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John Angelos chews out Dan Connolly


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1 hour ago, SemperFi said:

On another note, does anyone ever proof Angelos's releases-from today on the Governors taking his oath-"a graduate of junior college".  In fact Moore never attended a JC but graduated from Valley Forge Military Academy, Johns Hopkins undergraduate then Wolfson (graduate) and was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford.  Attention to detail in such matters is important, and this continues the recent trend of embarassing gaffes to come directly from John Angelo's office. 

Statement from Orioles Chairman and CEO John Angelos:  "On behalf of the Orioles Organization, Partnership Group, and front office, I would like to congratulate Governor Wes Moore as he is sworn into office as the 63rd Governor of Maryland. I am confident that the members of our community will benefit greatly from his leadership over the next four years, and I look forward to working with him.  Governor Moore has exemplified hard work and perseverance throughout his life. His life story is one of hard work and service to others: the son of an immigrant, a combat veteran, a graduate of junior college, and the founder of an impactful nonprofit. Wes is also a good friend. As we celebrate this historic inauguration, I am optimistic about what the future holds for the City of Baltimore and State of Maryland. I look forward to working closely with the Governor to help achieve the great things that he has in mind for the people of Maryland."

So he did get an Associates from Valley Forge Military Academy, which Wikipedia says is a "private boarding school and military junior college". So the statement isn't wrong per se although it certainly leaves out a lot.


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3 hours ago, interloper said:

I was on the fence about John, but now I am certain he is just another Angelos. Good job hiring Mike and his team, and that's where my praise ends.

As Dan says in the article, John Angelos has been available to the media in the following occasions:

-Elias hiring
-Billy Joel
-Paul McCartney
-this most recent charity 

That's 3/4 that aren't baseball related, and that speaks volumes about where his head is at. 

I don't know if that's where his head is necessarily at...as he noted in the presser from the other day, great system with a high ranking, back to back #1 prospects in the same year, etc.  He knows what's up on the baseball side.

I don't think John is an idiot, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Maybe not media savvy, sure, I'll buy that.  

I'm saying this with the disclaimer that he doesn't give us much to go on, as noted there have only been a handful of times where he's been available to the media over the past few years.  But I have to assume that he's keenly aware of how his father is perceived as the owner of the Orioles and it's most likely easier to stay secluded from the public and the media in that capacity rather than try to fight his father's battles that he's been losing since 1993.  

There's no doubt that Peter Angelos has done a lot of great things for the city of Baltimore, but his legacy and reputation are most likely a bit tarnished to the average Baltimorean because of what a disaster he's been as owner of the Orioles.  

John has to know that.  He HAS to know that, he'd be a complete idiot not to.  And to combat 25 years of mistakes that his father has made as the owner of a franchise that at one time was one of baseball's crown jewels is an uphill battle he might not have the energy to fight.  

I'm also assuming a few other things here; he's going to wait till his old man passes on before making himself more publicly available.  I'm not sure what his relationship is with his father, but it's probably easier to take the path of least resistance by not making himself available to the media and to the fans rather than interfacing with the press and then having to hear about it from his father.  

That quote, "The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children..." yeah, John is a privileged son of a billionaire, probably hasn't had to work for anything in his life.  To borrow another quote from Pearl Jam, he won the lottery when he was born.  

So knowing that, knowing that he's probably never had to roll up his sleeves, he's been born on third base...he's going to take the path of least resistance when it comes to dealing with the media.  It's the easy way out.

That's not a defense of him, by the way.  I just think that trying to clean up his father's mess (while his father is still alive) is hard and he's going to wait until his father is passed on and/or the team is really contending year in, year out before he makes himself more publicly available.  Again, it'll be easier to be media friendly when there's a winner on the field.

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The Angelos's are involved in TWO major pieces of ongoing litigation related to the Orioles.   I'm sure they don't want to talk about it with the press, and I'm sure John knows that if he tries to talk to the press he is gonna be asked about MASN stuff or how dysfunctional the relationship is with his brother/mother.  

I don't blame him for ducking that.   But yeah I think the way he treated Connolly was pretty abysmal.   I think he told some pretty bold faced lies.  No need for that.  Looking forward to the Baltimore sports media getting full access to all of the team's financials next week!

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3 hours ago, interloper said:

I was on the fence about John, but now I am certain he is just another Angelos. Good job hiring Mike and his team, and that's where my praise ends.

As Dan says in the article, John Angelos has been available to the media in the following occasions:

-Elias hiring
-Billy Joel
-Paul McCartney
-this most recent charity 

That's 3/4 that aren't baseball related, and that speaks volumes about where his head is at. 

My takeaway is that the local reporters probably need to cosplay as aging rock/pop stars to get their questions answered. Perhaps Huey Lewis and the "News"?

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18 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

I don't know if that's where his head is necessarily at...as he noted in the presser from the other day, great system with a high ranking, back to back #1 prospects in the same year, etc.  He knows what's up on the baseball side.

I don't think John is an idiot, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Maybe not media savvy, sure, I'll buy that.  

I'm saying this with the disclaimer that he doesn't give us much to go on, as noted there have only been a handful of times where he's been available to the media over the past few years.  But I have to assume that he's keenly aware of how his father is perceived as the owner of the Orioles and it's most likely easier to stay secluded from the public and the media in that capacity rather than try to fight his father's battles that he's been losing since 1993.  

There's no doubt that Peter Angelos has done a lot of great things for the city of Baltimore, but his legacy and reputation are most likely a bit tarnished to the average Baltimorean because of what a disaster he's been as owner of the Orioles.  

John has to know that.  He HAS to know that, he'd be a complete idiot not to.  And to combat 25 years of mistakes that his father has made as the owner of a franchise that at one time was one of baseball's crown jewels is an uphill battle he might not have the energy to fight.  

I'm also assuming a few other things here; he's going to wait till his old man passes on before making himself more publicly available.  I'm not sure what his relationship is with his father, but it's probably easier to take the path of least resistance by not making himself available to the media and to the fans rather than interfacing with the press and then having to hear about it from his father.  

That quote, "The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children..." yeah, John is a privileged son of a billionaire, probably hasn't had to work for anything in his life.  To borrow another quote from Pearl Jam, he won the lottery when he was born.  

So knowing that, knowing that he's probably never had to roll up his sleeves, he's been born on third base...he's going to take the path of least resistance when it comes to dealing with the media.  It's the easy way out.

That's not a defense of him, by the way.  I just think that trying to clean up his father's mess (while his father is still alive) is hard and he's going to wait until his father is passed on and/or the team is really contending year in, year out before he makes himself more publicly available.  Again, it'll be easier to be media friendly when there's a winner on the field.

I dunno, not to make short of your very good post here, I just think it seems like John is every bit as defensive to the Baltimore media (who are, let's be honest, about a cushy a media crew as it gets in pro sports) as his father was. I was actually enjoying hearing him speak until he ran into one single question he didn't want to answer and lost his cool. 

I think his heart's in the right place with regards to making good hires and investing in the correct areas. He has corrected some of the wrongs of the Peter era, and for that I applaud him. He has managed to usher in a very good and competent Warehouse.

But he's out here undermining it with these puffy sham press conferences about musical acts and a somewhat performative charity PR thing. (I mean, $5 million? Chris Davis alone has donated more to this city, and he didn't put out a save-the-date about it and make all these beat reporters come out on a holiday.)

It's just... we cannot seem to get through an off-season without some drama. And it almost always comes back to the ownership group, whether it's the MASN lawsuit, the lease, the family lawsuit, going viral for the wrong reasons at your own press conference, stumbling into a sure-to-be-walked-back promise to open the books to the very person he yelled at.... It's exhausting. Get your sh*t together, you know?

Edited by interloper
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3 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

So he did get an Associates from Valley Forge Military Academy, which Wikipedia says is a "private boarding school and military junior college". So the statement isn't wrong per se although it certainly leaves out a lot.


I respect your opinion but I'll have do disagree.  As someone who served there is a huge distinction between a Military Junior College (one of 4 accredited in the country that offer an early commisioning program) and a traditional junior college which generally provides vocational training.  One is secondary, the other being post secondary. Frankly if I were the governor I would take great offense in the way the release defined my educational experience (JC v. JHU/Rhodes Scholar).  I hope you don't consider my response picayune but attention to detail should matter when it comes from his office, in my experience lack of it is often indicative of larger administrative problems. 

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1 hour ago, SemperFi said:

I respect your opinion but I'll have do disagree.  As someone who served there is a huge distinction between a Military Junior College (one of 4 accredited in the country that offer an early commisioning program) and a traditional junior college which generally provides vocational training.  One is secondary, the other being post secondary. Frankly if I were the governor I would take great offense in the way the release defined my educational experience (JC v. JHU/Rhodes Scholar).  I hope you don't consider my response picayune but attention to detail should matter when it comes from his office, in my experience lack of it is often indicative of larger administrative problems. 

No worries, I meant no disrespect to VFMAC. I am admittedly not up on the Military Junior College vs JC distinction. I could see giving them some slack on that one but in the context of omitting all his other accomplishments, yeah, that's pretty bad. 

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I've long thought Cal could be keen to join a partnership (or at least partnerships would be interested in having him) whenever the time comes, but he gave ESPN a pretty straightforward quote here.


"When I first retired, I bleed orange, and when we were going through trouble and rebuilding, I thought I could be helpful," Ripken said. "I think it would be fun. I think I could help in the right way. But I don't look at it in the same way as I looked at it 10 or 15 years ago. I'm 62. I've got a lot of energy in some other areas."

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15 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

I don't know if that's where his head is necessarily at...as he noted in the presser from the other day, great system with a high ranking, back to back #1 prospects in the same year, etc.  He knows what's up on the baseball side.

I don't think John is an idiot, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Maybe not media savvy, sure, I'll buy that.  

I'm saying this with the disclaimer that he doesn't give us much to go on, as noted there have only been a handful of times where he's been available to the media over the past few years.  But I have to assume that he's keenly aware of how his father is perceived as the owner of the Orioles and it's most likely easier to stay secluded from the public and the media in that capacity rather than try to fight his father's battles that he's been losing since 1993.  

There's no doubt that Peter Angelos has done a lot of great things for the city of Baltimore, but his legacy and reputation are most likely a bit tarnished to the average Baltimorean because of what a disaster he's been as owner of the Orioles.  

John has to know that.  He HAS to know that, he'd be a complete idiot not to.  And to combat 25 years of mistakes that his father has made as the owner of a franchise that at one time was one of baseball's crown jewels is an uphill battle he might not have the energy to fight.  

I'm also assuming a few other things here; he's going to wait till his old man passes on before making himself more publicly available.  I'm not sure what his relationship is with his father, but it's probably easier to take the path of least resistance by not making himself available to the media and to the fans rather than interfacing with the press and then having to hear about it from his father.  

That quote, "The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children..." yeah, John is a privileged son of a billionaire, probably hasn't had to work for anything in his life.  To borrow another quote from Pearl Jam, he won the lottery when he was born.  

So knowing that, knowing that he's probably never had to roll up his sleeves, he's been born on third base...he's going to take the path of least resistance when it comes to dealing with the media.  It's the easy way out.

That's not a defense of him, by the way.  I just think that trying to clean up his father's mess (while his father is still alive) is hard and he's going to wait until his father is passed on and/or the team is really contending year in, year out before he makes himself more publicly available.  Again, it'll be easier to be media friendly when there's a winner on the field.

I get where you are coming from but in general I have to disagree. 

It’s not fair to John to ask him to answer for his fathers mistakes. Some people will hold it against that he is an Angelos. That is also unfair. I don’t think any reasonable person expects him to undo the wrongs of his dad, just be accountable now. I also do not believe Peter’s health is in a place where John should have to worry about having to deal with his father. 

There is a responsibility that comes with being the owner. John looks and sounds like someone who loves the perks without having to answer to anyone. 105.7 had Dan Connolly on the other day. He basically said he has no relationship with John but he did with Peter. Peter after the early 2000’s did not talk to the media much on the record but he also still would have conversations with Dan. Dan said you could at least get a feel from that. Dan said he does not know John very well. Dan also said John is a guy with a reputation of he does get questioned and he does not like to be questioned. He is “the guy in the room”. Dan had a sense of where Peter was coming from on things, he thinks John views the media as a tool and nothing else and they aren’t equals as was visible Monday. 

For a club that already had terrible optics the way John has handled things has done nothing to improve the situation, only made it worse. 

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