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BRob meeting with reporters in Buck's office at Trop at 5:10


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I'm confident in my opinion that Brian Roberts just doesn't want to play. He's milking this little self-inflicted head slap for all it's worth. If you can't/don't want to play, then retire. It's ridiculous for him to continue to take the team to the cleaners while he cries about his poor little headaches. Man up...or get lost. I've had it with this act.

Wow. I think Roberts isn't the only one who bumped his head. :rolleyes: Talk about ridiculous...that pretty much sums up this post.

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I'm confident in my opinion that Brian Roberts just doesn't want to play. He's milking this little self-inflicted head slap for all it's worth. If you can't/don't want to play, then retire. It's ridiculous for him to continue to take the team to the cleaners while he cries about his poor little headaches. Man up...or get lost. I've had it with this act.
You might be confident in your opinion.....but that doesn't make you right. And in this case, I think the consensus is that you're completely wrong.

It might not be as off base as people around here think... While concussions are extremely serious and unpredictable in healing (I have had multiple myself), this is actually something I had heard before the concussions when it was the back injury (that he was basically 'milking an injury').

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It might not be as off base as people around here think... While concussions are extremely serious and unpredictable in healing (I have had multiple myself), this is actually something I had heard before the concussions when it was the back injury (that he was basically 'milking an injury').

I am in no way saying I agree with james' point of view... but I will note that Jim Duquette kind of hinted on that 105.7 show he did with Haynie & Jen Royle for most of the season that maybe Brian didn't want to come back that badly.

So (unless jamessemaj IS Duquette), he is not theonly person that has intimated something like this.

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It might not be as off base as people around here think... While concussions are extremely serious and unpredictable in healing (I have had multiple myself), this is actually something I had heard before the concussions when it was the back injury (that he was basically 'milking an injury').

Heard from where?

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It might not be as off base as people around here think... While concussions are extremely serious and unpredictable in healing (I have had multiple myself), this is actually something I had heard before the concussions when it was the back injury (that he was basically 'milking an injury').
Do you believe everything you hear? Every public person is talked about and lied about so when one attempts to defend a controversial opinion one must have sources to be considered credible.

Some anonymous nut on the internet does not represent a credible source to me.

Edit: I'm not refering to you as the "anonymous nut".

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Cindy, I don't think that you are as "protective" of Brian Roberts as you seem to think. The man had concussions that were so serious this season that he couldn't play baseball for more than half of this season ..... not football or boxing ..... baseball, which obviously has much less physical contact than the other two said sports. You seem to have a fantasy about Roberts that he is a Superman, and therefore not susceptible to the possible long-term ramifications of such a serious injury as any other athlete. Most of the other posters are simply being realistic about Roberts and his future with the team, and frankly, they are actually showing more compassion to him than are you. I believe that there is a pretty good chance that Roberts could come back, but I believe that there is just as good a chance that he may not able to.

You do not understand!

I want GODs best for him and his family! I pray for Him!

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I'm confident in my opinion that Brian Roberts just doesn't want to play. He's milking this little self-inflicted head slap for all it's worth. If you can't/don't want to play, then retire. It's ridiculous for him to continue to take the team to the cleaners while he cries about his poor little headaches. Man up...or get lost. I've had it with this act.

I don't know if he doesn't want to play or not. Only he knows that. I do know that even when Brian was healthy, that there were tons of posters on this board outraged at Brian's lack of hustle out of the batter's box on plays which he knew he was going to be out. Post-steriods, Brian has become a different player. Health-wise and attitude-wise. The Brian that was competing with Jerry Hairston back in the day is long gone and will never be seen again, IMO.

Edit: Orioles1954, I apologize. I did not see your post talking about Brian's lack of hustle. Sorry, to restate that fact.

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You do not understand!

I want GODs best for him and his family! I pray for Him!

You don't understand, Cindy. This is a baseball board, and we're talking about the reality of Brian Roberts' health and his future with the Orioles, not God.

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I don't know if he doesn't want to play or not. Only he knows that. I do know that even when Brian was healthy, that there were tons of posters on this board outraged at Brian's lack of hustle out of the batter's box on plays which he knew he was going to be out. Post-steriods, Brian has become a different player. Health-wise and attitude-wise. The Brian that was competing with Jerry Hairston back in the day is long gone and will never be seen again, IMO.

Edit: Orioles1954, I apologize. I did not see your post talking about Brian's lack of hustle. Sorry, to restate that fact.

This is complete :bs:! Lack of hustle is BS. Diving into 1B on just one play refutes that. There were never "tons of posters" on here "outraged at Brian's lack of hustle". Only a VERY few scattered hard-ass negative losers. The VERY great majority of us saw Brian for the hustle-dog that he was.

And "Post-steriods".... you can't piss me off MORE than saying this crap! He said he only did it once or twice, and LOOK AT HIM! He's not, or never has been, one of these hulking steroids drones. He made a mistake, apologized for it publicly, and has moved on.

Shame on YOU and all the rest of you PERFECT human beings who have never made a mistake in their lives! You just keep judging all of us... sinners. We don't care WTF you think...

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I don't know if he doesn't want to play or not. Only he knows that. I do know that even when Brian was healthy, that there were tons of posters on this board outraged at Brian's lack of hustle out of the batter's box on plays which he knew he was going to be out. Post-steriods, Brian has become a different player. Health-wise and attitude-wise. The Brian that was competing with Jerry Hairston back in the day is long gone and will never be seen again, IMO.

Edit: Orioles1954, I apologize. I did not see your post talking about Brian's lack of hustle. Sorry, to restate that fact.

And I can't give any more rep points this 24 hours. Owe you neg reps a-hole.

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This is complete :bs:! Lack of hustle is BS. Diving into 1B on just one play refutes that. There were never "tons of posters" on here "outraged at Brian's lack of hustle". Only a VERY few scattered hard-ass negative losers. The VERY great majority of us saw Brian for the hustle-dog that he was.

And "Post-steriods".... you can't piss me off MORE than saying this crap! He said he only did it once or twice, and LOOK AT HIM! He's not, or never has been, one of these hulking steroids drones. He made a mistake, apologized for it publicly, and has moved on.

Shame on YOU and all the rest of you PERFECT human beings who have never made a mistake in their lives! You just keep judging all of us... sinners. We don't care WTF you think...

Roberts would dive into first when he would smell a hit. Lazy flyballs and weak groundballs, he would not run out. Dave Trembley met with him privately when the Orioles played the Angels 2 years ago in Anaheim, because of this very issue. That is a fact. Ask anyone on here and there were many topics started about his lack of hustle and also other players, Tejada, Mora, etc. That is a fact. Brian was never a "hustle-dog". Never. Not the games I watched. And I've seen every one. Brother, I'm a sinner saved by grace. I'm not perfect. There was only one perfect man and "WE" crucified him. He died on that cross for your sins and mine. My past sins. My present sins. And my future sins. This is a baseball board. Let's talk baseball.

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