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Who knows if this is true or not...

Sports Guy

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..but figured I would share it...This was PM'ed to me:



There is a rift in the organization between the scouting development and the player development dept

The player development ppl were supposedly not very happy with this draft (and others)

Scouts say they are drafting the right players but they are not being handled properly

Development guys say the scouts are giving them crap to work with

Thats what i heard

This is from the Sun board(a thread which Tony responded in btw..traitor! LOL)

Anyway, I think it is very possible that there is something to this...Judging by different hints that Tony has dropped, there is obviously some issues inside the organization.

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Interesting, and probably true based on piecing together the things we've heard over the last few days...

I am guessing that the beef is between Joe Jordan and Dave Stockstill & Tripp Norton, with Klentak possibly being involved in some way too.

Again, this is what I get from what I have heard said on these boards.

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Guest rbrhett
..but figured I would share it...This was PM'ed to me:


This is from the Sun board(a thread which Tony responded in btw..traitor! LOL)

Anyway, I think it is very possible that there is something to this...Judging by different hints that Tony has dropped, there is obviously some issues inside the organization.

Judging by the current level of talent on the team and the level of talent in the organization, I think both are guilty to some degree. I think other teams have had better drafts, BUT the players that have been "can't miss" by other scouts are obviously not being developed properly, either. Again, the blame rests with a dysfunctional organization rather than one department. This is a sorry time to be an Os fan. Just when everyone thought things were getting better....

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Interesting, and probably true based on piecing together the things we've heard over the last few days...

I am guessing that the beef is between Joe Jordan and Dave Stockstill & Tripp Norton, with Klentak possibly being involved in some way too.

Again, this is what I get from what I have heard said on these boards.

Why Klentak? It's my understanding he was brought in mainly to handle contract and major league transactional type issues (waivers, league office stuff, etc).

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Why Klentak? It's my understanding he was brought in mainly to handle contract and major league transactional type issues (waivers, league office stuff, etc).

With the rumors we heard about people gunning for other people's jobs, my totally blind guess is that Klentak could be the one who stands to benefit if MacPhail is gone.

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I'm almost happy that there is a disconnect here, at least the two sides recognize there is a problem. Its not good that both sides are blaming the other side rather than coming together to figure out how to best move forward, but at least they recognize an issue.

This is where MacPhail needs to step in and come up with one organizational approach, to scout and draft primarily a certain type of player and to have the development team on board with how they will develop those players.

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Anyway, I think it is very possible that there is something to this...Judging by different hints that Tony has dropped, there is obviously some issues inside the organization.

It seems there are always issues inside the organization. I was trying to discuss this scenario in another thread and why why had not done a house cleaning to rid ourselves of the dead weight and PA cronies. Sadly, I just don't think we have seen any real overhaul of our baseball operations.

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I'm almost happy that there is a disconnect here, at least the two sides recognize there is a problem. Its not good that both sides are blaming the other side rather than coming together to figure out how to best move forward, but at least they recognize an issue.

This is where MacPhail needs to step in and come up with one organizational approach, to scout and draft primarily a certain type of player and to have the development team on board with how they will develop those players.

Who is "the MacPhail player", though?

Beane had his OBP guys, the Twins have their strike throwers...what kind of players do we look for? In the past it has been athletic players, but that hasn't worked.

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Not the first time I've heard something like this, and it makes perfect sense. When the system isn't producing prospects at a good rate, either the drafting or the development is at fault, so of course each is going to blame the other. But remember that the two Stockstills traded places this year, and from what I've heard, John and Dave are two very different personalities with different skill sets. If there has been a problem on the player development side over the last several years, John isn't to blame, so there's no reason for him to need to defend his record in a dispute with the scouting/drafting side.

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I'm almost happy that there is a disconnect here, at least the two sides recognize there is a problem. Its not good that both sides are blaming the other side rather than coming together to figure out how to best move forward, but at least they recognize an issue.

This is where MacPhail needs to step in and come up with one organizational approach, to scout and draft primarily a certain type of player and to have the development team on board with how they will develop those players.

My impressions of AM from day 1 were that he was a guy that would develop an organizational approach and put people in place to make our player development system one of the best in baseball. To date, I'm not aware of any significant changes to the player development or ameteur scouting aspects of the organization. I know the brothers swithced roles but is there anything else noteworthy?

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The organization has done such a poor job producing hitters for the last 25 years that there's a strong presumption that hitting instruction is a major part of the problem.

But Jordan and the scouting department deserve some of the blame too. The player development people weren't the ones who fell in love with Matt Hobgood and overdrafted him, nor were they they ones who used a bunch of high picks in 2009 on guys with injury issues.

I think conditioning and training are the third rotten leg of the footstool. We invest millions in Matt Hobgood, who has had weight and conditioning issues in the past...he has weight and conditioning issues when he reports last summer...then we let him "train" on his own over the offseason and are dismayed when he shows up to training camp in bad shape. Shouldn't someone in the organization be paying attention to what players are doing over the offseason?

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My guess would be the development people are the ones who are holding the team back. The drafts lately have been pretty good IMO and we have seen changes in player deveopment with the shifts in the Stockstill's jobs and the addition of Bordick. I'm guessing AM is trying to address problems in player development and they are not happy.

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