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Different Accounts Drifting into Each Other?


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Starting today, when I get to the OH website, even before I sign in, I see that it is already signed in, but under a different member's ID. So far it's been SteveA and Can_of_Corn. When I try to log in, my ID shows up, but then beyond my control it will suddenly become another member's. So, for example, it will be SteveA's profile that is accessed, not mine. But then, even without me doing anything, it will revert to LA2.

Is this happening to anyone else? Is anyone else's account suddenly appearing and acting as if it's mine? This is happening despite my signing in and out several times. Strange!

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1 minute ago, LA2 said:

Starting today, when I get to the OH website, even before I sign in, I see that it is signed in, but under a different member's ID. So far it's been SteveA and CanofCorn. When I try to log in, my ID shows up, but then beyond my control it will suddenly become another member's. So, for example, it will be SteveA's profile that is accessed, not mine. But then, even without me doing anything, it will revert to LA2.

Is this happening to anyone else? Is anyone else's account suddenly appearing and acting as if it's mine? This happens despite my signing in and out several times. Strange!

It happened to me but not really.  I tried to access another members message tab (just to see if I could, I wasn't prying I swear!) and mine came up instead.

The whole board has been glitching these last couple of hours, with rep and posts appearing and disappearing.

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I was having an odd problem that I kept having to sign in again, I had to change my password once, and the bottom right hand corner allowed me to post reactions on some comments but not on others, including individuals on the same post.

I wrote to Weams to ask If he could suggest a cause and a cure, but it seems that the gremlins are not just affecting me.

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I tried to update the spring training tracker original from a work computer at about 5PM and it repeatedly failed to "take".   I'd hit the button to save the edits and what was on the screen reverted to what had been there and all my edits were lost.   After two times I gave up.   I got logged out once without realizing and had a bit of a struggle getting logged back in.   I gave up. 

I'm home now, I''m going to try to update the spring training tracker again in a little while.

I haven't had any issues with becoming someone else though.

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