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Angelos yet to sign off? ESPN


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Look....I know Angelos and there is no way he gives up 100% power of a half billion $$$$ cmpany to AM. No way. I wouldn't give it up and doubtful anyone here would. I've also been told AM has to deal with his son to a point which is worse than dealing with PGA.

By the way I think this report is false!

I think there are a good couple handfuls of owners that want to sign off on every deal like Angelos, they are just smart enough to keep their names out of the press when they do block something.

Pete just likes being in the spotlight, saves him money on having to run more of those "have you or anyone you know been exposed to asbestos on the job?" commercials.

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So you think it is being made up by the media after all?

I'm just bothered by the delay. If everything is hunky-dory, why is all this happening "tomorrow" rather than today.

I'm like Moose, until Angelos signs on the dotted line, I full expect to see both Bedard and Roberts in Spring Training.

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I think it IS an issue due to the last 10 years of inept leadership. It should remain an issue until both Bedard and Roberts are GONE. Until this happens, AM is just another one of his gofers. Angelos has only himself to blame due to his track record. AMAZING, that anyone can offer even the slightest support for him until he PROVES , that this time is different, and given that we've been trying like hell to trade Roberts for 2 months and have not done so is at least indicitive of the same old crap. And before anyone says they wanted to trade bedard first, go reread the December boards. That speaks for itself. Hell, Angelos will have to do alot more than allow a few trades before I will give him the "benefit of the doubt. How about hands off for 3 or 4 years. How about not having EVERYTHING turn into a circus. From the draft interference to not signing top latin talent, to taking 10 years to get a decent spring training facility, etc. etc. etc.

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We aren't necessarily blaming him because we want to, but because of the ESPN report....... We can't dispute the facts and reports! WE just have to react to them

The fact is, he hasn't signed off because he hasn't been presented the deal.

There is nothing to blame him for....yet.....if at all.

I'm sure if this was a problem, AM would know about it. The deal has only been in the works for 2 months.

I think it's a non-story....or at MOST, should be a footnote to the main story.

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I've been hearing some bad things myself. The more things chnage, the more they stay the same. Wonder why?? :rolleyes:

Any chance it could be part of the disinformation campaign in the Warehouse? Maybe Angelos doesn't want people to know he's given absolute authority to MacPhail...

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