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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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I guess the Orioles' idea of "wow" was Tex's idea of "ho hum."

One of the many things Belkast has said was:

So I'm hoping that's accurate, and once Tex is done with Boston he'll give the Orioles a final chance to put a best and final offer on the table. I won't blame the O's at all if they can't match 8/$184 mm, but I hope they at least put their best possible offer out there so that Tex can decide whether any extra money in the Boston offer is outweighed by his desire to play near home.

I think this is over tomorrow if not sooner.

That's a great point. Nothing is official yet here. Let's wait until there's a signing before all the doom and gloomers start posting.

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Nobody will want to sign here. Roberts won't extend, Markakis will walk.

A Teixeira signing would have been huge for this team.

Now it looks like MacPhail will get his wish and will turn us into the Rays (before last year) for the next 10 years...

If we offer Markakis a reasonable extension, I seriously doubt he walks.

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I'm trying to figure out why they are meeting in Texas, seeing as Boras' office is in Cali.

Anyway, we set that money aside for Tex and Tex alone, just like the Brewers did with C.C. They aren't going to spend the money on other players since C.C. chose to leave and I'd be surprised if we spend the kind of money that we had set aside for Tex.

We'll end up signing a couple of retread pitchers and overpay them. That's how we do things.

I'd much rather us sign the two Japanese pitchers than overpay the likes of Byrd and Garland.

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Another incarnation!

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We ain't dead yet, now come on.

I'm going to pick up the unflappable optimism baton that JTrea just dropped and continue with hope. No one's signed a dotted line yet. This is a tiny blurb from some Boston website. Let's wait and see.

Face it it's done. Boston just sent the full court press to Texas. They ain't coming back without Tex...

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It's not the end of the Orioles universe if we lose out on Tex, and the money we'll save over the next 2 years may end up being very benefitial to the ballclub in the long run. Markakis and B-Rob need extensions and even if B-Rob walks, we've got some one in the minors to replace him.

We even have a 1st basemen by the name of Brandon Snyder who has been getting better every year and is about to hit AA. We could see him in May of next year. Reimold will probably be called up this summer at some point (if he doesn't break camp with the big league team).

Bottom line is there are still alot of positive things going for this club. Boston is only as good as their pitching will allow, and while losing out on Tex may (will) hurt, I'm still going to games this year.

Please forgive us who can't be patient during this rebuilding. Those players who we have on the team now are not frozen in time while guys like Tillman, Matusz, Snyder, whoever develop. They get older, their contracts expire, their ability dwindles. You can't pencil in Brian Roberts for the next four years as the same Brian Roberts of today, if we even still have him then. This team has major problems and a lot of us see signing a major free agent like Tex as a huge building block in the right direction, even if many other pieces still have to fall into place.

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You're right, Roberts and Markakis you have to think were watching this closely to see if Angelos was willing to go and and get this guy. I don't see why they have an incentive to stay, especially Roberts.

Yep, you can kiss any thought of a BRob extension goodbye. Also, if I were Kakes, I'd go to AM and PA and tell them A) I'm not going to extend and B) please trade me within the next year-and-a-half.

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If Boston is offering $23mil a year for 8 years of Tex - they can have him. Are you kidding me? That is just absurd. I really like Tex, no doubt - that is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for anyone not named ARod or Pujols, and he is neither.

If this is true - then take the money Tex... but be ready to take a huge amount of booing from your hometown.

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I guess the Orioles' idea of "wow" was Tex's idea of "ho hum."

One of the many things Belkast has said was:

So I'm hoping that's accurate, and once Tex is done with Boston he'll give the Orioles a final chance to put a best and final offer on the table. I won't blame the O's at all if they can't match 8/$184 mm, but I hope they at least put their best possible offer out there so that Tex can decide whether any extra money in the Boston offer is outweighed by his desire to play near home.

I think this is over tomorrow if not sooner.

Really? Why?

The information we've gotten was that we were willing to go north of $200 million.

$184 is not as bad as people think. Do people think contracts are going to start going down?

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