good to know.
Except for poor ones, like yours.
I think the number of people who feel the deal will get done is evenly split. So, I ask you, why do many people feel the deal will not get done? That's right. They're all wrong and have no clue. You're the only person who has a clue. Got it.
Because it has drug on for a while and it is getting close to OD. Seems pretty simple to me.
I'm not saying this is the case because I don't know, but in the past Angelos has gotten in the way of trading Brian Roberts so it's just plain silly to ignore that possibility. I'm sure you'll do so anyway so you can protect your beloved general manager.
Undeniable that it happened in the past with a different GM that had no clout...But wrong to assume it now.
Mostly, it's just ridiculous to sit here and talk about this for four months as if you have any clue what is going on. The ESPN message boards pass along more accurate information than this site does. If you want to believe the words of a few around here who clearly have no clue what is going on, so be it. I just ask that you not sit here and act as though you know anything when you obviously don't.
Then go away, the site is better without you.
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Is anyone else Mentally exhausted , with this topic?
That's why I think people are frustrated. We all expect something to happen soon but nothing has. Am and Hendry have not said much so from with Cub fans experience with Hendry when things seem to quiet up that's when he gets a deal done.
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He didn't answer the question at the time I asked him that...if he did, show me the answer and I will tell you why you are wrong.

LOL...So, he is still talking about BRob...PA has nixed every trade and the negotiations are going poorly but he is still spending a lot of time on this because he talks to all GMs? What a joke. Except for poor ones, like yours.

Because it has drug on for a while and it is getting close to OD. Seems pretty simple to me.

Undeniable that it happened in the past with a different GM that had no clout...But wrong to assume it now.

Then go away, the site is better without you.

Espn messages boards are the worst people just go there to troll plain and simple. This board is fun that's why I come here to debate.
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Espn messages boards are the worst people just go there to troll plain and simple. This board is fun that's why I come here to debate.

Yea, i agree...Anyone who says this board is the same as ESPN boards is just not smart and really, should be banned for slamming the site.

It also shows someone with no knowledge of the things reported on thos site over the years.

Some of you guys are fine...Others need to go away. Their lack of knowledge and ignorance isn't wanted around here.

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The logical and only answer is that they still feel the deal is getting done and the negotiations haven't been as bad as the Chicago media is saying...Thus the clueless remark.

No you aren't...if that were the case, you would know PA hasn't vetoed anything.

Well, no offense but you shouldn't think..PA has already changed his spots this offseason so you are completely wrong. You mine as well say the world is flat.

YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS!!! You are speculating just like everyone else on these boards. Get off your high horse.

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Yea, i agree...Anyone who says this board is the same as ESPN boards is just not smart and really, should be banned for slamming the site.

It also shows someone with no knowledge of the things reported on thos site over the years.

Some of you guys are fine...Others need to go away. Their lack of knowledge and ignorance isn't wanted around here.

I agree some Cub boards are just plain out silly. Hendry can't do anything right with some Cub fans. The bottom line here is Hendry and AM know each other very well. Hendry was groomed by AM that's why they are trying to find a deal that works for both teams.
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YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS!!! You are speculating just like everyone else on these boards. Get off your high horse.

Isn't there a hint of...irony? Or perhaps the pot calling the kettle black with this post?

Fact is that SG is right. No ones speculating on PA vetoing anything, except people on this board. It hasn't been reported in the media or press.

I seriously can't believe that people are getting so heated over this.

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