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Thursday's Hot Stove Show

Going Underground

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On 11/6/2019 at 10:18 AM, Legend_Of_Joey said:

If this is the route they are going, I'm gonna save money by not renewing and just buying second hand tickets. 

Considering that the ushers at the STH gate let anyone in during early entrance on Fridays and Saturdays, the cost saved from buying second hand will make up any of the discounts from buying concessions. 

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1 hour ago, Satyr3206 said:

I sure hope the Baseball side is run better than the Marketing side. Because I keep hearing a lot of complaints about the Orioles Marketing and Public Relations.

They certainly don't seem to be a very creative bunch...which they probably need to be on a team with this little to sell right now. Here are the LinkedIn pages for few of their media / PR leaders for context if you're curious about their background / experience. 

Senior VP, Chief Revenue Officer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/t-j-brightman-13639121/

Senior VP, Community Development and Communications - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifergrondahl/

Director, Advertising - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jtsnapkoski/

Director of Public Relations - https://www.linkedin.com/in/khudak11/

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4 hours ago, beervendor said:

The stadium area is generally safe during games when there are police officers directing traffic and multiple other fans around. Once the post-game exodus tapers off, it's easy to find yourself all of the sudden alone on a dark secluded lot or side street. With declining attendance expected to continue into next season and beyond, the "safe" (or more accurately "safer") window after a game would be reasonably expected to narrow. One could be mugged - or worse - in broad daylight but after dark the largely industrial stadium area should be avoided the moment the company of other fans dwindles. O's would do well to use private security or pay for BPD overtime to make the area safer.

I agree with the narrowing safety window. 

I have been taking the metro to the games for over a decade and not once did I ever feel unsafe. This last season though my girlfriend and my mother wanted to go to the Sherpa blanket game. My Mom hadn't been on the metro in probably twenty years. We got off at Lexington and walked up to the stadium and it looked like hell. I could tell my mom and girlfriend were getting nervous which made me concerned for the night walk back. 

The game went into extra innings and the crowd, already sparse, was thinning after each failed rally. Every other game I've taken the metro to had a decent crowd of people walking from the stadium to the metro. This time it was just us. I felt like I had to be super observant because of the women I was with and walked carefully past alleys. It was when we smelled urine on the streets that I felt like I had made a mistake. We made it home fine, no problems, but I doubt they'll want to take the metro again anytime soon. 

Sherpa blankets were really nice though. 

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