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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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Not concerned yet. This would be consistent with how AM works. It's just good strategy to use this kind of smokescreen to show Boras that we have our limits and the time has come to make a deal or move on. Doesn't make me feel like he's guaranteed to be an Oriole, but I do feel very good that we're winding this down and we're absolutely still in the game. Remember, we're likely to get the last chance offer over the other teams because of our hometown advantage. The media saying we're out of it jusst says to me that we're done ESCALATING. Get your best offer from Boston and call us with one last chance to counter-offer.

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Really? Because misinformation is only possible on one side?

Why the heck would the insiders get false information to give to OH?

Why get the fanbase's hopes up just to crush them? That would just get everybody angry and turn more people away from the Orioles.

If we are out of the Tex race, you would hear MacPhail say we were out.

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This is all very interesting....We are starting to see a pattern develop in a big way...all the members of the media are basically getting the same info and are all thinking the Orioles don't have a chance.

This means one of 2 things:

1) Belkast, Sonny and Baseball7117 are all incorrect and are being fed optimism over truth.

2) AM and the rest of the organization are spoon feeding the media everything they want to hear and are totally misleading them.

Hopefully it is #2.

I know this will be unpopular, and I hope it is wrong, but a third option may be Tex has decided to go elsewhere and in an effort to cushion the backlash from his hometown, Boras has dropped Olney the line about the Orioles wanting a hometown discount. The Orioles have been known to pursue the HT discount in the past so it is not a hard sell to get a national guy who once worked in the market to run with that. One way or another, I hope this ends soon.

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It definatly seems that ESPN is taking what Buster Olney believes and are running with it. For better or worse. The crawler at the bottom now is reporting "Orioles out of running for tex after not increasing their initial offer, Nat's and Angels have" I'm starting to think this is more of the same, the only time anyone will stick their head out of the bunker know as the warehouse, will be to announce Tex will be an Oriole. Seems like a lot of regurgitated material that ESPN is spinning. Belkast has reported that we have in fact increased our opening bid.

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Really? Because misinformation is only possible on one side?

agreed. it sure would be nice to know if belkast completely trusts his source and knows that there is definitely a WOW offer on the table. i would feel confident in tex choosing us i knew that that offer was really there. but i guess it's possible that we really are screwed if the WOW offer didn't happen?

conclusion: i want to believe belkast so i will believe belkast.

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Yes, it's not looking good my friends. The way it's being reported, I think we will all rest easier very, very soon. I'm praying that these "sports journalists" are wrong and that our people are right....but who knows.

I don't know how to honestly feel about this subject anymore, and quite honestly I don't really care that much.

If we get him, great, if not, no biggie, just trade some of these guys and lets get this team really young and ready to compete in 2-3 years.

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Let me check how this works....

National media guy hints there may be a chance Tex is considering the Orioles.....he speaks the truth, has good sources and we love him.

National media guy shoots down our chances......he's bogus, out of touch and/or lacking in intelligence, plus we never really liked him anyway.

Right....got it, I'm good to go!!


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I know this will be unpopular, and I hope it is wrong, but a third option may be Tex has decided to go elsewhere and in an effort to cushion the backlash from his hometown, Boras has dropped Olney the line about theOrioles wanting a hometown discount. The Orioles have been known to pursue the HT discount in the past so it is not a hard sell to get a national guy who once worked in the market to run with that. One way or another, I hope this ends soon.

If that's the case, I would hope the Orioles would come out after this is all over and blow away this story.

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