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Offseason Priorities


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Nick Swisher at first would be the ideal upgrade, all things considered. He brings OBP, switch hits, and will only cost money.

People are screaming about upgrading at second, but 1) There are not good options in FA, 2) Trading for someone will be expensive, 3) We have some options already.

Between BRob, Flaherty and Andino, I'm comfortable with our situation there.

If McLouth comes back, you've got Davis, Betemit and Reimold for DH and first. All three will be on this team next year. McLouth is key to me. Even if he reverts, he can fill the 4th outfielder role (which must be able to play CF).

I'm all for a big upgrade offensively, but I'm just not sure its worth the cost relative to the options we have already. Keep in mind, this offense got up to within 1 pitch of playing Detroit to go to the World Series. And why? Because of the bullpen and defense. THIS is where I would focus my energy. Keep adding cheap arms to the AAA level. Our roster fungibility was why this team won 93 games. Continuing that strategy is our best (and only) chance at going back to the playoffs.

I do think we'll need a Saunders type. But Duquette knows all this already. I can only hope people will be level-headed for once this offseason when our biggest signing is Scutaro or some such.

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I can't believe some posters want to hand the leadoff position to McLouth. He had some clutch hits and is an exciting player to watch, but he didn't even post a .700 OPS. That .314 OPS would look good in the leadoff position too. I would offer McLouth a one year deal to be 4th OF, but that's it. The O's need to upgrade LF w/ someone who can get on base at a .350 clip or better. Someone like Willingham (trade) or Hunter. I'm not counting on Riemold to play more than a small fraction of the season. He just can't stay healthy. I'll call him Eric Davis-lite.

It will be hard to upgrade 2B, because I can't see the O's paying Roberts $10 million and his replacement a similar amount. Looks like we're stuck w/ another year of Andino/Flaherty.

I'm happy w/ Davis at DH/backup OF for the next couple of years. He led the O's in HR and RBI. Maybe w/ a little improvement he can hit 40 HR/100 RBI.

O's might as well keep Reynolds at 1b because there's no one better on the FA market or that they can reasonably trade for. Might as well give him a 2 year deal, w/ an option, as $11 mill seems to much for next year.

The McLouth obsession has reached epic levels around here.

I guess they want to look at a 2 month stretch and ignore the 2 years before it.

Guys don't magically transform who they are at 31 years old.

Solid 4th OF role player, nothing more.

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There really isnt any FA 2b that will be worth it. Cano isnt leaving ny and kinsler isnt much of an upgrade. He hit .252 and only 19 hrs this year.

However there is a nice 3b FA named david wright. Edwin encarnacion is also listed as a 3b but im not sure if hes any good there. But both of these guys would be massive upgrades to the lineup. We would shift manny to ss and hardy to 2b

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There really isnt any FA 2b that will be worth it. Cano isnt leaving ny and kinsler isnt much of an upgrade. He hit .252 and only 19 hrs this year.

However there is a nice 3b FA named david wright. Edwin encarnacion is also listed as a 3b but im not sure if hes any good there. But both of these guys would be massive upgrades to the lineup. We would shift manny to ss and hardy to 2b

The Met's will pick up Wrights option and Edwin just signed a new 3 year deal.

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Nick Swisher at first would be the ideal upgrade, all things considered. He brings OBP, switch hits, and will only cost money.

People are screaming about upgrading at second, but 1) There are not good options in FA, 2) Trading for someone will be expensive, 3) We have some options already.

Between BRob, Flaherty and Andino, I'm comfortable with our situation there.

If McLouth comes back, you've got Davis, Betemit and Reimold for DH and first. All three will be on this team next year. McLouth is key to me. Even if he reverts, he can fill the 4th outfielder role (which must be able to play CF).

I'm all for a big upgrade offensively, but I'm just not sure its worth the cost relative to the options we have already. Keep in mind, this offense got up to within 1 pitch of playing Detroit to go to the World Series. And why? Because of the bullpen and defense. THIS is where I would focus my energy. Keep adding cheap arms to the AAA level. Our roster fungibility was why this team won 93 games. Continuing that strategy is our best (and only) chance at going back to the playoffs.

I do think we'll need a Saunders type. But Duquette knows all this already. I can only hope people will be level-headed for once this offseason when our biggest signing is Scutaro or some such.

I like the idea of signing Keppinger to a 2/6 deal.

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The McLouth obsession has reached epic levels around here.

I guess they want to look at a 2 month stretch and ignore the 2 years before it.

Guys don't magically transform who they are at 31 years old.

Solid 4th OF role player, nothing more.

McClouth as an Oriole: .268/.342/.435

McClouth from 2007-2009: .265/.353/.467

He magically transformed into.. himself! *gasp* THE HORROR!

I think people that are casually dismissing his performance as an Oriole as a fluke are selling the guy short. If he only costs a few million on a 1 year deal it seems like a worthwhile risk to see if he has regained his form. Nice LF defense, a good base stealer, respectable power, and a good eye at the plate... all traits that this team could use.

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McClouth as an Oriole: .268/.342/.435

McClouth from 2007-2009: .265/.353/.467

He magically transformed into.. himself! *gasp* THE HORROR!

I think people that are casually dismissing his performance as an Oriole as a fluke are selling the guy short. If he only costs a few million on a 1 year deal it seems like a worthwhile risk to see if he has regained his form. Nice LF defense, a good base stealer, respectable power, and a good eye at the plate... all traits that this team could use.

Nobody disagrees that they are traits that this team can use, just disagree on how to use them. To me McLouth has the greatest value as a 4th outfielder. Can step in and start at any of the 3 outfield positions for a while if someone gets hurt. Provides you with a credible substitute to give guys a day off and has the speed to be threat in late innings when you need a PR or PH.

Me I would love to have Hamilton, Bourn, Cabrerra, or any number of other OF AND Nate McLouth over say McLouth, Reimhold and Avery etc... Its about quality depth and that is something McLouth can be.

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Not sure why people continue to think a big bat in the middle of the lineup is among our top concerns. We got the 2nd most home runs in the major leagues. Our problem is hat our OBP was TERRIBLE. We need some players that can get on base so that when our buffet of very good if not superstar home run hitters Jones, Weiters, Davis, Reynolds, and Hardy hit a home run there is someone on base.

We need a 2B desperately. If we can get Manny to move to 2B so we can get a 3B who will probably be a better hitter that would be great. I'm not really comfortable with a McLouth/Reimold LF. If we're trying to be a .500 team that's fine, but if we're trying to win the World Series we need world class players not players that are "good enough" so I'd get an outfielder. For both 2B (or 3B is Machado switches) and LF I would focus on OBP, although of course you take a home run hitter if it's a good deal or he's the best player available.

As far as pitching we looking pretty damn solid right now. That said it never hurts to sign a TOR starter. If we can sign a TOR starter we don't need Saunders. Look at all these pitchers that have been pitching incredible we'll have available!

1. New TOR Starter

2. Hammel

3. Tillman

4. Gonzalez

5. Johnson

6. Chen

7. Bundy

Honestly we don't really NEED a TOR starter. Our entire rotation is already pitching like 1-3 starters. I'll be very confident with this pitching if we can sign a couple of bats with great OBP.

Edit: and NEVER bat J.J. Hardy in the top half of the lineup. He hits a lot of home runs but can't get on base. He should be a 7 or 8 hitter.

Agree with most everything you said, absolutely correct about 2B and an OBP guy being top priority, if we have guys on base (including a healthy Nick), those homers turn into more runs. A couple points of disagreement though...

First, I think you have to give McClouth at least the shot at the full time LF job, hoping he has returned to his production of three years ago, whether his downturn was because of injury or situation, what he did the last two months was basically what he did a few years ago and he's not that old (and what he does, good OBP, a bit of speed and power, excellent defense, and a gamer who fits on the team, a just what we need).

Second, while I agree that we are pretty set with pitching, possibly one of our guys ends up a TOR guy or at we have 3 number two starters, either way it's fine. I would sign Saunders, I think he thrived with this team, think he liked it here, think he pitched better because of that, and would be great depth and stability at the bottom of the rotation. Don't think we need anyone else.

One last thing, which was quite a laugh, was having Johnson (I am assuming that's Steve, not Jim) ahead of Chen. No offense to Steve Johnson, he was quite serviceable and filled a nice role for us and maybe has a future with us or someone else in the big leagues, but to put him ahead of Chen, who had a very solid season and should be better conditioned and experienced this season, is silly. Johnson (again, assuming Steve), isn't even ahead of B.Mat, Britton or Arrieta for that matter on starters hierarchy.

Otherwise, spot on observations.

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Agree with most everything you said, absolutely correct about 2B and an OBP guy being top priority, if we have guys on base (including a healthy Nick), those homers turn into more runs. A couple points of disagreement though...

First, I think you have to give McClouth at least the shot at the full time LF job, hoping he has returned to his production of three years ago, whether his downturn was because of injury or situation, what he did the last two months was basically what he did a few years ago and he's not that old (and what he does, good OBP, a bit of speed and power, excellent defense, and a gamer who fits on the team, a just what we need).

Second, while I agree that we are pretty set with pitching, possibly one of our guys ends up a TOR guy or at we have 3 number two starters, either way it's fine. I would sign Saunders, I think he thrived with this team, think he liked it here, think he pitched better because of that, and would be great depth and stability at the bottom of the rotation. Don't think we need anyone else.

One last thing, which was quite a laugh, was having Johnson (I am assuming that's Steve, not Jim) ahead of Chen. No offense to Steve Johnson, he was quite serviceable and filled a nice role for us and maybe has a future with us or someone else in the big leagues, but to put him ahead of Chen, who had a very solid season and should be better conditioned and experienced this season, is silly. Johnson (again, assuming Steve), isn't even ahead of B.Mat, Britton or Arrieta for that matter on starters hierarchy.

Otherwise, spot on observations.

Sorry folks but we need to stop thinking like the Orioles of the previous 14 yrs and start thinking like a team that wants to take the next step.

You do not do that by taking a guy who had 200 something good at bats, a terrible injury history and making him your starting LF while hoping he can "continue his return to form" you do that by bringing a guy who has consistently put up numbers. There are no gaurentees but there are many better and more consistent options out there to be explored. Does not diminish McLouth's value as a 4th OF, to me that is were Nate McLouth has the best value for a winning team.

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Ichiro had a .696 OPS for the season. He got paid 17 M for that. He's old, he's not going to be much better. You really want to pay him enough to get him to come here with those numbers. Much better to take a chance that McLouth has rediscovered himself for one year and 3 M, IMO. The worst case scenario is you get a good 4th OF at a reasonable price.

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