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Stick a fork in us


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12 minutes ago, Explosivo said:

You guys are a bunch of sad sacks. I get being upset but put it into perspective a little. We are still neck and neck for first, we are injured, we have little depth and reliability in the bullpen and we are playing first place teams. The Calvary is on the way and September you guys are going to look pretty foolish with your woe is me crap. Roy, you’re annoying. I don’t like you as a fan. I think you are as weak as a feather in the wind. Wherever it blows, so shall you. Must be infuriating to deal with in reality. 

so take a step back, realize we are still going to make the playoffs, we are still going to get back Efflin, Webb, Columbe, Westburg, and Greyson and we are still going to make a run in October. 

The Calvary?  What? Is Jesus going to save us by coming down off the cross?

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Just now, Chelsea_Phil said:

The Calvary?  What? Is Jesus going to save us by coming down off the cross?

Haven’t you seen? We already have Oriole Jesus on our side. But yeah, that’s pretty funny. lol autocorrect has failed me!

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Just now, Chelsea_Phil said:

It is spelled CaValry, not CaLvary, two totally different things, and my biggest pet peeve!!!!!

Uh oh, I’ve made Phil mad. But I get it. I get upset about folks that don’t know the difference between there, their and they’re as well as your and you’re. 

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9 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

Its just one game and this team has a world of problems for at least the next month until we see what we have with returning players, and even IF they can play at a level they once did...but tonight they got off the deck and came back and won big, and fired up that crowd. We know it's going to be a long hard haul, but maybe, just maybe they might find their MOJO again. I cant remember the last time they rallied like they did tonight, but it sure showed everyone that this team IS indeed, capable of bouncing back and perhaps turn the light back on. Even if we lose this Astro series I think this was the kind of win that can light our way...I'd Love to see this team play at least .500 ball somehow for the next 3 weeks and then see what we can do with returning players. Clearly we miss Westburg as much as anybody..and Im not sure he'll be back...but if 2 of our pitchers and 1 or two relievers return, we might be a better team.And thats all you can ask for.I still say Mayo needs to be brought up, to see if he can light us up too...even as a DH.

well said, it all starts somewhere. and fired up that crowd, many who looked like their not ready for the fork yet

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4 hours ago, Explosivo said:

I am glad that you think this win was big. It was. This is what we are capable of and yes, it will be a roller coaster ride along the way. So buckle in Baltimore and keep your damn arms inside the vehicle at all times cause this is going to be bumpy as hell. And if you learn to expect it, you might just have a little fun along the way. After all, you guys do enjoy watching this team play right? Right?

No lol. This team is far from enjoyable to watch. 

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Roy, you don't have to defend yourself or your fandom to anyone - particularly some marginal poster on this site. You are one of the posters that make this site special aand we are fortunate to have you around. May your fandom last forever! Plus, hope is a Tony Tatter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

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2 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

First, you don't know me. I've been on this board for at least 15 years. I was an Oriole batboy for two seasons . My home is an Oriole shrine.I don't really care what you think of me as a fan, or for that matter how you feel I am "in reality". I bleed Orange and Black and wear my heart on my sleeve and every other cliche' about being a fan you could write.I'm also very accepted by my family as a bit obsessed about my team.If that appears insufferable to you, so be it. But I'll tell you this, when the Orioles are rolling I'm euphoric, and when they struggle, I lament and feel down. You might call that "weak as a feather in the wind"(wasn't that a Bob Dylan song?), but that's  just called being a fan....or at least a different kind of fan than you would like me to be. So, go ahead, rip me as a fan.I know who and what I am . I may not be for everybody here, or frankly ANYBODY here, but I LOVE my Birds. One person's passion and obsession is your "weak as a feather".Say whatever you want. I'll keep being the fan I've always been for 60 years.

Believe me, we know. 

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1 hour ago, Too Tall said:

Roy, you don't have to defend yourself or your fandom to anyone - particularly some marginal poster on this site. You are one of the posters that make this site special aand we are fortunate to have you around. May your fandom last forever! Plus, hope is a Tony Tatter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Thats so nice of you to say. Im sure to some Im a comic relief here with my obsessions, to others annoying, but all I can say is I like being the fan I am. I am not a journalist here, just a fan. And I'll always be a Orioles fan.

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2 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

Thats so nice of you to say. Im sure to some Im a comic relief here with my obsessions, to others annoying, but all I can say is I like being the fan I am. I am not a journalist here, just a fan. And I'll always be a Orioles fan.

Roy - heater coming up.  The God's are with us.  Go O's!

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3 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

First, you don't know me. I've been on this board for at least 15 years. I was an Oriole batboy for two seasons . My home is an Oriole shrine.I don't really care what you think of me as a fan, or for that matter how you feel I am "in reality". I bleed Orange and Black and wear my heart on my sleeve and every other cliche' about being a fan you could write.I'm also very accepted by my family as a bit obsessed about my team.If that appears insufferable to you, so be it. But I'll tell you this, when the Orioles are rolling I'm euphoric, and when they struggle, I lament and feel down. You might call that "weak as a feather in the wind"(wasn't that a Bob Dylan song?), but that's  just called being a fan....or at least a different kind of fan than you would like me to be. So, go ahead, rip me as a fan.I know who and what I am . I may not be for everybody here, or frankly ANYBODY here, but I LOVE my Birds. One person's passion and obsession is your "weak as a feather".Say whatever you want. I'll keep being the fan I've always been for 60 years.

Where did you find that post, because I did not write that!!!  Are you putting fake posts that you are attributing to me?

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