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Kruk Bashes O's


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This team has a lot of young talent, and even more in the farm system, I can think of many teams I would rather not manage if Im a Manager looking for a job.

Let's not get carried away. We have some young talent. Markakis and Loewen are the only players on the team that have significant potential who are under 25. Cabrera is 26. Guthrie and Bedard are 28. Roberts turns 30 this season. Ray and Hoey are also young and maybe you might hold out hope that htey will blossom into future stars.

The farm system is improving but many still rate it as average at best. Others still rate is as below average.

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Just ripped this team apart on Baseball Tonight. Granted, I don't think either of these guys are particularly bright. Their main points were as follows:

1) Phillips: Perlozzo not the problem, the bullpen is the problem

He is correct here, but fails to realize the lineup was the even bigger problem

On Mike and Mike, Phillips came closer to your take. He called the bullpen signings "cautious change" and said they should have spent for an impact player for the everyday lineup. He also talked about Pete's never wanting to sign a guy with any record of injury and the three year limit on pitcher's contracts.

2) Both: The team is horribly put together, and the blame should be on Flanagan moreso than Perlozzo.

I tend to agree here, altough Perlozzo definitely should've been fired.

He talked about the track record of going through managers, almost seeming to say this was the wrong move. I agree with you that it had to be done, regardless of whether one thinks PGA fires too many managers.

3) Kruk said he talked to Perlozzo, and is convinced Mazzone will stay because he really loves the pitching staff.

Cosidering this is coming from someone bashing the O's, this is good news.

4) Kruk: He would take any managing job in baseball over the Orioles job.

5) Both: The Orioles are not only bad, they are becoming irrelevant

He restated that this is the worst job in baseball. He'd take the Royals and the Pirates jobs because the expectations are low and losing there won't damage your resume. Here, the team won't make moves to compete in the East yet the owner and fans still expect the manager to win. He said that Girardi can only damage his rep by coming here.

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Guest rochester
I still fail to see how its bashing.

Your Rowand comparison is pretty horrid, you're right about that.

Kruk didn't say anything that was wrong, he merely expressed his opinion which he gets paid to do. I guess if you don't agree with it, you may consider it bashing..but since I agree with him, I don't consider it to be.

I don't think the media goes out of its way to bash this team, they just point out to a national audience what is wrong.

And whenever theres a manager firing anywhere, its a big story on sportscenter and it gets analyzed.

We sit around on this board and ***** and whine about things all day yet when someone from the national media does it automatically becomes "bashing" and we talk about how they "hate" us.

Newsflash: We're not on the national radar. If we were on the national radar it'd be because we'd be a winning club.

No one cares about the Orioles.

I was going to say something like this....but will defer to Moose to take the heat:D

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Phillips and Perlazzo are good friends, so his support of him doesn't surprise me at all.

On ESPN RADIO this morning on the Mike & Mike show, Phillips totally blasted the O's, calling it "the worst managing job in baseball" because of the meddling owner and the confusing heirarchy of the franchise. He said if he were Girardi, he wouldn't touch this job with a 10 foot pole. He also said he'd take the KC and Pitt jobs before the O's job.

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I just got done listening to Steve Phillips talk about the O's situation and I just wanted to smack him in the head! The sad part is that he is merely reiterating the same things we all say here on the board, i.e. Sam was far from the only problem, Angelos' meddlesome nature is incredibly detrimental, the F.O. is a joke and as an organization we do not have the commitment to compete with the Yankees and Red Sox so we will never be a winner. I don't mind it so much when we all say it here, but man alive does it get my goat when someone else talks poorly about the O's.

So I guess this is my plea, and I apologize Frobby for rehashing something that has been said 4 million times, however I just want it all to be true. I want P.A. to back the heck off and let Andy MacPhail run the organization. I want a complete change in philosophy and professionalism, if Jay Gibbons doesn't want to take infield practice then he and his Mendoza line should get the crap out of Baltimore! I know many of you believe in Dave Trembly and I am sure he is a wonderful man and manager, but personally I hope it is Girardi. I think it adds some credibility having him at the helm and I hope it signals a change in all the stupid stuff that we have had to put up with for so long. I want to see Flanagan and Duquette gone, maybe it wasn't their fault, maybe it was, but losing can not be tolerated. I know that every single one of us has a different path for the Orioles, some amazing and some trading Corey Patterson and Jay Gibbons straight up for Tex, but hey! we all have the same vision and that is a World Championship in Baltimore.

Thanks for letting me rant and I hope some day we can all tell Kruk, Phillips and all the others to stick it up their collective back-sides! (Even though, sadly, I think they speak the truth right now)

Sorry there are about 5 Kruk/Philips threads so this should be moved to one of them! I am still learning, hence the GCL O's (Maybe if I quit screwing up I can get the call up someday!)

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I heard the garbage from Phillips. I took that as nobody is beating down my door to ask me to lead the ballclub. Problem is we all read Moneyball and learned that he is not the greatest negotiator when it comes to talent. I heard no mention of MacPhail--they or their handlers watched Baseball Tonight and worked up a synopsis to rehash in the morning because they didn't seem to have much more than the basics. Those guys are also Yankee and Met-centric. Mike & Mike are sometimes good, but the show consists mostly of commercials.

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I was floored last night watching BBTN. I have no problem with them bashing the O's, but I you are going to bash them, please make it informed bashing. They had no clue. Sam was not the problem??? His bullpen mismanagement easily cost this team 7-10 games.:rolleyes: In the end, the team did the right thing.

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