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Can Duke Run The Table?


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Duke really embarassed Boston College last night, after playing pretty poorly for the first 16 minutes or so. At times I look at them and feel they are still a Final Four team even without Kyrie Irving, but other times I wonder if anyone besides Smith and Singler can play (and both of them sometimes press when nobody else is contributing). Objectively, the ACC is very weak this year, and if Irving does not come back I think Duke gets about to the Sweet 16 and then falls.

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Duke really embarassed Boston College last night, after playing pretty poorly for the first 16 minutes or so. At times I look at them and feel they are still a Final Four team even without Kyrie Irving, but other times I wonder if anyone besides Smith and Singler can play (and both of them sometimes press when nobody else is contributing). Objectively, the ACC is very weak this year, and if Irving does not come back I think Duke gets about to the Sweet 16 and then falls.
It will be all about matchups.

This Duke team, even without Irving, is more talented than last year IMO.

The difference is leadership and having a consistent third scorer. I think the leadership can come but can Curry or Dawkins become a consistent third scorer?(hell, maybe Kelly will be that guy)

When you have 3 scorers, its very tough to guard, as teams showed last year with Scheyer, Singler and Smith.

And everyone is down this year it seems, so that also helps Duke.

Personally, I think Irving will be back.

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The difference is leadership and having a consistent third scorer. I think the leadership can come but can Curry or Dawkins become a consistent third scorer?(hell, maybe Kelly will be that guy)

Kelly has been the most pleasant surprise of this season. He still has a lot of areas in which he can improve, but he has come a very long way since last year.

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The Dukies are getting smoked. Boy that makes me sad.:2yay-thumb:

St Johns is an ok team but Duke is handing them this game with their awful shooting(on a lot of wide open shots too) and poor on ball defense.

It happens.

MD is going to need all the help they can get on Wed and this game will help them...Duke is running around like a chicken with their heads cut off in this game, which could tire out their legs a little on Wed.

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St Johns is an ok team but Duke is handing them this game with their awful shooting(on a lot of wide open shots too) and poor on ball defense.

It happens.

Yea, they are having a tough day. Kind of like the Terps against VA Tech the other night. 1-17 from 3 is hard to overcome. Hope the cold streak lasts about 5 days.

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Yea, they are having a tough day. Kind of like the Terps against VA Tech the other night. 1-17 from 3 is hard to overcome. Hope the cold streak lasts about 5 days.

Its almost impossible when you consider the shooting talent on Duke's team.

And its not even like they are being shot with a hand in their face...They are missing a ton of wide open shots.

But this is why they need more from the inside...That aspect of their team comes and goes.

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I am trying to figure out how St. John's guards are making Dukes D look so slow. The have just Dibbled right down the lane way to often.

Well, in the second half, Duke has over-extended the defense so much that the lane is wide open.

Over the years, you have always been able to back door Duke because they play so tight on the defenders and they love to go after steals but that leaves them vulnerable in other areas.

Very similar game to the Gtown game last year.

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