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Drum beat a little louder for Cubs deal


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Yea, i agree...Anyone who says this board is the same as ESPN boards is just not smart and really, should be banned for slamming the site.

It also shows someone with no knowledge of the things reported on thos site over the years.

Some of you guys are fine...Others need to go away. Their lack of knowledge and ignorance isn't wanted around here.

I agree that ESPN's message boards are a joke. Somehow every MLB story turns into something about the Yankees and the Red Sox in the comments portion, regardless of the topic of the actual story.

What I do not agree with is the perception that your opinion is to be taken as factual, and if anyone else has an opinion that conflicts with yours, they are clueless, not smart, or have no knowledge of certain things.

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YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS!!! You are speculating just like everyone else on these boards. Get off your high horse.

I do know this...I have a source close to the team and have been told that PA hasn't nixed anything.

If you don't want to believe me, I don't care but I do know this.

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YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS!!! You are speculating just like everyone else on these boards. Get off your high horse.
If Angelos vetoed the deal why would AM keep negotaiting with the Cubs. Don't you think he would come out and say we have decided to keep Roberts and try to him sign him to a extension. Hendry also would have moved on don't you think.
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I agree that ESPN's message boards are a joke. Somehow every MLB story turns into something about the Yankees and the Red Sox in the comments portion, regardless of the topic of the actual story.

What I do not agree with is the perception that your opinion is to be taken as factual, and if anyone else has an opinion that conflicts with yours, they are clueless, not smart, or have no knowledge of certain things.

Having an opinion is one thing...Stated that opinion as a fact is ridiculous. You saying PA has vetoed the deal isn't an opinion...It is you treating that as a fact and that is an incorrect statement.

You making a statement that PA isn't going to change his spots is an opinion but it is a clueless opinion and totally ignores what has happened this year.

If you want to have the opinion that the deal won't get done...fine.

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Isn't there a hint of...irony? Or perhaps the pot calling the kettle black with this post?

Fact is that SG is right. No ones speculating on PA vetoing anything, except people on this board. It hasn't been reported in the media or press.

I seriously can't believe that people are getting so heated over this.

I have never said that PGA vetoed anything. In my opinion, I believe that he is the hold up. I never have said that it was factual. On one post I said that WSCR in Chicago was reporting that AM and Hendry had an agreement worked out and that PGA either nixed it or got involved somehow, but prefaced that with a FWIW. I was just passing along information that was heard on radio that morning, which believe me, I don't take as factual. It's ALL speculation.

My entire point this morning has been that it's fine if everyone has an opinion, but don't start calling people "beyond clueless" if their opinion doesn't match what your opinion is. And to take it a step further, SG is the one saying that all of these things he's arguing is FACT, when he's speculating just like everyone else.

I'm honestly not heated up about it at all, just trying to make sure that the point I was trying to make doesn't get twisted.

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Having an opinion is one thing...Stated that opinion as a fact is ridiculous. You saying PA has vetoed the deal isn't an opinion...It is you treating that as a fact and that is an incorrect statement.

You making a statement that PA isn't going to change his spots is an opinion but it is a clueless opinion and totally ignores what has happened this year.

If you want to have the opinion that the deal won't get done...fine.

Please show me one post where I have said that PGA vetoing a deal was fact. You WILL NOT find it.

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I do know this...I have a source close to the team and have been told that PA hasn't nixed anything.

If you don't want to believe me, I don't care but I do know this.

Is it one of the same sources who on Jan 9th said the deal was finalized?

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I agree that ESPN's message boards are a joke. Somehow every MLB story turns into something about the Yankees and the Red Sox in the comments portion, regardless of the topic of the actual story.

What I do not agree with is the perception that your opinion is to be taken as factual, and if anyone else has an opinion that conflicts with yours, they are clueless, not smart, or have no knowledge of certain things.

Here's a fact for you, what PA has allowed to happen this offseason is unprecedented, everything points to him letting McPhail run the show. Hallelujah!!

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If Angelos vetoed the deal why would AM keep negotaiting with the Cubs. Don't you think he would come out and say we have decided to keep Roberts and try to him sign him to a extension. Hendry also would have moved on don't you think.

Let me again preface all of this with the FACT that this is my OPINION. As I told you earlier, I don't think it was a flat, "I will not trade Roberts" by Angelos. In my opinion, there was too much smoke in January for there not to be a fire. I think Hendry and AM agreed on a deal, and then it was brought to PGA. PGA didn't like the return that he was getting for Roberts, and nixed THAT particular deal.

Therefore Hendry and AM went back to the negotiating table to try and come up with a new deal. Hence the continued negotiations.

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Having an opinion is one thing...Stated that opinion as a fact is ridiculous. You saying PA has vetoed the deal isn't an opinion...It is you treating that as a fact and that is an incorrect statement.

You making a statement that PA isn't going to change his spots is an opinion but it is a clueless opinion and totally ignores what has happened this year.

If you want to have the opinion that the deal won't get done...fine.

I don't think Am would keep negotiating with the Cubs if a trade was vetoed by PA. If it came out he did at sometime vetoed the trade wouldn't that make AM look foolish. Why would AM put himself in that position, don't you think he would of moved on by now and save himself that embaresment.

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