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Austin Hays called up


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3 minutes ago, foxfield said:


"I couldn't agree more Frobby!"

The Hall of Fame is for fun so I try to avoid going all nuts about who belongs and who doesn't, but one thing I like about the Hall that even the great accomplishments from players who are banned like Rose are celebrated. He may not have a plague in the Hall, but last least as of the '90's there was a display about Rose's record, etc. I think they had his bat and some other memorabilia. 

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3 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

Back to Hays...my nightmare scenario is that he goes to AZ this fall and gets hurt. That would suuuucccckkkkk. 

Cant really worry about injuries...it really takes away from enjoying the game.  Always felt the same when I played.  Same for us as fans, my nightmare scenario was that some well meaning fat cat would buy the best franchise in baseball and run it into the ground.  Fortunately I have my Redskins nightmares to distract me.  

But my point is, every year is gonna be the year, next year is the year it's gonna turn around.  We will see signs, or sprouts if you will.  Hays, plays all out and that is risky.  It's exactly the kind of thing we have been hoping for all year.  Enjoy it, otherwise you will might cringe and miss the good plays.  Hopefully the cringeworthy plays of balls banging off of skulls will be in our past soon.  Head up ole boy!!!!

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14 hours ago, SteveA said:

Factors affecting attendance, at a particular game, in order of precedence, IMO)

1)  Overall season tickets sold (this provides the base attendance for all games in a season)

2)  Premium opponent or not (NYY, Bos, Wash etc)

3)  Team having a 1989 style historic level turnaround to generate unprecedented in-season ticket purchases

4) Weekend vs weeknight

5) Giveaway -- is there one, how "good" is it

6) Summer months vs April/May/Sept

7) How good a season is the team playing and how hot/cold are they recently (but not a historic 1989 style turnaround) -- a good but not historic turnaround season will add a couple thousand per game but you are still pretty much defined by how many season tickets you sold.   A good season will help NEXT year's season ticket total a lot though.

8 ) Opponent quality/draw (excluding premium opponents)

9) Tonight's starting pitcher


It's way down on the line.   I doubt it adds more than a few hundred to have Means going rather than Wojo.   I'll bet over half the fans show up at the park not knowing before they set foot in the stadium who is starting tonight.

Excellent post. Thanks. 

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14 hours ago, Ohfan67 said:

Back to Hays...my nightmare scenario is that he goes to AZ this fall and gets hurt. That would suuuucccckkkkk. 

Then it wasn't meant to be. It's not like ZacK Britton flying across country and not sleeping for two before the most important games of his career now is it? 

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14 hours ago, Ohfan67 said:

The Hall of Fame is for fun so I try to avoid going all nuts about who belongs and who doesn't, but one thing I like about the Hall that even the great accomplishments from players who are banned like Rose are celebrated. He may not have a plague in the Hall, but last least as of the '90's there was a display about Rose's record, etc. I think they had his bat and some other memorabilia. 

Right.  I'm sure it was still there circa 2015.  Which is fine.  Don't whitewash history, but there's absolutely no reason to give the game's highest honor and a platform to a guy who knowingly and repeatedly broke fundamental rules of the game and consistently lied about it.  It's bad enough that Jimmy's Cut-Rate Memorabilia Shop 100 feet down the street from the Hall lets Rose set up a table, talk about his oppression and injustice, and charge $200 an autograph every induction weekend.

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