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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Tex has reportedly been talking to our owner and GM recently too and nothing got done.

Just keep that in mind.

I assume you're refering to when Tex was in town this week. At least he came to us to talk, Boston has to travel to Texas to talk to him. Could be desperation on their part, or on my part to better explain it to myself :laughlol:

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All they have to do is play this to Tex, he'll tear up, then sign with the O's

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Look, when you really get down to it there were only two "informed" people anywhere that were saying the O's had a shot at signing Tex, Sonny and Belkast. The rest of the media world saw us as a long shot at best. If it weren't for our guys timely posts, this certainly would have been a dead site over the past couple of weeks. Actually, I think Tony should provide some kind of remuneration for their help in blowing up this place a couple of times:).

Isn't there some kind of rating system for websites. Belkast's involvement alone had to account for 80% of the traffic recently.

Bottom line it's time to focus on building the team for the long term. So who has some BRob trade ideas to through out. :D

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Oh for Christ's sake, if he signs with the Red Sox, it's not the end of the world, they've just added the pieces to replace Manny and Lowell with Bay and Tex, whoop-dee-fricking-doo, baseball players play baseball to win and make money, not to garner fan sympathy, if you hate Tex because of this, well then, hate yourself when you get an offer from a more successful company to make more money than where you are now and you accept it.

So, basically, as I've stated before, get over yourself/your Baltimore inferiority complexes and learn to deal.

Nah, I think most of us will hate him instead. You're introspective psychoanalysis aside, we're fans. That's what we do. If I had groupies asking for autographs at my defense contractor, then maybe you'd have a point.

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I assume you're refering to when Tex was in town this week. At least he came to us to talk, Boston has to travel to Texas to talk to him. Could be desperation on their part, or on my part to better explain it to myself :laughlol:

His family is here. He was not here meeting with the O's

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I wonder if this is how Boston fans felt this past weekend when Tex was in Baltimore for the Ravens game and a possible closed-door discussion with Peter Angelos.

Remember the words of Rocky Balboa: it ain't over til it's over.

Just because they're meeting doesn't mean that he's going to sign. It doesn't look good, but that doesn't mean it's a done deal.

We'll see. :)

I doubt it. Even with the Yankees going on a spending frenzy. They haven't put up with 11 years of losing to the point that they look at any one player as their salvation.

More like spoiled children who might not get the hottest toy on Christmas.

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With Belkast last replay the only thing I can think and hope is maybe Boras told the Red Sox that Tex is signing some where else and Boston said we are flying down, don't do anything yet.

That's what I am thinking. If Tex was about to sign, he would be in Boston.

Instead they are going to him in Texas.

If I really want something and I am afraid I am going to lose it, I chase after it, not if I have it.

Ok so maybe that didn't make as much sense after I typed it as it did in my head. :scratchchinhmm:

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We'll certainly give the Marlins a run for their money. And truthfully, PA and AM deserve it.
PA deserves it. We know he has the money to spend. He's been putting a cheap product on the field for several years in a row now, and the assumption was always that, when the time came, he would open up his wallet. Looking at the FAs for next year, the time doesn't get any better than right now. I know we've been saying this for years, but I truly think this will be the "last straw" for what little remains of the O's fan-base.
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I assume you're refering to when Tex was in town this week. At least he came to us to talk, Boston has to travel to Texas to talk to him. Could be desperation on their part, or on my part to better explain it to myself :laughlol:

If it was a done deal couldn't they just agree over a fax and fly Tex up to Boston for the press conference? I think they are flying down to step up the pressure.

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