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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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What I don't understand is why so many reporters are leaving the O's out of their reports. There must be either no news or bad news (for us) coming from the Warehouse/insiders that supply to ESPN and the like. For them to not even mention the O's in a Teixeira report is puzzling.

But think about it though. Where exactly do the reporters get their info from? It could be that AM is keeping it so that "everything that happens in the warehouse stays in the warehouse", and only when he's ready will he let the cat out of the bag. A reporter is only as good as the information they are being told, and if they're not getting anything from us, they assume we aren't in it. I honestly think that's the way AM likes to work.

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The latest Buster Olney report doesn't jive with anything our insiders have said. We have yet to see the media report the O's "wow" offer. So with that said, I'm having a hard time believing what I'm hearing from the media. And remember, the national media just yesterday picked up on the O's importance in the Tex discussion.

If the O's are going to be able to sign Tex, their offers need come under the radar. Having the negotiations reported to Roch, Gammons, Rosenthal, Olney, et al. is not going to help AM and PA's cause. Just look at the tactics that Boston is taking. We haven't heard or see an official offer from them.

People are making way too much out of this new Olney article.

This is the same thing Olney has been saying the whole time.

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Right, but for this to be the report -- that we are requiring a home town discount, it seems a bit late to me. What has been going on in negotiations since the winter meetings? Have we just been sticking to our guns? I don't believe it.

The offer must have gone up at some point.

I don't want to believe it either, but it has happened before. And there have been enough media reports that it is almost impossible to deny it.
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Could be that we're not getting him. This whole thing kind of reminds me of when I was back in elementary school and kids would start talking about the possibility of it snowing and us getting out of school. It would start as a rumor then become fact...even though the weathermen were saying it wouldn't snow we were all set for that day off from school. Then it didn't snow just like the weathermen said and we were all bummed out.

I think truly no one knows but Mark what is going to happen. No one. I think nobody on ESPN really knows. Nor no one here. Team officials from all these teams feel they all made great offers and are confident. But until he signs or decides I think no one knows. If this was in the bank for Baltimore he'd be here. If it was in the bank for Boston he'd be here. We'll just have to wait out this very nerve racking process.

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I said it in the other thread, but I'm a little confused as to which one will become "the" thread so I'm saying it again.

In response to the latest Buster article:

I've been pretty negative about our chances because of our track record, but I find it interesting that we've gone from possible leaders to the bottom of barrel within 24 hours or so.

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I am trying to remain cautiously optimistic, but I gots a bad feeling here.

If Tex doesn't sign here and it's because we wouldn't match the Sux offer (or god help us, the Nats), this would be my worst experience as an O's fan. MDM x 100.

But what if it is a 8-9 year 28 million dollar a year offer? What if it money that is so insane that there is no way that he is logically worth it?

I mean there is getting beat because of a lack of effort, and then there is getting beat when you hold a straight but the other guy has a straight ace high.

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If we lose Tex because he turns down our "wow" offer, so be it.

If we lose Tex because we never made a "wow" offer and stood pat on our initial offer, unacceptable.

Scenario 2 and I just may have to invoke a personal boycott of all things black and orange.

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But think about it though. Where exactly do the reporters get their info from? It could be that AM is keeping it so that "everything that happens in the warehouse stays in the warehouse", and only when he's ready will he let the cat out of the bag. A reporter is only as good as the information they are being told, and if they're not getting anything from us, they assume we aren't in it. I honestly think that's the way AM likes to work.

I have no clue whether to believe our insiders, or the mainstream media reports. But any skepticism you place on reporters you have to use with our insiders. Buster Olney is as respected a baseball writer as they come. I don't know who his sources are in the O's organization, nor do I know bb's or Belkast's. But people should probably stop blindly disregarding their reports because they are unfavorable IMO.

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Could be that we're not getting him. This whole thing kind of reminds me of when I was back in elementary school and kids would start talking about the possibility of it snowing and us getting out of school. It would start as a rumor then become fact...even though the weathermen were saying it wouldn't snow we were all set for that day off from school. Then it didn't snow just like the weathermen said and we were all bummed out.

Pretty funny....but i live every winter being a teacher! I had the same feeling this morning and was bummed when i turned on the TV.

That aside.......If there is one place to look for information on this whole Tex thing where is that everyone looks to? Reading all these post can be quite time consuming and not factual. Where would one find the facts?

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As this team's biggest distractor (self-proclaimed) I'll say this...

If we have truly opened the pocketbook like it is being reported here and elsewhere, then I have new optimism in this franchise.

If we miss on Tex, we can still make this a very good offseason. I believe there some quality pitching still out there and a couple of quality bats.

I am confident that AM is not going to head to spring training with just Ryan Freel and Cesar Izturiz.

Let's take a deep breath and let this play out. Whatever the outcome of this, I am more confident in this team now than I was just 4 weeks ago.

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Could be that we're not getting him. This whole thing kind of reminds me of when I was back in elementary school and kids would start talking about the possibility of it snowing and us getting out of school. It would start as a rumor then become fact...even though the weathermen were saying it wouldn't snow we were all set for that day off from school. Then it didn't snow just like the weathermen said and we were all bummed out.

Is this true? Are we really getting out today? Cool! What time? My second period teacher says she knows the guy that makes the calls on snow days and he said it was likely.

Any other confirmation yet?

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