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ESPN's Ravech: Teixeira has "enormous attraction to the Orioles" Close to signing


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Mammoth contract plus no-trade plus opt-out clause? So we will get Tex because Epstein is not a flaming moron? Boy, that gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling.

I hate opt-out clauses. They give the player all the flexibility and the team all the downside. So you get the player for 3-4 years, at which point you are guaranteed (because Boras clients have always done this, without fail) that he will opt out and extort you for more money or else leave a big hole in the middle of your lineup right when you are starting to need him the most. That "hometown discount" better exist outside the theoretical realm if he's getting all that.

Apologies for the crabbiness, my dinner stunk.

The NTC clause is meaningless in this case IMO.

The opt out could actually work in our favor...If he opts out after 5 years or something like that, then we could end up not paying him in his likely declining years.

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Does anyone else feel that if we had any of our previous GMs of the last 7-8 years, and did not have a guy as bright and respected as MacPhail, that we would have absolutely no chance at Tex? I do.

I love AM, but to answer your question, nope.

This is a PA thing, my bet is that AM wouldn't be doing this if PA had stayed out of it.

Remember the off-season we signed Raffy/Javy/Miggy? AM wasn't here then.

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Your first post - welcome to the OH.

However, I don't think their system is close to ours. Here is John Sickels summary posted in November:

The Nationals system is not as bad as you think it is, but it isn’t very good, either. They have a lot of depth in C+ style prospects, but lack impact talents beyond the top few, and even guys like Marrero and Detwiler have big question marks. Health has been a big issue for a lot of their players. They need to continue being aggressive in the draft, and further investments in Latin America would likely help.

Source: http://www.minorleagueball.com/2008/11/21/667552/washington-nationals-top-2

And, in comparison, his take on the O's system, posted the day before:

This organization has rapidly improved over the last couple of years. Drafting early has helped that, but willingness to actually spend money on good players (Wieters, Arrrieta, Matusz) is a key factor that some other early-drafting teams have missed. Trades have helped bring additional depth, and they’ve shown some ability to develop sleeper types. High school bats such as Snyder and Rowell have brought mixed results, but overall the level of talent in the farm system is something that Baltimore fans should be happy about.

Source: http://www.minorleagueball.com/2008/11/18/665005/baltimore-orioles-top-20-p

Nice comparison. The Nats are and remain the Orioles ugly Step Sisters to the South. :rofl:

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Does anyone else feel that if we had any of our previous GMs of the last 7-8 years, and did not have a guy as bright and respected as MacPhail, that we would have absolutely no chance at Tex? I do.

Sorry to disagree but if Duquette were given the same parameters to opertate under as AM has been given by PGA he would have done just fine.

PGA a major difference here.

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Depends how you look at it' date=' we have the best minor league player period tho.[/quote']

In about 6 month's though they will. Weiters I would think would be in the bigs at that point. It really doesn't matter at this point. Most of these guys are a crap shoots minus Weiters types. Both system are improved.

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Ill have this to say about an opt out. I live in Connecticut and am surrounded by Soxs and yankee fans. Yesterday I said I could very easily see the Orioles signign tex and he said some to the effect of... that's cool, he will opt out in 3 years and sign with Red Sox when they really need him. My first reaction was to kick him in the ...baseballs but I wanted to keep my job. That would be the worst feeling in the world if in three years the Orioles were not competitve and tex opted out to join the sox or yankees. It really highlights the point that if the Orioles do sign tex and give him an opt out in three years that the Orioles need to go all out to be competitive by then. That means not making many other personel mistakes.

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My question is why wouldn't you??? Would you sign Tex to a 4 year $80 million deal???? I would. If he opts out after 4 years the 9 year $180 million deal becomes a 4 year $80 million one.

Go back to the combination of things you mentioned in your post -- he wants up-front money AND an opt-out clause. Depending how much the up-front money is, this can result in a front-loaded contract where Tex gets more per-year if he opts out than if he stays in. That would be a problem.

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