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Will the fans show?


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Some numbers for the Orioles. Hard to get exact numbers

Bloomberg from a few years ago.

Gate Receipts: $52M

Concessions: $14M

Sponsorship: $18M

Parking: $2M

Total Stadium Revenue: $86M annually

There is no longer a split of gate receipts. Hold that number too.

$48.5 million in National TV money.

If the claims are accurate that the Nationals made $9.6 million in 2015 based on 16% ownership, the rest of the equation according to the Sports Business Journal filing, “Nats got $9.6M in MASN profits in ‘15” would mean the Orioles then received a staggering profit of $50,400,000 for just 2015 and indicate that MASN made $60,000,000 in profits in 2015.

It’s worth noting that this methodology understates the actual amount that the Nationals received. MLB actually gave the Nationals $32.8 million, but deducted $7.8 million for revenue sharing. All other media rights revenue is determined before revenue sharing and therefore the Nationals’ accounting method understates the actual value of the money they received.

The problem with Angelos okaying more money being provided to the Orioles in broadcast rights fees is in his agreement with Major League Baseball. For every additional dollar he agrees to give the Orioles in broadcast rights fees, he must match it exactly for the Nationals (or, in this scenario, the other way around). A $1M increase in the rights fees paid to Baltimore really costs him $2M (assume that this is $1M from Angelos’ pocket and not $1M total; since he holds an 87% ownership stake in MASN, this equates to a $1.149M increase in rights fees paid to each team for an additional $2.298M in total outlay).

However, profit from MASN that isn’t paid to the team in broadcast fees is not subject to revenue sharing. This provision that benefits the small handful of teams that get their own RSN and provides clear incentive for the Orioles and for Peter Angelos: keep broadcast fees as low as possible. Where the Astros and Dodgers pay far more in this pocket of revenue sharing because their broadcast rights fees are higher, those teams wouldn’t have any money if it weren’t for broadcast fees. The Orioles, on the other hand, can take just a few dollars in broadcast dollars and keep the rest for themselves.

Arguably, at most, there’s another $67.6M to spend on the Orioles. That pushes the annual on-field payroll to a possible $156.6M if every last penny is spent on player salaries. Ignoring the fact that this is also a poor investment strategy because the amount of money Angelos can get is capped by the relative size of the market and existing contracts, it’s still not a payroll that matches the Yankees.

$156.56 million payroll would be from a few years ago. Also have to keep in mind that the Nationals share could go up to as much a 1/3 of the MASN revenue. Also deal only goes into 2028. Not sure what will happen afterwards. Also Orioles lease would be expiring in 2021. So basically the team is making more money per year since the Nationals came and the MASN deal but is worth less if sold.





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May in Baltimore we had like 17 straight days of rain that absolutely killed gate numbers early on. Then we had most of Orioles twitter and every major sports outlet beating the constant drum of the Orioles not being really good enough. Combine that with general negative attitudes about the city, from the counties, coming in the wake of the riots last year you get what we got.

I am not shocked by the downturn in attendance.

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Prepare to be nationaly embarrassed this series by Red Sox fans. I know a lot of people heading down for these games. Seriously at this point Baltimore doesn't deserve a team. If Orioles fans can't show up for this series can they even sell out a playoff game? I say this half joking.

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How come you aren't coming down?

How many games up in Boston have you attended this year? By the way I actually looked in to it this morning. See how many Southwest flights are available today in time for game? I'd have to fly back tomorrow for work and I'm not rich and don't even remotely live as close as millions of other Orioles fans. You like to make this about me personally not showing up look around at the fan base that is in area.

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How many games up in Boston have you attended this year? By the way I actually looked in to it this morning. See how many Southwest flights are available today in time for game? I'd have to fly back tomorrow for work and I'm not rich and don't even remotely live as close as millions of other Orioles fans. You like to make this about me personally not showing up look around at the fan base that is in area.

I'm not a Red Sox fan. But you are right, I've not been up. It was just a question of whether you were coming. Not about your willingness to attend or spend cash. I was just going to see about saying hello to a fellow hangouter. I did phrase it odd though. My apologies.

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Prepare to be nationaly embarrassed this series by Red Sox fans. I know a lot of people heading down for these games. Seriously at this point Baltimore doesn't deserve a team. If Orioles fans can't show up for this series can they even sell out a playoff game? I say this half joking.

Funny, I was at the Red Sox game 4 years ago on the final Sunday game when the Os were clinching a playoff spot, and Sox were out of it. I saw exactly one Red Sox fan (that I remember) in a Sunday sell out.

Just my opinion, but I think it's more embarrassing to be with the "I've been a fan since way back to the Kevin Millar days" crowd than to be with the home town team, and not trolling some other fans' message board.

I guess with the wagon comes the band though....

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We live in a world where perception is the only reality that matters. County folk think that all of Baltimore is the intersection of Penn and North. They never really believed the team had a chance from day one it seems. This team was never supposed to be good enough and people can complain about costs, but it is not ridiculously more expensive this year than it has been the last two.

Its raining in Baltimore again today - all day off and on steady rain and drizzle. It is a Monday.

The game-previews from many of the Orioles internet will be passive aggressive jabs at players or the perceived likelihood of the Red Sox winning this game. I would also say the Orioles kinda dropped the ball with marketing this year. They should know by now that actually winning games is not enough, not when every media outlet on the regional and national level continually either ignores the team or spends time analyzing why they will ultimately fail. Not to mention the fact that any time Baltimore is brought up in the news it is accompanied by year-old riot footage.

I can't rag on it too much - I haven't been to any games. I have a toddler, and a rather tight budget because of it, I made my economic choices and don't begrudge others that do the same.

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Funny, I was at the Red Sox game 4 years ago on the final Sunday game when the Os were clinching a playoff spot, and Sox were out of it. I saw exactly one Red Sox fan (that I remember) in a Sunday sell out.

Just my opinion, but I think it's more embarrassing to be with the "I've been a fan since way back to the Kevin Millar days" crowd than to be with the home town team, and not trolling some other fans' message board.

I guess with the wagon comes the band though....

One, its way more embarrassing to not have a fans show up when they are in a playoff spot and fighting for division. Is this even remotely debatable.

Two, At least they can sell out a game.

Three, Who said I was a Red Sox fan.

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We live in a world where perception is the only reality that matters. County folk think that all of Baltimore is the intersection of Penn and North. They never really believed the team had a chance from day one it seems. This team was never supposed to be good enough and people can complain about costs, but it is not ridiculously more expensive this year than it has been the last two.

Its raining in Baltimore again today - all day off and on steady rain and drizzle. It is a Monday.

The game-previews from many of the Orioles internet will be passive aggressive jabs at players or the perceived likelihood of the Red Sox winning this game. I would also say the Orioles kinda dropped the ball with marketing this year. They should know by now that actually winning games is not enough, not when every media outlet on the regional and national level continually either ignores the team or spends time analyzing why they will ultimately fail. Not to mention the fact that any time Baltimore is brought up in the news it is accompanied by year-old riot footage.

I can't rag on it too much - I haven't been to any games. I have a toddler, and a rather tight budget because of it, I made my economic choices and don't begrudge others that do the same.

I know the riots are still keeping people away for some reason, but I still can't wrap my head around that being the main reason. I'm an AA county resident myself and have been to at least 20 games this year. I've never had any Orioles fans in my area tell me that they are scared to go into the city for the games. I hear many people speculate that's the reason for the downturn, but I've never actually heard anyone admit to it.

I have had several tell me it's expensive and they find it more comfortable and easier to just watch the game on TV.

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One, its way more embarrassing to not have a fans show up when they are in a playoff spot and fighting for division. Is this even remotely debatable.

Two, At least they can sell out a game.

Three, Who said I was a Red Sox fan.

They sell out a game because their stadium is the smallest in the universe and the team has been consistently winning for the last decade and a half. Not too mention they have multiple regional and national media outlets that basically act like little more than publicity agencies for the team. They are constantly featured on national spotlight games and marketed as such.

The bottom line is the consistent winning that has kept people coming. I remember Fenway not being very full every night during the darker days of the Sox. Moreover, I have heard some very VERY audible Orioles fans in the Fens the last couple of years.

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I know the riots are still keeping people away for some reason, but I still can't wrap my head around that being the main reason. I'm an AA county resident myself and have been to at least 20 games this year. I've never had any Orioles fans in my area tell me that they are scared to go into the city for the games. I hear many people speculate that's the reason for the downturn, but I've never actually heard anyone admit to it.

I have had several tell me it's expensive and they find it more comfortable and easier to just watch the game on TV.

Dude, I didn't want to believe it either - but it is the only real X-factor between this year and last.

You can't argue the team didn't spend money

You can't argue the team isnt competitive.

I WOULD argue that the Old-Testament-esque rainy season we had at the beginning of the year, while they didn't cancel a ton of games certainly depressed attendance and thus the final numbers we are looking at.

But honestly, Harford county had a ban on field trips into the city for most of last year - that alone is all you need to know. Things should be back to normal next year. All of the businesses in the Harbor, and other places throughout the city have seen a downtick.

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