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Fast Game Times and Tasty Waves


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rob Manfred went big in his pitch to owners: A pitch clock by next year. Limits on shifts and relievers. <a href="https://t.co/5cyFC0Fkv0">https://t.co/5cyFC0Fkv0</a></p>— USA TODAY Sports MLB (@USATODAYmlb) <a href="

">August 18, 2016</a></blockquote>

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So instead of letting change happen organically, MLB is going to force changes down everyone's throats, even when it could arguably destroy the game. The Shift and Relief pitchers are now part of the game. No one in their right mind wants these changes. Even Gary Bettman and Roger Goddell know their sports well enough not to tinker massively with them like this. This is a kind of change even Bud Selig and wouldn't do.

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So instead of letting change happen organically, MLB is going to force changes down everyone's throats, even when it could arguably destroy the game. The Shift and Relief pitchers are now part of the game. No one in their right mind wants these changes. Even Gary Bettman and Roger Goddell know their sports well enough not to tinker massively with them like this. This is a kind of change even Bud Selig and wouldn't do.

You crystallized my thoughts. The change HAS happened organically! Teams shift a lot now. And it works. Teams use their pens, and BUY them because it works. The game evolves at it's own pace. NOT at Rob Manfred's whim!

And luckily, Manfred can't force this down anyone's throat. Not owners, not MLBPA. Especially in a contract year.

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