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vs. ATHLETICS 7/27


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If we lose this game, it will be really hard to stomach.

It's like we just stood up to the bully with our comeback, and then turned around and and broke our leg celebrating our intestinal fortitude.

While I agree with the sentiment, I also acknowledge that plenty of time is left for ANOTHER comeback.

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On some levels that is fine. We have an off day on Thursday and have had good starting pitching recently except for one bad start. We have an 8 man pen. Tonight we needed 4 outs before the big guys and plenty of guys available. I think the pen is fairly fresh, we had alot of offdays in June and the All Star Break. He could of went to Gregg there.

I am not defending tonights move at all. It was absolutely inexcusable. He didn't even have backup ready either in case the guy wet the bed (he doesn't have particularly good ML numbers thus far either).

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I'm so p***d, I'm going to turn back to the Olympics now and see if Sir McCartney is on yet. Actually hope I missed him.

I heard they light Madonna on fire and shoot her into the caldron to light the flame. This way, everyone wins!

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I am not defending tonights move at all. It was absolutely inexcusable. He didn't even have backup ready either in case the guy wet the bed (he doesn't have particularly good ML numbers thus far either).

I know you aren't. Where was Patton that inning either?

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