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We're waiting on ARod


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Why would he come down from that number with a team other than the Yankees at this point in the poker game? Answer - he wouldn't because it would be a sign of weakness. The teams know the number already and who they're dealing with, so I refuse to believe those that choose to get into the game aren't rhat naive that Boras will have a different revelation at these meetings.

Yeah but those same teams that are interested in Tejada, can tell AM they want to wait for AROD.. so that they can force the O's hand and AM can lower the demand on the return for Tejada..Hence why AM said his buddies are trying to pick his pockets.

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AROD wanted out of NY unless they were really willing to overpay.

That was probably a "if you want to keep me a Yankee, pay me this" type thing.

The Yankees have the most money to play with of anyone. In addition, they have Texas money to play with in any negotiations, which gave them an additional advantage in terms of what they could afford to offer versus the other twenty-nine clubs. You don't insult them, and hurt future business, by offering a discount to another team, right off the bat. He needs them to help drive up the prices of his other clients.
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So lets wait and see, and make Bedard our last trading option.

Why should the most valuable rebuilding chip, who is unlikely to stick around once the team gets good, be the last trading option? It makes no sense. If you don't trade him now, he's only going to lose value as he has less remaining time under team control. If he and the team aren't on the same page about terms of an extension, he needs to be gone yesterday.

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We failed last year-for whatever reason to sign him, if we fail again this Novemeber we have to trade him now. If the whole league knows we failed twice what leverage do we have next year?

I'd love to have an ace in my pocket for the 4-5 years just can't imagine its gets done.

The comparison to Mussina has been made several times. Not only did MM have more good seasons behind him when he left, he had a record of superb durability.

Counting his Tommy John year, Bedard has finished three of his five big league seasons on the DL.

He has pitched 658 innings during a period when we might have expected 1000 or more if he were healthy.

I would love to be guaranteed an ace in my pocket for 4-5 years. But since that's not possible, and because this team has so many other needs, a trade this winter seems a no-brainer to me.

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Yeah but those same teams that are interested in Tejada, can tell AM they want to wait for AROD.. so that they can force the O's hand and AM can lower the demand on the return for Tejada..Hence why AM said his buddies are trying to pick his pockets.
MacPhail can also say, "I'm not waiting for Boras to play his games. Right now, I have Angelos' agreement to deal trade Tejada but it's a limited time offer. We have him for two more years, he sells a lot of tickets, see you next offseason when we still have him. Meanwhile, I have a certain lefthander who might be equally as valuable in trade and that will be my new focus."
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Com'mon Vatech.. screw getting a decent return... we want action and we want it now! :D

Exactly. Just like we should've signed Wieters for $10 million, oh hell, who cares, make it $15 million, "whatever it takes", etc. And just like it was "Strike One!" against AM when he didn't move Trax a whole lot sooner for "a bag of balls". Or was that "Strike Two"? I forget.

Buy and sell. Uh-huh. Some folks here really drive a hard bargain. ("Whatever it takes, just do it now! Now-now-now!! Please! Now! I really gotta pee! So do it Right Now!")

On the one hand, I think I'd really like to do business with some of you guys. On the other hand, I don't think I'd wanna be in a foxhole with you.

BTW, it's November 6. It's less than 1 measly week since October. The off-season is practically over already ;-)

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I cannot believe that SOOOOO many teams have the ridiculous amount of money to sign Rodriguez that the Orioles are held hostage.

I don't think the Orioles are being "held hostage". I think AM is gonna do this in the way he thinks will get the most back. Whether people here are in a hurry doesn't matter at all to AM. He just wants to get the most back.

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The more I hear of this the more I am absolutely, positively, 100% convinced Bedard needs to go right now.

Because of numbers that people throw around here? You are "absolutely, positively 100% convinced that he needs to go right now" because of that? You've decided that we should trade the best southpaw around because of contract terms people make up here? (Say it ain't so, Blue...)

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Because of numbers that people throw around here? You are "absolutely, positively 100% convinced that he needs to go right now" because of that? You've decided that we should trade the best southpaw around because of contract terms people make up here? (Say it ain't so, Blue...)

No, I'm just tired of the should we or shouldn't we drama. I already know he's going to cost more than I'd want to pay him, and the more it gets talked about, the more I just think, "why is he even still here?" He's our most valuable chip, I don't think there's much possibility of signing him long-term for a reasonable amount, and if we could, it might very well still be better to trade him depending on the value that's out there for him. I don't believe he'll ever have a much better season than he did this year, and he'll never be under team control for longer unless he's signed to a very expensive contract, so.... TRADE HIM!

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MacPhail can also say, "I'm not waiting for Boras to play his games. Right now, I have Angelos' agreement to deal trade Tejada but it's a limited time offer. We have him for two more years, he sells a lot of tickets, see you next offseason when we still have him. Meanwhile, I have a certain lefthander who might be equally as valuable in trade and that will be my new focus."

I think you sold me!

I'd take the sales route from Tommy Boy..."You can get a good look at a T-Bone by...";)

Seriously though, I don't think Tejada is a big enough piece at the moment that teams in the Arod Sweepstakes would drop out in fear of losing Miggy. I think they'd respond by saying "well, see ya later Andy. We think we have a shot at the best player in the world, and we're going to see how it plays out." And, I wouldn't try a bargaining move like that if there is a chance you would go back on it, or your credibility will be shot. I'd keep shopping him everywhere, and see what I can get. If it looks like you have to wait to deal him, then so be it. But, in the meantime, keep shopping other pieces.

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