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How can you guys not be talking more about Sano?

Mashed Potatoes

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What I like the most about the twitter post was the fact that he expects Sano to sign around 3.5 to 4.5 million. I am not expecting us to get Sano as I do not want to set my self up for disappointment, but if we can get him between 3.5-4.5 million that would be great.

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What I like the most about the twitter post was the fact that he expects Sano to sign around 3.5 to 4.5 million. I am not expecting us to get Sano as I do not want to set my self up for disappointment, but if we can get him between 3.5-4.5 million that would be great.

I'm on record as saying I'd be shocked, but it's nice to see there's some smoke here.

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JTrea: I usually stay out of it because you get bashed too much, and sometimes without merit - not sure if you are just being provocative or....

Anyway, the above statement is (IMO) just plain wrong. I have researched the business side (P/L) for the O's in the past (others are most likely more up-to-date) and find it highly doubtful that PA and his partners are lining their coffers with loads of cash from this venture. Yes, MASN helps but in this economy? Plus, PA does not need to grab $$ from the O's. His well-diversified portfolio should be enough, although his real estate and investment holdings have taken a huge hit recently I assume...

PA may not be a great manager but he is extremely competitive - I too wanted Tex but don't believe for a second that he did not know Tex did not want to be here unless we were just plain foolish, and then only maybe.

Great post - too bad it was ignored...

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Signing Sano would really brighten the outlook of the Orioles International Scouting Department. It would send notice that we are serious players for top foreign prospects while adding tremendous young talent to our farm system.

I just hope that I won't be reading the following headline regarding the Orioles failure to acquire Miguel Angel Sano's services...

No MAS! ;)

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How is that news?

Some nobody tweets that we are a darkhorse?

First of all, that has been the case anyway...Secondly, how is this guy saying this any different than you saying it?

Wow . . . you do not know who Kiley McDaniel is?

He was a scout and has now shifted over to . . . BP I think. He freelances for them and does some consulting.

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Wow . . . you do not know who Kiley McDaniel is?

He was a scout and has now shifted over to . . . BP I think. He freelances for them and does some consulting.

If he were an athlete, he could qualify for the Bill Simmons' "Alexis Rios All-Stars" for athletes whose names sound like those of supermodels. Formerly the "Lindsey Hunter All-Stars." Aubrey Huff was listed as a member of the team once upon a time.

I am talking about Kiley McDaniel, not SG. :D

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"If it turns out that Miguel Angel Sano is just 16 look for the Orioles to compete with the Twins and Pirates for his services. Baltimore could out-bid the others, but doesn't have the same personal relationship with the Dominican shortstop."

They're just setting me up to be greatly disappointed....

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Since you are jabbing SportsGuy, I should just let it go but when you express surprise that someone has never heard of Kiley McDaniel that is funny also. I would say that 99% (it's probably 99 point something) of the board, including myself, had never heard of the guy before.

Well, to say the guy is a nobody when he is actually the most prominent media scout for Latin America at the moment . . . yeah, it is surprising that one is not aware of who he is. Perhaps before making value judgements on a guy and his credentials, one should become familiar with the field. If one does not know of Kiley McDaniel then one probably does not have a good feel for recent developments in the Latin American amateur market. That is understandable. Most people do not follow it. So if you don't follow it, then one should be honest with themselves and recognize that labeling a guy as a nobody when you are unaware of the topic is stretching your ability to comment.

So yeah, I typically would not rag on someone about cricket because my working knowledge of cricket is incredibly limited.

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