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George Kirby, the guy pitching against us tonight...could make an interesting option for the the Orioles..

Roy Firestone

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The notion that Kirby will be traded is frankly absurd, but there is also a big reason why I would not want the Orioles to consider such a trade.

A primary component of Kirby's value is the years of team control, which I assume is 4.  In such a deal, the Mariners are going to try to get a huge premium for those control years.  However, those years also come with enormous risk for a young pitcher that throws as hard as Kirby does as we have experienced with Wells, Bautista, Bradish, and Means.  I can't see a way the Orioles bridge that gap in expectations and get a deal with properly discounted future value of Kirby relative to the lower-risk position players we'd be giving up.

If you're going to trade for pitching, you're better off trading for rentals at the time of need or prospects, but not years of control for pitchers at the ML level.

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4 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

The Mariners lead their division and are a playoff team on the strength of their pitching.  Why are they trading someone from their rotation?   

I'm sure there's a group at Mariner's Hangout who just knows this team doesn't have it, the front office stinks, the players are under-performing, any day they'll be passed by the Astros, and it's time to rebuild for '27. Get what you can for whatever assets are there before it inevitably comes crashing down.

See: some part of Orioles Hangout pretty much every year from '12-16.

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1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

Hancock isn’t a reliever..he’s a starter and a highly rated one (or he was when eligible)

They aren’t going to put him in the pen when they want him to continue to start.

He’s been terrible, according to baseball savant, and terrible starters become relievers.

And of course if you can solve a problem in-house that’s what you do. ATM they have no one among their own pitching prospects who can provide help this season, so no reason not to put your 6-7 SPs in the pen, which, BTW, is exactly what we were going to do with Wells, for example, and are now doing with Irvin.

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3 minutes ago, Philip said:

He’s been terrible, according to baseball savant, and terrible starters become relievers.

And of course if you can solve a problem in-house that’s what you do. ATM they have no one among their own pitching prospects who can provide help this season, so no reason not to put your 6-7 SPs in the pen, which, BTW, is exactly what we were going to do with Wells, for example, and are now doing with Irvin.

I’m not going to keep going in circles.  You are just wrong on this take of how they are handling Hancock.  It’s just a bad take.

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10 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

I’m not going to keep going in circles.  You are just wrong on this take of how they are handling Hancock.  It’s just a bad take.

No it’s not. I looked up his stats carefully. He’s in the minors for a reason and all that blue at Baseball Savant isn’t an aesthetic choice.


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