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Arrieta pitching now


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Pretty nice game for Jake. I hope he gets another opportunity to pitch before the Olympics are over. Missing a month of minor league ball to pitch in only one game in the Olympics wouldn't be a very good trade-off.

I dont think losing this one month of game time will hurt him too much, especially if he goes to the AFL again.

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Did anyone read the article on Jim Lefebvre taking over the Chinese team, where up to that point, Chinese baseball strategy consisted of "bunt on base, sac bunt, sac bunt, pray for wild pitch"?

He even said that the Chinese team would have a problem playing in high A at this point.

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Not sure who is doing the NBC Live Commentary text on their feed...

Matthew Pouliot of Rotoworld.com

I've been enjoying their commentary. One night, the guy who was doing it said something like, "He's just been awful." I cracked up. The tone is kinda refreshing.

Edit: By the way, you can go to the same site referenced earlier in the thread (http://www.nbcolympics.com/baseball/index.html) and down in the Schedule/Results section, click on Rewind to see the feed in archived version. I agree that the video quality is outstanding.

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I wouldnt get too excited about this start. He faces much better competition at high A ball, probly.

I agree, I watched most of the game on Universal HD. The Chinese team would have had trouble with an average Division III college team. Their pitchers were throwing in the mid to high 70's.

The play at the plate with the Chinese catcher getting run over was the hardest hit I've ever seen on a baseball diamond, the guy got leveled; he deserved it too.

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Arrieta is done for the day, and probably the Olys, unless he's used in relief. I'll take 0 runs and 2 hits any day.

You think? Would he have enough rest if they got into a medal game?

BTW if I were a Cleveland fan right now I would be furious about LaPorta. Imagine if that were Weiters...

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